More like 0 kills and doesn't take up 1 of your 3 killstreak spaces! Name: brutality Kills: 18 Effect: Calls in a predator-like missile that automatically follows it's target at high-speed. 1 missile will be called in for ever enemy and vehicle on the enemy team and follow it's target. (vehicles can flare this)
You could hide outside or try outrun it! People outrun max speed predators all the time because it can't manoeuvre well. Name: Flying sentry Kills: 7 Effect: Mark on the map like an airstrike and a box looking ship will fly there and camp. This ship has much more health than a normal sentry, 2 flares, and a chopper gunner type gun (it can see 360 degrees and can kill targets when flying to it's location).
My Killstreak Name : Tank Package Kills : 14 Effect : You see a Pavelow Drop a giant crate witch take 10 seconds to open and you get to get inside and use the tank ( its a certain kind of care package thing so you could get a light tank,normal tank or heavy tank).
1 posters revive too many old MW2 threads nowadays. anyways, to make this not spam, danger package 8 kills a care package that is guaranteed to get you a deadly killstreak.
Yeah I was thinking that too and they all seem to have gamertags.... Oh well... Name: The AC130 is a lie! Kills: 3 kills less than the killstreak (5 kills minimal) Effect: Demotes any killstreak that calls in an attack vehicle (this one is AC130) to the next best thing (lower kills). AC130 would be pavelow.
Name: Supply Box Kills: 30 Effect: an AC 130 drops a huge create that crush all under it when its on the ground you can resupply. I got this idea of battlefield 2 order in a supply creat and order all your men under it
Name: Whoops... Kills: 9 Effect: Friendly fire is instant-kill on the enemy team, any team kills during the killstreak will count towards your kills. If the mode is set to hardcore friendly-fire is disabled on your team. Duration: 60 seconds.
Spy Moad! Kills: 3 Effect: When an enemy aims at you they see a green gamertag rather than a red one. Duration: 30 seconds.
Name: Suicide Bomber Kills: 6 Effect: Covers your body with C4 from the neck down. Being killed causes you to explode with a javelin + danger close radius.
Laser Anti-Directive Missiles (15 kills) Nuclear/ballistic Missiles, Predator Missiles and Javelins can't be used for 3 minutes, or after an EMP. Uses a High-Energy, Highly Accurate, and practically instantaneous Laser, similar to Modern Laser Cutters, to destroy missiles mid-flight, causing each to explode with the radius of a fragmentation grenade mid-air.