There is Technicolor ! Not all of it ! Im working on it and i want to show you my progress on the map to the relesed date ! There is the picture : If with what you had see , if you want to test it just let me know it ! Update Tester List 1.NoX Ripshaw 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
I think you should make a elevated walkway that connects the tips of these ramps together. It would just make it look SO much better than it is now, and it would serve gameplay justice as well.
He wants an elevated walkway (floating) that connects the tips of the ramps you merged into the floor on the left side of the photo. Personally I think you should take out the ramps as they seem like a waste of space. Use them for a more meaningful structure, and replace them with columns merged diagonally or something similar. It looks cool, but also gameplay wise it looks silly. The middle is cool though- i like the possibility of the high walls blocking cross-map wraith shots.
Wow dude Recon you pumping out alot of bamf maps bro. I loved the last one, if you want i can get on later either tonight or well dam your not in the US so hmm mb tomorrow and i can help out if you want.
Nan srry i finish it and test it today and im going to post it ! But if you want to test it this week end i will invite you !
Just an FYI, the crypt hole isn't center on the sandbox floor. It's two squares away from it. Incase you didn't know. I don't know if you wanted the map to be centered or not, but for future reference.