week 10's theme: FUNNY. Duh. Anyway, I just posted in week 9's submission thingy. Can Submissioners vote too? If so, can we vote 4 ourselves?
Orange, this might not be the place for this, but can I just say that I like what you do with the SOTW banner each week, it's a nice touch. The newest one compels me to compliment you, I like Lightsout's picture in the T, that is very cool looking. Keep up the good work on SOTW.
just want black theorem to help me out here... the theme is humor.... wtf am i finding humorous? no offense intended, i seriously dont get it...
ok THAT I just laughed at.... Umm.... i've got to ask about this tiebreaker thing, I got 3 votes, o1000LioNs got 2 votes and black theorem only got one. I was just wondering how there is a tie to break there... I mean at least with theorem's. i know i must of sounded quite bad there, but i wanted to know the way this thing is done, i could understand you voting on top of our votes and voting o1000LioN's (thus making a tie) but a 3 way one is a bit odd, what with all of them having different numbers of votes.
Orange, you need to be a little more strict on this week's submissions. I cant een tell half of the main colors
I changed it to color scheme really. Seeing as i just wanted 1-2 main focus colors. ALOT are Black & White
Well, my thoughts were that the pic was supposed to use a color as a "topic" or theme. The thing is, though, that the black and white FX makes it easy to make a pic. I just hope the voters know which pics take more skill.
I get what you mean, They probably will. Also, would darkness be to similar of a theme to this one to use? PS: Updated. Winners area is more complex. --- Would anyone have any opposition to me giving CnC to all the entries? I wouldn't count it as a vote.
It would be, but its too opinionated. Is Sky to narrow? Possible themes for 14 -Sky -Recon -Darkness -Hot/Cold (Have it look really hot or really cold