You like Zombies?? You like Racing?? Well here's the game for you! SeS Racers is a really fun Racing/Infection map made by EnKryptix on my former tag ll-eSAVAGE_ll.On this track everyone has one life and an Alpha Zombie spawn on a platform which has a Sniper, Beam Rifle, and Rocket Launcher. The objective of the game is for the Humans to race to the end of the map while avoiding the zombies attacks. Can you surpass the wrath of my custom Snake Tube? Wizz your way through the half-track and over the mancannon of dooooomzors. =) Hop in the Hornet and go kick some ass! But watch out; they'll fight back! : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
Waittt.... This reminds me of something.... Errrr o ya it's a pretty popular gametype called halo / halo 2! If you knew of this gametype, please give credit otherwise, very ingeneous. Are you sure gameplay flows well? What I have noticed on my failed attempts of making a halo 3 (a sequel to halo2 not the video game >.>) is that cover sukzzzz and their seems to lot of it. Another thing is: is the tube campable? Whenever I play halo 2 I always get pissed at people hiding in da tubes.
No I have never played the halo racetracks. But, I made sure the tubes are not campable; and if you do manage to it will be pointless and boring. The gameplay flows very fast and smoothly. Check out my new track I'm uploading now which is similar but a bit more creative and difficult. .::EnKrypted::. Is the name of it. Should show up soon in this section.
No Gametype. 0/10. Actually the map does look fun and much more entertaining, in my opinion, than Halo 1 & 2 simply because they're just one big circle and the entire level of difficulty is completely derived from the segment of track where it changes from double wall / wall to the half and quarter walls. Where as my friends have always loved the Halo maps, I've always thought them to be a complete waste of time. On the other hand, having an enjoyable custom game experience on THIS looks feasible. I commend you on the map. But yeah the gametype link goes straight to [TmX Courtroom] which I downloaded simply to burn some time. I'd love for you to post it. Until then I'll simply use the Halo gametypes since they pretty much ARE the same thing. Also, HOW could you have not played them? You're a Colonel Grade 2 with almost 2k custom games! EVERYONE has played Halo. EVERYONE.
Okay I have posted the gametype. And idk man; I play with a certain group of people, and nobody has it. xD