What? I can't make a chaotic map? Don't hate me cause you die everytime you spawn. Only because someone uses rockets or a shottie but COME ON!!! I love my little bastard child! Video: YouTube- Halo 3 Forge - Grocery Store (Sandbox) AND MORE VIDEOS AT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!: YouTube- a0puncfan's Best Halo 3 Forges - DVD Menu SEASON 1 Um... not much to say... It's a small building with a few holes in the roof and a small room full of guns and stuff. Enjoy? On the roof: Overshields, Cloak, a few green houses, a caged flag, and a sniper tower (with sniper). In the store: Tons of guns, a prowler, a red light room with snipers, a cashier's desk, more powerups, and TONS OF GUNS!!!!! TONS!!! Outside: Ramps leading to the roof, a parking lot (filled with warthogs and mongooses), and a fence surrounding the compound. HAVE TONS OF CHAOTIC FUN!!! Only really works with juggernaught and slayer. Map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=102792299 And check out my forge group on bungie.net! Bungie.net : The Unknown Forgers : Group Home
this map is good. but it is easily escapable. i would reccomend making a bigger wall around it and deleting all the weapons inside and playing team fiesta in it. p.s. I love hectic maps 4/5
yeah thats a good idea burrito, i hate when people wander but i didn't want them to camp. all the action is indoors focused and most people are easily sniped out in the dunes. I build the fence for the hogs so people wouldn't escape easily, but people found ways. ugh. Thanks for the suggestion though
I don't care what anybody thinks. I believe you are truly gifted at making maps and I think you should keep on trucking! (Hypothetically speaking) I love the concept and even though I'm not one for hectic maps, due to my OCD, I think it's great. If you want you should check out some of my maps in the Casual section. Good map 4.5/5 if you would have made it just a wee bigger on the inside it would easily make 5/5. Just a little too cramped for all of the power weapons. Nice job man! =)_
just so you know, when you post maps, we don't want to know about your other maps. We want to know about this map, how it plays, and what it looks like. We don't need to hear you complain about how long you spent on your other maps. I don't agree with the weapon armory. Never have, never will. One could camp in there and prevent access to those weapons, using the firepower. Regardless of whether or not this is a chaotic map or not, you shouldn't have to die every time you spawn. Design a way to stop that. aside from those points one could have fun on this map. i just wouldn't want to spend a lot of time on it.