Halo-Strike Game Variant LinkOk, for those of you who are all like "OMG CS ONLY HAS 1 LIFE!!!11one" (lol) the reason you have a 30 second respawn time is simple; if you eliminate a team when the bomb is ticking, Halo3 does not know to wait for the bomb to go off. Simply put, the round ends as soon as the last guy runs out of lives. You might suggest a long 3 min respawn time, but I tried that and lo and behold, that round EVERYONE died. We would of had to wait like 2 min, but I ended the game. In that case, 30 seconds is good, since its tactical. The round is only 3 minutes long, and if you kill the enemy team, the bomb takes 30 seconds to go off and 60 seconds to reset (sorry, i could not disable this.) Oh, and if you have the bomb, you move faster, can take slightly more damage, and have an instant kill if you manage to whack someone with the bomb. This balances out the fact that you cant shoot if you have the bomb. Player Traits Shields don't recharge 100% Damage 110% Damage Resistance 90% Speed 150% Gravity Respawn Settings 30 second respawn time Assault Settings 6 Rounds of 3 min each 5 sec arming time 30 sec fuse 10 sec disarm time Bomb carrier has an instant kill with the bomb Bomb carrier speed 100% Bomb carrier damage resistance 150% MapsDe_Turbine Link Terrorists are attacking the power plant! Each team spawns inside their armory, each with the same weapons. Don't forget your grenades! Once you leave the armory, the only way to get back in is to die. The Counter Terrorists must defend both the generator AND the windmill, it only takes one successful bombing to win the round. Weapons: (Same for both teams) Battle Rifles Assault Rifles SMGs 1 Shotgun 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Rocket Launcher Assorted Equipment CT Spawn T Spawn Bombsite B (Generator Room) Bombsite A (Windmill) Trouble in the center of the map! De_Complex 1.1 Link The Terrorists are bombing a chemical weapon storage facility! The CTs spawn in their armory, which contains all covenant weapons. The T's spawn in theirs, but have human weapons. Don't forget your grenades! Once you leave the armory, the only way to get back in is to die. The CTs must defend bombsite B, which is close to their spawn, and bombsite A, which is in the corner of the map opposite of bombsite A. One bombing wins the round. Weapons, Terrorist: Assault Rifles Battle Rifles Sniper Rifle Shotguns SMGs Pistols Rocket Launcher Turret Nades (All but flame) 2 Deployable Cover 2 Flare Weapons, Counter Terrorists: Carbines Plasma Rifles Plasma Pistols Maulers Beam Rifle Needlers Fuel Rod Gun Spikers Brute Shots Plasma Cannon Nades (All but flame) 2 Deployable Cover 2 Flare (Bnet Link) Overview1 (Bnet Link) Overview2 T Spawn CT Spawn Bombsite A Bombsite B Bomber going A Confrontation in Long Hall Defending bombsite A Thanks to all those that helped me test these maps!!!
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. Wait... I played this with you didn't I? I did! I remember your GT. Well, I played De Complex, and it was pretty fun. Could have played more rounds of it than you had set up.
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. Well, if you want more rounds, just play another game of it lol! I made the rounds shorter so it wont get too long and drawn out, I may change it in a future version though
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. Nice attention to detail, this looks merit-worthy. I've never been a big fan of CS, but I know there are tons out there, so you might have an audience here.
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. Looks good, except shouldn't you only have one life like in counter-strike?
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. I tried that, but if you kill the last CT when the bomb still has time, the round ends right away... Same way if the bomb is planted and all the Ts die... The only way I could fix that is if we had long respawn times, so I set it to 3 min, but then, next round, both teams died without the bomb being planted, so that didn't work... I finally decided to make it a 30 second respawn with a 3 min round time limit. It is tactical like CS, because of the long respawns, but less downtime, which I think is good. BTW: Cleaned up 1st post!!
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. ok, that's probably the best way DLing now, if any one want s to play add me GT- DizzyDarknight
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. I remember that happening, you wiped out my team after planting the bomb, but the round ended and you didn't get the point as it hadn't detonated. I lol'd at the time, but it was a problem.. this is a good fix.
Re: Halo-Strike, Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps. The map changed some from when you last played it, I put walls and bridges over all the points that you could attempt to jump onto the boxes from, so I was able to bump the gravity back up to 150%. Im currently working on a Territories version of the map where the attackers must capture each room. If anyone wants in for testing PM me on these forums or over Live...
Re: Halo-Strike [Version 1.01], Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps I'm going to be making a cs map pack. i used to play all the time, my acc got hacked though. But this inspired me to do it.
Re: Halo-Strike [Version 1.01], Counter-Strike for Halo 3! Currently with 2 maps Nice, got my download. It's queued...quoe'd god however you spell that but it is. I made a remake of fy_iceworld, you should try it out, see if you can't squeeze it in your mappack. ww.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15640606 I even added on to it in a different version, not sure if I made it better or worse though lol. Slot 7: ww.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=xCrosseyesx Please don't advertise your map in someone else's. Post a new topic in Forge Maps. Thanks. ~ Shock