The 2-Week Effect I began to notice it when I was in my freshman year of high school, it happened so frequently it was hard not to notice. The first time I saw it was with a friend of mine, who, for protecting the innocent I'll name "Nick". Nick had talked to me at school before for relationship advice, God knows why they came to me. . . This time he was telling me that he thought he was legitimately in love with his girlfriend. I said give it two weeks and if you still feel the same way I'll believe you. Well, two weeks later he comes to me saying he finds himself looking at other girls, and has lost his romantic attachment to his girlfriend, and wanted advice on how to break up with her. I thought it was funny on the overlook, but then it happened again. Renaming the innocent, Kayla and Alfonzo had been together three or four days, but flirting for almost a year. Kayla had confessed her "legitimate love" to him in a note, which he bragged about on the bus ride home. Two and half weeks later, he had been dumped by her. Then the next week, a friend of mine, (renamed) Alicia, talked to a few mutual friends and I about how even though she felt a strong romantic feeling toward (renamed) Johnathan a few weeks ago, but now seems to have lost it all. From then, I took a notebook and described all the occurrences of it, which I'm referencing from now, years later (my memory isn't that good). Between then, late freshman year, and mid sophomore year of college, where I gave it up, it happened 47 times. Psychology has interested me, and it still does. I was thinking about researching this and if it wasn't coined, writing paper and publishing. I'd like to hear what have to say.
I think you summed up my thoughts in your first tag here: lust. Being Jewish, I have no reason to really be interested in a girl who's not Jewish as well (as we don't do intermarriage), any more than just friends. That's limited me so far to two girlfriends, both over a year in relationship. However, I see a good amount of friends go through this 2-week thing, and I think it's purely based on sex appeal. After a week or so, you realize that they really don' them, and they break up. My thinking, though, I've never had the experience first hand.
I've been hit by the 2 Week Effect. Twice. It's not pretty, and basically the same things happened either. But whatever. Most of my friends actually don't get hit by this, unlike Insane's friends.
Me and Amber are still living it strong, however besides some minor things, but thats for us to work on together.. But since we have gone out (which is over a year now), we've both seen more then 15 break-ups from friends online (me) or in school (mostly amber). But it happens, people are picky and choosy and have natural selection.. Btw iv written things already about this subject alittle, but mine is more all relationship wise, then one thing, but I guess they are common enough.
Keep everything casual, because you can keep a friend forever. A high school relationship can make friendship awkward (or eliminate it) once it's over. That's not to say I don't know people who just move on, but I go to a school with a class size of 90 so you really HAVE to do that.
Hell, I'll take the two week effect. I can't even get a girl to like me for 2 minutes! Anyway, yeah chalk it up to being young. Furthermore, Initial attraction will always be based on looks, simply for that fact you can't intrinsically "know" what someone is like so we're forced as a species to value looks. After two weeks or so you'll discover what they're actually like and probably revaluate those attractions. Unfortunately it's only the ugly people that realise this. The hot chicks will still only go for the hot guys despite this fact. The only reason I know this of course is because an ugly friend told me. Naturally I was oblivious! >.> <.<
Ive seen my friends go through hundreds of relationships all added together. Ive been with Amanda for 8 years while almost every other person i know jumps from one to the next, never looking back. Hell, Ive been with my second girlfriend for over 3 months now. Why cant these kids manage to figure this **** out?
Also untrue. My girlfriend of 8 years, whom I love more than anything in the world, I met when I was merely 16 in high school. We've been dating ever since and everything has been perfect. Just because 95% of high schoolers have a misconception of love does not mean it cannot exist at that timeframe.
People are shallow and dont think with their minds. They think they are attracted to someone and so get in a relationship, but more often than not, they are temporary conveniences, not relationships. Hence the 50% divorce rate in the US. Idiots amuck.
Day one. Story time. They sit in a circle. The teacher begins the story....suddenly, they lock eyes across the circle. And it was love at first sight! lol /completelyrandom Something else that I think attributes to it: we're bombarded constantly with stories, movies, books, TV, etc, about how wonderful people's love lives are and how they live happily ever after. In actuality I think a relationship is about getting to know (and love) each others personalities, but it's also a compromise of interests and isn't 100% perfect constantly, like they make it to seem on media.
True relationships arent about lust nor emotional satisfaction, little do most realize. Its a partnership in which you share your very being with another and love them for exactly who they are. It was said that if you can't answer a question in place of your spouse, you are not truly married as you do not really know who they are.
Well that's not completely true, it was back in the day of half day kindergarden. My mom was in the morning class and my dad in the afternoon class. Then my dad the moved the year after. /completely unrelated
my relationships normally last between 5-6 minutes, depends how long they stayed tied down.... but my last relationship was about 2 weeks long... so touche... i was thinking to myself "i hope a forgehubber knows whats going down here" and here we are... if you write anything i'd like to hear it, but overall it'll end up being a lust>love thing, then 2 weeks after (the "honeymoon" period if you will) stuff hits the fan. and i dont want to clean that up. ever.
Well, I knew if it was only a 2 week relationship, of course it would be lust, or at least 90% of us would assume so, but a lot of these were very long relationships, some over a year. But they would end 2 weeks after one of them assured themselves of their love for the other. They'd be together for months, and then decide they "love" their partner of the opposite sex, and then dump them about 2 weeks later. I laughed at the guy who said "My relationships last about 5-6 minutes, depending on how long they stay tied down." That made my day.
Agreed, Amber and I plan yo be dating through High school and Beyond. Oh and Amber has been my first girlfriend ever If anyones game is to just do it for lust and pleasure, I piddy da foo'