This definatly would be an awesome racetrack if it had more inturl0x if you knew how to master that then this map would be AMAZING. Try to do some interlocking and you would get alot of good feedback.
This is a Roller Coaster. Racetracks are double wide. It looks pretty fun. I will DL and check it out. It looks as if not much of the map is interlocked. I hope it's not too bumpy. Nice effort non the less.
WTF. This is spam. I am sure English is not your first language, so I won't really break your chops. Again, the map does not look interlocked. It's probably bumpy as heck. I probably won't DL. Nice pics and effort.
Looks like a good idea for a rollercoaster, but merging the objects together would definitely have made things run a little smoother. Look up ghost merging and interlocking in forging 101 for some useful tips.
Looks verry thin for a race track,but it looks so awesome.....looks like a avalanch version of the map irritation.sorta like a puzzle driving thing but still,looks amazing.might get to try it out. =) keep trying to improve =)
Thank you for your advice is yes I already said that I was French so my English may leave one desired. And nested objects I did not because I no longer object to carry on the map. The map will have was smaller. And thank you again for your advice.
No offense but this looks very thrown together and sloppy , sorry but 0/5 for me not good at all .. you need to go to the race track section and look at the dope tracks people are creating , u will erase this map when u do