Who likes it? It was designed by TKD NiNjA. Hes great with sigs, he is also very kind, if you are in need of one i suggest you should ask him. His services are great. But tell me, what needs fixing?
The font, in my professional opinion, is a tad unprofessional. LOL Anyway, I don't find the idea of text placed on an abstract background (specifically the type of background you have on your sig) amusing. I would go for the vector type, which is clean. I would also use a different font, something more proportioned and not fancy. But who am I to decide what you want, right? You simply asked for some thoughts, so I gave you mine. It's your decision on whether to make some changes to it or not. By the way, other than the blurriness, love your avatar, dude.
It just doesn't seem very abstract or unique. Basically it seems as if it were made by someone just getting to know PS or any other photo manipulation program.
Yep, newbies don't realize(hell, I didn't until I took graphic design) that clean txt is the best txt.
Unfortunately, a lot more people than just the noobies don't realize this as well. We oughta' start an ad campaign about clean text.