Neon Sun

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LD, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. LD

    LD Ancient
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    2 Weeks after the original Release Date i present you: Neon Sun

    As always I apologize for any Language Mistakes, but I'm sure you will be able to understand me.

    Neon Sun is my second Map on Forgehub and the first I have really ever finished, it is also my first Conquest Map.
    I have worked on Neon Sun for about three Months now, after several major changes I'm finally happy with the Layout, the Astehtics and the Gameplay of Neon Sun.

    Please download the Map before you judge it, it wasnt easy to show the whole Map on Screenshots, so a Forgethrough will show you every Corner for yourself. If you spot anything you want to criticize, feel free to do so, but do it constuctive.


    This is overview of Neon Sun, the yellow Part is playable, everything else are Asthetics. Unfortunately I forgot to take the Roof off for the Screenshot, sorry for that.


    This is the blue Spawnroom. The Map is symetrical, so the red Side looks the same, except for the color ^^


    You are able to shoot into the other Spawnroom.
    This may sound stupid to some of you, but it worked out great during our testing phase, somehow it stopped the other team from Spawncamping, as someone of the attackig team decided to stay behind and shoot through the Window, that way it was way easier for the other team to escape from their Spawn Room.


    This is the Second Territory and the Entrance to the Spawnroom, the Structures on the Left and on the Top of the Picture are just Asthetics.


    The Middle territory with a little Pit. If you fall down there you will fall down the whole Tower and die instantly if you hit the Floor.


    A Sideview of the Red Entrance and some of the Asthetics.


    A view out of the Red Spawnroom. Thats basicly the whole Map. Now on to some of the Astehics.


    Our beloved Conquest Logo, its out of reach, so you cant jump there, not even in Forge, because its out of the boundarys and behind a Invisible Death Wall.


    The reason why the Map is Called Neon Sun, I love the little Light Effects on the Tower. (+ I name all of my Maps after Songs ^^)


    Its possible to jump to the 'regular' Part of Sandbox, but you will get killed by the Guardian Towers as soon as you land.


    Its also possible to Stand on the little Columns underneath the Map, but thats pointless, the territories are out of reach and you cant shoot anyone, so you have to jump down the tower ...


    ... On your way down, scream Conquest in Matchmaking as loud as you can and think about why you decided to leave your team alone ...

    I would like to thank:

    Everyone at Conquest in Matchmaking

    MultiLockOn for The Great Walls Conquest Logo.

    ASSASSINinWH1TEs Beacon for showing everyone and Sandbox isnt just the Ground Level, the Skybubble and the Crvpt.

    My guys from Team i5m

    Everyone who reads this.

    Thank you, LD.

    Download Links

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    Holy **** holy **** holy ****.
    This is gobsmackingly unimaginably beautiful. There is almost a trippiness to the colours, because of the lights and the towers.
    I will test gameplay tonight hopefully but aesthetics wise this is awe inspiring. :) 5*

    EDIT: first :)
  3. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I have seen alot of maps on the towers, but none this amazing! I was going to make my own one but I cant get that close to the towers before the barrier kills me. I can get out of the map but not that close to the tower. Anyway, the map itself is very pleasing to the eye. Its very smooth and corresponds well to the gameplay, nice job!
  4. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Truely an epic map. not only is it a legit conquest map ( although i suck at conquest the makers are still very talented. (thats you) It is also an aesthetic BEAUTY!
    I like it
  5. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    I did a quick run through of this map and aesthetically it was very nice.

    Although I did not play a game on it, the map is small. It seems as though you would only be able to play with 4-6 people before it becomes overcrowded.
  6. KurmisTheFrog

    KurmisTheFrog Ancient

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    Just did a forgethrough, looks as good as I expected from the preview! I'll probably play it during a party at spring break
  7. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Very good map. Great idea to forge into the gaurdian tower to get that extra "WTF??" in a game. I realized its starting to become a regular thing to put the conquest logo in maps. dl and 4.99999 / 5
  8. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you =)

    You can get close to some towers, but not all of them, just try different ones.

    Thanks =) I'm happy you guys like it that much ^^

    I tested it with 4v4 and it worked great, but I wouldnt recomend more players. On the other Hand, 3v3 got a little boring after a couple of rounds.

    Thanks =)

    Only 4.99999? -.- joke, thank you ^^
    Yeah, I saw the Conquest Logo on The Great Wall a couple of hours before i released Neon Sun and thought it would be great if every conquest map would have the logo somewhere
  9. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    I don't know why, but I can't see the pictures. Is this because i'm on a mac?
  10. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    i can't see the pictures either, but i did download and it is pretty epic.

    only problem i can see is with that brute shot you can do some pretty bad spawn kill with that thing.
  11. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG so sexy, this map has GREAT forging and the game conquest is great. The idea of adding it into a guardian tower was a great idea. The columns in the tower and the aesthetics are great!
  12. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My GOD!!!! This map will be a Featured I guarantee it. This is just further reason why Conquest deserves to be in Matchmaking... This is a 10 on looks alone. I'm downloading!!!!
  13. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw them on my PC, my iPod and a frieds Mac, so I dont think ts because of the mac, but I have no Idea why =/

    I uploaded the pictures again, I hope you guys are able to see them now, if not, go here: i5m KS LD Recent Screenshots

    Thanks for dowloading the map without seeing it =) During our testing the Bruteshot wasnt that much of a problem, its powerfull, but if you die, it falls down into the spawnroom of the team youwere spawncamping, giving them 2 Bruteshots (sometimes). In the early design stages (? ^^) there was only one Bruteshot in the middle of the window, so the team who grabbed it first had the advantage, but I deleted it because the ones who knew the map always got it and it was unfair to newbs.

    Wow, thank you =)
    I would sacrifice my feature to bungie, to give Conquest the spot it deserves ^^ if they accept features as payment ...

    And thank you too ^^
  14. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    very impressive, in the first photo I saw the tower and was like what the heck can you forge with is that shiny!? Then I scrolled down and saw the tower, ITS BRILLIANT, only thing is if you have any more budget could you consider increasing the size of the map in version two.
    BTW how did you forge into the guarding without the pieces magically disappearing on you?
    #14 II6clique jxIxj, Mar 17, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2010
  15. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks =)
    I have a little bit of budget left, but only orround 6 objects to work with, so v2 (if there will be one, but i doubt it, because i need some months to finish a map and reach would be out until then).

    I saved and quitted evrytime i had to merge too close to the tower ^^ which was about half of the map, it kind of reminded me of old school geo merging ^^
  16. Zneakey

    Zneakey Ancient

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    That's what i call doing work son! finally a completely finished map by the one and only German forger LD!

    Let's waste the space on reach, baby!

  17. Mabolsa Ritchie

    Mabolsa Ritchie Ancient
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    This looks tastey, i'll enjoy a forge through this tonight. Looks like you've put some hard labour into this. Good job.
  18. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    there's a really good one on the towers called Oasis, i think.
    it's also a conquest map. both are equally amazing in my opinion. but this one is very unique.

    btw, the pictures at the top of the post are too large to fit on my computer screen. you think you can shrink them a little? cuz it's difficult to see the map. download from me anyway...
  19. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have seen another map on the towers too, but only the xf thread, it was released about 3 hours before neon sun ^^

    hm, all the pictures are embedded, so they should fit. On my screen they resize to about 700x400 or something.

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