it looks great and all, but i dnt really see it as the master chief... thts just IMO. IMO, u should change the name to giant robot or something cause it does look pretty cool, but, nd im sry, i just dont see the chief in this... idk, ill check it out. Maybe itll look more like it in game nd not on a small pic, but thts all just IMO
i know i get this all the time its just i ran out of room at the top of the head and there was no room for a neck and if you look closey in the second picture (and you have to use you imagination) it does look like masterchief. i mean it is kind of hard to make a masterchief head this big with no supplies. try it then get back to me. don't get offended by it i say the same thing to everyone
alright, after using my imagination, i can tell it slightly resembles him, but not to me offensive, nd i completely understand lack of supplies, i just dnt see it tht well, sry, again, no offense
Heh, when I first saw your Masterchief... it reminded me of the very first episode of Doctor Who that I'd ever seen.
wow, im sorry but this map isnt really that great. Just another giant robot map, and no masterchief at all
Not so great. Just give it time. You have to take into consideration that alot of (the good) maps on here take lots and lots of time to do (20, 30 hrs or more in some cases) and the time involved really shows. Basically I could crank out this particular map in about 20-30 minutes from scratch. Just come up with an idea and work at it, don't rush through it. And I'm sorry. It looks more like marvin the martian than master chief. It could be any squat looking character with a gun.