Yep yep, basically all the weapons in the armory never spawn once you pick them up, besides a few mags and AR's. With a full party there's pretty much enough for everyone to grab one goodie (snipy, Br, carb,...) and a few treats (plamehs, frags, mine,...). With the limited ammo, darkness, and 8min rounds I think the Zomberts have the advantage. lol... When I first read the comment about the armory, i'm liek wtf, why is that bad! Things start of in the humans favor but slowly deteriate until the zombies have the upper hand. This is my 1st forged map so I wasnt aware armorys were taboo, hug?
No sir you cannot! ...i left my powerbrick at a lan, and wont be getting it back till the weekend. I could whip something up in ms paint though...