I am still n00bin it up, I used Gimp for about 3 years and nothing else, so I am still getting used to Photoshop, so yeah some of these are easy to some people, but most of em were done to just mess around and get used to the program. So here you go, some of my Photoshop CS4 work! Car Series: (Those arent in any real order, I did them all as sigs, because I like sigs hehe) Here are Two I did for a Sig Contest on BWO: And Last but not Least, One I did for My Future Business: Hope You Like em, Enjoy and Thanks for Looking!
Hey there KillRoy.. I have already seen your work, now I am seeing a redundancy in one style. Don't stick to one style, explore more things.
i like the last one. its extremely cool. and the blur is a bit cheesy, try adding some legit effects other than disorting it or whatever you are doing to the edges.
Yeah, I dont really know how to do much else... TEACH MEH...heh. I would love to find some more tutorials, and yeah they look redundant, I am trying to perfect that style. I noticed the more I do it, the faster I can do it because I know what I am doing...I will try some new stuff next time, I have another car lined up..I might try something new with that.