Hey guys this is Sethiroth, I not vary popular hear on ForgeHub, But i have had many maps on MLG Forge Forum and even had some make Playtest for MLG. But i am hear with a new Sketch-up that will make you slap your mom(JUST A JOKE). This map is a Asymmetric map that support Arena gameplay like 2 Flag CTF, KOTH, BOMB,ODDBALL and TS. I have been trying to come up with a map like this for over a Year now, but have failed more than i liked. But Now i have gotten to a point where i think it has potential. This map only uses 244 objects out of 300 and thats including Grass. So there will be room to make changes and make it even better. So here is Some Pics. Overview This is a view from Sniper to Rockets This is a View from Rockets to Sniper This is Red Court And last this is the view from Blue Flag to Red Flag I hope someone that is vary good with forge will pic this up. If your intrested PM me and i will send you the sketch-up.
Also Send me a Friend Request (GT-Sethiroth iZ bK) so i can look at what you have forged so i can make see if i think you can forge it. Also who ever Picks up the map i will be willing to help forge some of it
Are you trying to capture the essence of something being destroyed? I might be interested in doing this. You know what I've forged.
Hey, I like this map. And if you were to help I would be able to build it, but I am stocked full of other things. I wish you the ebst of luck with finding an owner. I do have one to suggest though. Jeef.
Me and Jeef had made many maps together and i think we might need a break from it. And Ace think more of Nature like instead of destroyed
wow that looks amazing. I really hope you can pull this off because you already have 5 stars and a DL from me.
hey ill help you out with this, if youd like to see some of my work let me know and ill show you but overall id love to build this it looks amazing
this is very cool, im making a map similar to this although it doesnt use all of those tube pieces, your will turn out way better then mine, I can tell. If anyone manages to see this I will be amazed, again, very cool.
For all those that are intrested in the map send me a PM with your gamertag and i will get in contact with all of you.