The military has finally given up on quarantine. There is too many of them even for the goverment. The army learned when they attempted to quarantine that warehouse city. Now its not about quarantine this time its SURVIVAL! DeadCity >Map "DeadCity" : Halo 3 File Details >Game "Virus" : Halo 3 File Details Zombie Gameplay Any player that has been infected must use strategy and their undead brain to infect their human prey. If a pesky group of survivors fortify, then thats when the special infected come in to level out the post appocalyptic playing field. Survivor Gameplay The non-infected players have one objective, Stay alive until the round ends! Even though the zombies have special infected on their side you have guns. Grab any and all weapons and find a nice building to fortify. Good luck and aim for the HEAD! Zombie Types Any player who is infected will randomly respawn as any of the three zombie types. Stalker and Sprinter are special infected. There can only be one of each special infected on the field at a time. Zed(Zombie) The Zed is perhaps the most basic zombie. There can be multiple Zeds on the map at once and is the most common zombie. Zeds are easiest to kill with headshots but have a 25% speed advantage on humans. Groups of Zeds are the most effective. Stalker(Stealth Zombie) Before becoming zombies these people were thieves. The Stalker has all physical attributes of a normal zed but appears transparent. They are hard to see but must expose themselves to attack humans. The stalker specializes in taking down camping survivors. Sprinter(Fast Zombie) Leading an active running lifestyle comes in handy even when youre a zombie. The sprinter runs 75% faster than other zombies and Twice as fast as humans. Although their speed sacrifices resistance. So playing as a sprinter players must avoid being hit more than once. Survival Strategies Point Blank Hitting a zombie with some buck shot or a three round burst to the body is risky. However It allows you to use minimal ammo on a zombie. In turn means more kills. Headshot A clean shot to the head means a good kill. It allows you to keep your distance and avoid being lunged at. But at far ranges pulling off a headshot might mean sacrificing more ammo. Cover Me! Making sure a zombie doesnt creep up on your friend might mean he lives long enough to do the same for you. If you see a zombie that your fellow survivor doesnt see shoot it! Key Locations Central Plaza Central plaza isnt a bad place to be. The street light gives it good lighting and there is some tenniment buildings to take shelter in. But take caution that zombies may be lurking in the attics. Suburban District The main housing area of the village. Not all of the houses are in the photo. These houses are rumored to have some stray guns layin around. But zombies seem to just be generating from that area. Maybe the old undead residents of the houses dont want you there. Backtown These are the buildings placed in the way back of the city. Its hard to see around there but there could be some ammo. None of us are brave enough to go back there. Are you? Weapons list Shotgun(low ammo)X2 SMG(good ammo)X2 Sniper(2 clip)X1 *Hidden FlamerX1 *Hidden Magnum(good ammo) *starter BattleRifleDMR(medium ammo)X2 Mauler(low ammo)X2 *hidden Covenant Carbine(low ammo)X2 *Rarely used Improvised molotovs(minimal amounts) Tripper DotX1 *use wisely Please notify me of any changes i could make or any thoughts you have about the map.
I like how you created different types of zombies, almost like L4D. The map isn't anything spectacular, but it doesn't necessarily have to be if it flows well with the game-type.
This is an excellent infection map. I would suggest merging for aesthetics, but it plays smoothly. As for the gametype, I suggest changing zeds to 110% move speed and sprinters to 150, to make it more balanced. It may have been intentional, but it plays a lot better with slower zombies. (I would say 100 and 125, but you're map looks open enough for faster) You may not want to change this, but it would improve it greatly. Aside from that, you should give zombies 75% gravity if you haven't already. Also, I would suggest putting a receiver node on your radio antennae to secure it in place.
wow this is really good i like all the buildings and all the types of zombies you got a 4.8/5.even though there are some bumps and some parts that should be should also add a weapon list on the map(unlees its played on save one bullet)
Im glad everyone enjoyed it. I got a party of 14 players to help me test it out. I thought it played very smoothly. There would be times where zombies would have a hard time getting certain groups of survivors. And then sprinters and stalkers would start spawning to make things more challenging. @GelatinousYam I was thinking about making zombies a bit slower to 110 (zombies are set on 125) but slowing them would make it too easy to land a headshot in turn no fun for zombies. Cranking up their speed might make it too hard to land a headshot in turn no fun for humans. But your idea about 75% gravity is a change i might make. It would help for the rooftop area in backtown.
+ I like the different types of zombies + Its been awhile since someone posted a city infection map, which are some of my favourites. - That being said the forging was kinda sloppy (and dont give me an excuse like "its a destroyed city" because even still there are parts that didnt look like they were meant to be destroyed looking) - Last issue was the fact that you have no time to prepare, for people that have never played the map before and dont know where everything is, this is a big problem. When my party played it none of us knew where the weapons are so it was difficult trying to search for weapons while being attacked immediatly. V2 TIPS - Give the humans at least 30 seconds to prepare before the zombies attack them. Score: 5/10
Sounds like a cool idea. I love city infection maps, but as Jellofish777 said, you need time for humans to get ready. Also, no interlocking is annoying, and makes the buildings bumpy. An interlocked version of this map, with a wait time for zombies, would be a great idea, and make a version without the effects on. Also post pictures without the effects on so we get a good idea of what the map really looks like. Maybe do both if you wish.
Alright let me rephrase it then, the fact that its suppose to be destroyed looking doesnt mean that you get a "get out of interlocking" free card. No I am not stating that a map needs interlocking for it to be good, but I have seen maps and map makers be critisized numerous times for not interlocking at all. By no means does interlocking make a map good, but in the case of maps where they are meant to be destroyed looking (meaning they have an aestetic theme to them) there could be alot more done with some simple interlocking. Common belief is that interlocking makes your map really nice looking, but does that matter if the map is dark and destroyed? Of course! If used correctly interlocking would make it actually look destroyed instead of a weak building made of 4 blocks that fell down one day. Thats all I was getting at.
↲i agree 100% ↲The thing is these type of l4d city stuff is getting old and unless your is better, or uniuqe, how are you getting downloads?↲Anyway good try on a map, read forging 201
Oh guess what i did. Yeah i made an interlocked version and replaced a couple buildings. I cleaned it up the best I could with the remaining credits. I will release it after im completely done revising
The way it is built right now gives it a very Borderlandish feel. The whole shanty town built from random objects look. The fact that you called a zombie class Zed, like Dr. Zed. ha ha I have to say, if you'd built this out in the dunes somewhere like it is now it would have completed that.
I'll second that. The best way to create destruction is by building properly constructed buildings then destroying them. This method applies in art in designing zombies; the better you are at drawing humans, the more realistic zombie designs look. Build realistic structures and blast chunks out of them rather than building them destroyed, since its easier to know what to construct. Besides, you can always keep the building solid if you decide its too nice to demolish. T.G.