Lunar Omega

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Doomsdale, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    In Halo, everyone can hear you scream.

    Our Story So Far...
    Having escaped the terrors of Dead Ship you are reassigned to a distant moon base. Fate, however, has a thing for following you...

    All of a sudden, you begin to realize that the alien your friends adopted was not such a hot idea afterall...

    Now begins your escape...again!

    Lunar Omega is a linear based infection map. The humans are always on the run from the zombies at the beginning. There are traps to slow the zombies. Limited ammo forces humans to fight with their wits and not just their fingers.

    Mission Brief for your Escape:


    Running from the start is always a good idea.


    The alien is always anxious to escape.


    While running, it is always a good idea to keep an eye on your rear...

    [​IMG] never know what could pounce on you from above.


    Most are able to make it to the first emergency blast door.


    There is, however, usually several unlucky slow ones that are left as food for the alien.


    Continuing through the base, your group comes to the second blast door. This one is usually quick to close.


    If you were too slow for this door, the manufacturers were not stupid and planned a second route bypassing the blast door in just such an occasion. Hopefully, the aliens won't find it before you do.


    Continuing through the air lock brings you to the outside. Moon rovers are still in their garage, ready to be used.


    The Moon is a desolate, barren landscape typical of any moon. Visible here are several lunar gates and the launch pad in the center. There is more here than meets the eye, for in the darker sides of the moon there are outposts.


    The BR Outpost provides a bunker.


    The SG Outpost provides a raised platform for defending.


    And far out into the lunar mare is the RL Outpost which provides a lookout tower for getting a high view of the base.


    Then there is the mysterious KB Anomaly where you found the alien. Aliens will want to run there first and unblock a teleporter behind it to shorten the journey to the outside world.

    Technical Briefing:

    SMGs - Standard defense weapon for the base. Limited ammo scattered across the moon.
    Rocket Launcher - Limited Ammo
    Shotgun - Also Limited Ammo
    Battle Rifle - Cheapskate company sent limited ammo too

    Best Played with 10-16 players. (In other words, more people, more fun)

    Map Varient
    Lunar Omega

    Game-type Varient
    Doom Moon

    Tips for Your Escape:

    -Play the game with the most people. The more the merrier-
    -Have someone guarding your rear as you run through the base-
    -Let people through the blast doors before you close them. Who likes dying alone?-
    -Obey "Wheaton's Law"-
    -Special Gun Ammo DOES NOT re-spawn once you take them. Use them wisely-
    -SMG ammo is limited at each base. Keep moving-
    -Zombies should not bother with the teleporter at the beginning. It won't become unblocked no matter how long you try jumping through it-
    -Zombies should go to the Kill Ball Outpost immediately and destroy/move the fusion coils blocking the teleporter. This allows zombies to go through the one at the beginning, shortening the trip-
    -Zombies chasing humans on mongooses, should position themselves to intercept them as they travel-
    #1 Doomsdale, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  2. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    Damn. That is one of the most impressive write-ups I've seen, you are obviously very confident in your forging abilities and from what I've seen it's well placed confidence, this looks amazing. The amount of effort put into this map must of been immense. Nice job 5*
    #2 ..::Brotherston!x, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    very good map, ive been waiting for a decent map like this to be posted for some time. dL now
  4. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    isn this arleady posted?i think this is a double post.
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I remember trying out the first map and thinking that the concept was pretty good. However, the actual execution was ruined whenever people camped in the dunes; even when the weapons didn't respawn. Additionally, destroying the fusion coils most also killed you which I didn't like. It seems as if you've made camping in the dunes even easier and kept the fusion coil idea. There's a new gametype, does this have any features to combat these problems? If so I'll download it, but right now I don't have much room.

    Additionally the effect seems like it would diminish gameplay. I'm assuming the guardians are blocked off since the bases are out in the guardian zone..? If so those mongooses may be pretty overpowered. I know that these are all assumptions since I haven't played it, but like I said, I don't want to delete something if significant changes haven't been made to the original gametype. Has this been through any testing?

    EDIT: Oh, and from the pictures it seems like you used teleporters again to transport people to the surface. That's not a bad thing, I was just wondering how the aliens got to the surface. Do they use the same teleporters as the humans? And how many are there?
    #5 Plasma Blades, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  6. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    This has been through testing and most of the feedback told me to go ahead and post it. I was planning to renovate in case of problems. The main teleporter used to go to surface is also for the first several zombies to use. However, to prevent camping, the teleporter actually goes to two separate places and not one. There is another teleporter only accessible to the zombies near where they spawn to shorten the journey.
    The camping in the dunes aren't as bad as you think. The effect works to the advantage of the zombies making them harder to spot, thus canceling out any problems you see with camping. The mongooses are indeed faster than the zombies, but since when do you go chasing after them from behind? Mind over matter please.
    The fusion coil method for blocking is completely valid. I was never able to find a better method and this worked just fine. You don't have to blow them up if you are really concerned about killing yourself (after all, when you spawn you can just go through the teleporter and be back where you were in less than 5 seconds), you can just push them out of the way.

    Any thing else?
  7. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Sounds good, if I remember I'll give it a download to see how it is. I should have some feedback by tomorrow night. If you had the budget (or if you make another) you could have a switch with a block where the mancannon doesn't spawn at the start so as soon as you touch the block it gets pushed up. It would look better aesthetically, but I'm sure that if the fusion coils work it shouldn't be a problem.
    You mentioned that special gun ammo does not respawn. Is that referring to the rockets and shotty or everything?
    Anyway, like I said, I'll try to test this out tomorrow, hopefully I'll have some more feedback.

    Alright, I tested it out with a group of people. One of the only problems was people camping out in the dark of the dunes, and since they don't have waypoints it was somewhat annoying. Other than that the only main thing was people on mongooses just running around the map. However, the initial part was as good as the first one. The effect kind of made things complicated though. Anyway, if you're thinking of making a third I would suggest making a mixture of the two, and keep the holdoff area within bounds. If possible it'd also be pretty cool to have more than just a couple teleporters. Just some thoughts, best of luck!
    #7 Plasma Blades, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2010
  8. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    I agree with the waypoint part. I thought about putting them in, except that would take the fun out of finding them. 75m radar should've been good enough...

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