EDIT: Once again, i did not make this forum, it was a heated topic in bungie, and since not all forge hubbers travel to bungie.net i brought it here, i infact really like the BR. the person that wrote this did not. I am not the writer, i am simply bringing heated topics from b.net to FH _____________________________________________________________ It has been brought to my attention that not many people understand the purpose of this thread, this thread is not an anti BR thread. what I am saying is that there are simply to many of them. If all the BR's were replaced with pistols this thread would be the same. PLEASE DO NOT say something along the lines of BR owns AR and you are a NOOB for not using it. This thread is about the lack of variety in weapons. Hopefully that helps. This is going to sound like I am ticked at the world and that I hate Bungie, but I don't so hold the comments on that. Lately I have gotten very bored of Halo because it has generally been reduced to AR's and BR's with a small mix of other weapons, now this isn't always true that is why it says generally. After a severe case of boredom I went to find the answer to the ever occurring problem of BR's, I mean seriously? There are way to many in the game. To show my point a little I put links to the heatmaps comparing the BR to something else. [This next isn't going to be all about BR's but weapons in general] Avalanche 19 Battle Rifles - Ummm... maybe they lost count? 1 Shotgun 2 Snipers 4 Spikers 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Needlers 2 Brute Shot 1 Spartan Laser 2 Rockets Warthog Turret Battle Rifle Spiker From this we can see a very big difference. Now, I understand there reasoning behind the BR's but remember Coagulation? We had SMG's and were told to walk to the other side of the map and there were not very many BR's there at all. Foundry 8 Battle Rifles 1 Shotgun 2 Snipers 4 Spikers 1 Plasma Pistols 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Brute Shots 1 Rocket Assault Rifle Battle Rifle It's bad that the BR gets used more than the basic starting weapon right? Now on this map I don't see there reasoning at all, it is a rather small map with a lot of clutter in the way. I think the BR's were added in here just to make the "Pros happy, bad choice I think BR = Boring. Isolation 4 Assault Rifles - Only half of the maps have them =( 12 Battle Rifles - I see now it takes 12 Battle Rifles to equal 4 Assault Rifles! 1 Shotgun 1 Sniper 2 Spikers 1 Needler 4 Brute Shots 1 Rocket 2 Maulers Battle Rifle Assault Rifle Now maybe instead of all of these BR's we could get something new... like a sword? or maybe something like a covenant weapon... [I mean Covenant not Brute] Rat's Nest 2 Assault Rifles 12 Battle Rifles - ..... 2 Shotguns 1 Sniper 4 SMG's - Everyone take a moment and visualize where these spawn... 4 Spikers 2 Needlers - I don't even know where these spawn 2 Brute Shots 1 Rocket 1 Turret 1 Hammer Now most of these weapons I don't know where they spawn because there are soo many BR's every and the BR is like a power weapon, a very overused and over placed power weapon. Standoff 2 Magnums - Might be useful if they gave you another to duel... 2 Needlers 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Assault Rifles 8 Battle Rifles - Again, seriously? can we get another weapon please Bungie? 2 Shotguns 2 SMG's 2 Spikers 2 Rockets 1 Spartan Laser 2 Brute Shot 2 Turrets 2 Maulers 2 Snipers - Oh, wait nevermind that would make to much sense.... The BR's really have to go not everybody in the game needs one! The BR should be treated like a power weapon, placed as little as possible. And this map needs a Sniper, I mean why not? Well, it would dominate the map and that would be unfair and make me have to be creative and think of a way to kill him. Remember Coagulation? It didn't matter then why should it matter now. Valhalla 12 Battle Rifles - BR spawns are really fun when the only weapon on the map is a BR 2 Shotguns 2 Snipers 6 SMG's - They almost added variety! 4 Spikers 4 Plasma Pistols 1 Laser 1 Turret 2 Missile Pods - Yes! Now banshees are useless! 2 Brute Shots I like this map, I really do, I just can't stand how the BR is everywhere! Now some of you are going to understand my frustration and others are gonna call me a noob but whatever. The Pit 2 Assault Rifles 6 Battle Rifles - It's the end of the world as we know it... 2 Shotguns 2 Sniper Rifles 4 SMGs - Something higher than the BR, no way! 4 Spikers - Yippee! 2 Magnums 2 Plasma Pistols 4 Plasma Rifles - Woohoo! 2 Needlers 2 Brute Shots 1 Rocket 1 Sword 2 Turrets 4 Maulers - Ehhh... not a fan Now this may be a surprise to some of you, but other than the annoying spawns this map is almost perfect. Whoever placed these weapons needs to get a pay raise. The only thing I don't like is that this map is always BR soawns for me... =( Sandtrap 14 Battle Rifles - Have you ever walked around this map? Around every corner is a BR. 2 Shotguns - These work well against BR's... ehhh not really 1 Sniper - Placed so it is easier to get for defenders... 5 Brute Shots - This takes the point out of the vehicles. 1 Rocket 2 Spartan Laser - So much for those vehicles right? 3 Turrets - Placed on a very inconvenient side of the Elephant 1 Gravity Hammer 2 Missile Pods This map is like Avalanche except all the vehicles are destroyed in 3 minutes. And the BR thing? Remember Coagulation, don't forget that ever. Epitaph 1 Battle Rifle - Maybe this is why you hate this map so much 1 Shotgun 1 SMG - They really are useful without a dual... 4 Spikers - Almost every map has 4 spikers but they never get used. 1 Magnum 1 Plasma Pistol - Where does this spawn? 3 Plasma Rifles - This might be wrong my hand writing is a little messy 1 Needler 1 Brute Shot 1 Rocket 1 Gravity Hammer 1 Carbine - Not sure got a Pm saying so though This map is actually really fun, except the shield doors, they are not so fun. Now for Reference a Halo 2[ish] map: Blackout 1 Sword 3 Magnums 1 Plasma Pistol 2 Battle Rifles 1 Shotgun 1 SMG 1 Sniper I realize this is a really small map but it's easy to see how much more balanced the weapons are. I'm not gonna list all the maps, I might later but see what I mean? look how many Battle Rifles there are in this entire game! Why do we have BR spawns when we can walk ten feet and pick them up! Bungie, it is a little bit late to do anything but I think this is a little obsessive, there are weapons that don't even appear by default! Maybe make variants and introduce them to Matchmaking? Now I realize that very few of you are going to read this, and yes, China gave me a discount. I didn't realize that you guys forgot that there are so many other weapons, maybe instead of a lot of BR's maybe some more Duals? or a Carbine would nice... Sorry about the pit I must have read wrong.
i rather always have a br than a ar. my guess for soooooooooooooo many brs is because its for combatting other people with br's because ar's wont kill you across the pit but a br could.
I agree with Penguinish. The only map you really actually complimented was Epitaph, the one with only one BR. I think I'm seeing a trend. Why do you hate the BR? Is it because you can't use it or people are too good with it? The AR is a horrible weapon, and Bungie put it in the game for just no reason. I still really don't understand the point of this thread. There is a heck lot of variety in weapons, which is awesome but you still complain.
You make a somewhat decent point but constantly refering to coagulation isnt helping you im afraid. The game mechanics for halo3 and halo 2 are almost entirely different. The Br is different,the sniper is different the vehicles are rebalanced etc. Therefore your point is redundant there. A br is the stable weapon of any decent marksmens and i actually prefer it to a sniper(less reloaing and i actulally get around the same amount of kills) Epitaph has only one br becuase the carbines and brs have a VERY limited use.Epitaph's kinda like snowbound without the above ground I like the way my br beats their AR long as im able to get them in the head and while yes there are loads there are also loads of AR's two three minutes into the game thanks to people dumping it asap becuase it blows goats. And besides there arent that many weapons in the game...(like 16 at a guess?) And about half of them are considered power weapons(rockets,shotty,sniper,sword,hammer etc) and others are not used for mathcmaking due to inbalances(fuel rod cannon and sent beamer) Bungie doesnt have that much of a choice so they decided to please the pro's. The other major group within the halo community wants zombie as a ranked playlist and power weapons around every corner...which do you think would be better for competitive gaming? Not to mention most of the maps arent made for duals,they are quite large. How ridiculous would sandtrap be if people were lapping the place trying to get within melee range with their spikers?The only somewhat decent ones for it are epitaph and...um epitaph...maybe blackout.And they are dominated by stickies and power weapons *shrug* Remember bungie put forge there for a reason.Customs are the way to go if you dont want to play competitively(ie marksmenship-a br can be used to take out a sniper quite handily). Besides even just social slayer has different weapon sets for the maps *Supa Midget disapears in a blast of shamrocks*
I almost agree with the OP. I just don't like BR because everyone is really good with it, and I'm (sadly) only decent... Although, I created a forge map with I believe only 6 battle rifles in it, and 8 assault rifles in it, and lol 8 smgs in it also... Anyways, I always like saying this: Every weapon is useful in it's own specific situation and no weapon is a bad weapon. What matters is what weapons your carrying at the time that determines the outcome.
standoff needs a sniper too. and i'm ok with a br but i can't use it at closer range which can get annoying.
the reason there are not that many AR's on the map's is because you start off with them and there just for ammo
His references to Halo 2 WEREN'T about the actual mechanics or operations of the weapons. His point is that there weren't BR's everywhere and Pro's still came to be, massive battles happened. We used to walk to our fights instead of Spawn, shoot first to take out shield and then head shot. the other varied weapons make the battles much more challenging. For some reason, i have heard that people hate dual's as much as they do isolation. AR's are not useless. I have taken down countless players in BR/AR fights. from opposite sides of the pit. people normally have their sensitivity way to high and freak out if you strafe to them as they try to use their BR. assault kills shield while grenade pulls them closer in. or holds in corner. NOT saying the BR is horrible or useless, just saying that since there are so many of them, thats normally the only type of engagements from any type of distance that you will encounter... instead of tactfully using duals, of grenade/weapon combos (not to be confused with grenade spamming)
My point there was the weapons are different so the games are gonna have different tactics to the old maps. The Br was an unbalanced semi sniper in halo 2 thats why there werent as many. It didn't spread and did more dmg at long range.It's more of a universal tool in halo 3 so all the mlg'ers etc got really good with it.Hence it's what they want now since their so used to it. AR are not needing on maps since there is plenty on the map with spawning people.Same reason you dont overload the place with grenades.People spawn with them. Besides the smgs etc can massacre a Br'er in close combat.I agree its stupid when theres no dual for them but their quite situational wepons since halo's maps are quite large
True, a lot of br's, but what other mid - long range weapon are they going to add? You can't add snipers, ar's and smg's won't do the job. they changed the power of the br, so frankly, i don't see why your complaining. blackout needs more br's. fo sho fo sho. like 4 at leas.t
What's funny is that the maps with less BRs are actually the ones I play best on. Course, if you've ever played with me before, you know why. Eh, in Halo 2, they were balanced. You could easily counter a BR guy with 2 SMGs. Now, it's pretty hard for a guy with ARs to kill a BR. But I adapt. I don't complain that it's 'too hard' to play.
Brs I see ur point but in big maps its a huge disadvantage to be dual or AR vs BR, the point is to give the player a weapon to get in the gmae right away. I recon i feel very out of place when playing blackout TS and not getting the br, may be bungie did spoile us a bit on halo 3 but then again the br is the weapon that gives halo its competitive gameplay.
Yes BR's are common, but that gun is meant to be the workhouse gun of Halo 3. Look at campaign, then lower ranked marines have AR's, the upper ranks have BR's. (ODST) It isnt meant to be just a random weapon, like the Brute Spyker or Plasma Pistol. Its meant to be the all round offensive weapon. Mixing Long and Close range, and proving to work well with a mixture of other weapons, like the sniper, plasma pistol, smg, AR. And yes they do put alot of them on the maps, but they are far from bieng overpowered, especially considering they suck pretty bad mid range compared to most other weapons. Also note Bungie's ties with MLG, never has such an alliance been formed. We are seeing MLG themed maps, clips, Matchmaking gametypes. BR is the workhouse weapon of MLG, maybe Bungie is trying to show a good side to them?
Carbine? mix up the carbines with the BR? BR vs CarB fights always amuse me. you never know which direction they are going to take. BR has advantages. while carbine is essentially the same, people can pump out more shot. but you need to be a better shot with the CarB than the BR
True, I suppose. I've never really had an advantage using Carbines versus BRS, or BRS versus Carbines. It pretty much ends the same, no matter what.
Sounds like someone is just upset that they keep getting killed by BRs. You made the point that BRs outnumber ARs on the map, not true. Maybe in the technical sense yes, but you start out with an AR. Kind of silly, you posting this up here, the BR is the most skilled weapon in the game and the most balanced.