Why on earth didnt district 9 get the attention it deserved at the oscars? It was a really interesting portrayal of the whole aliens on earth thing, the effects were nice in a subtle way (apart from the awesome pig cannon) and Wikus was quite a compelling lead. My only problem with it was the scene where he ran away from the bad officer guy, whilst in a FULL MECH SUIT. Honestly, even though he turns back afterwards, no-one would ever flee if they just found a mech suit avec pig cannon lying around to smite people with.
bahahahahahahhahhahah!!!!! Avatars plot good??? I'm sure nobody important listens to you. All it was: marines get roflpwnt trying to kill navi until later. At least hurt locker's was original and many Americans would give a **** about them relating to other soldiers. It isn't hard to make a good looking movie with avatars budget either. Hurt locker just went with a realistic approach and some of the effects look great so you can't give them any **** for that. Plus avatars basic plot line isn't original, it's based off a disney movie I can't spell so I won't even try that maybe someone else will. Really is was about popularity versus genious. I've some of the other movies, they're all great but I thought it was either hurt locker or avatar. Ex wife vs ex husband
The problem with people like you is that you simplify anything you don't like and attack people's credibility with no explanation as well as their arguments. Your also to lazy look up the title "Pocahontas". It may seem like that I am attacking you, and I am, but I am giving a valid reason where as you just called someone a name. If you are outside of the film industry then these awards should mean very little to you. Sure if any movie is nominated then it is probably a good movie, but each person feels different about a movie. So the quality of a movie should be a personal thing. So to say one movie is universally better than another is ****ing retarded. Spoiler If you can't figure out that some movies are liked by more people than others then don't bother reading any of this post.
By a Disney movie are you referring to Pocahontas? Just because somebody told you it was like Pocahontas doesn't mean it has something to do with it. The guy's isn't with his home world, and the colonel is jack ass, only similarities. The Hurt Locker told a story about the marines' lives in Iraq, and how horrible it is. No **** the soldiers are going to have hard lives in war. Avatar told a much more developed and suspenseful story. Its theme even had the entire human race questioning their morals. If you can find another movie that does that, plus combines a classic love story with suspenseful and exciting action, and state-of-the-art graphics, I'll shut up. Edit: What Grif said
Just in the way Avatar may have changed people's mind about the human race and our morals, The Hurt Locker changed the minds of many dealing with our military. Those who support the Iraq War might walk away from the movie realizing that the line between right and wrong isn't as clear as they imagined, and that the war isn't all about the glory of America. On the flip side, those who are against the Iraq War undoubtedly left that theater with a change of heart. If their views on the war didn't change, many of them realized what those soldiers have to go through every day, and might come to be a little more considerate. The main difference is that the Hurt Locker deals with a real life situation with realistic characters, while Avatar is in a fictitious setting with no real correlation to our lives aside from the symbolism that everyone draws from the movie on their own beliefs. You can dumb down any movie you want into a single sentence and look like an ass, or you can try to see things from other people's point of view. I personally loved the Hurt Locker, while thinking Avatar was a slightly above average movie, but I can plainly see how almost every single nominee on that list deserves recognition, even if I personally did not enjoy the movie.
I really couldent believe anyone would say that though. I didn't look up pocahantus because I forgot how to spell it in the first place. I'm jus treally glad hurt locker has won seeing as how the actors played soldiers from Iraq like one of my recently killed cousin from a roadside bomb. And I never said hurt locker was the best in every way. Don't get me wrong, the visuals and the world are amazing in avatar. If I didn't like that kind of imagination halo wouldent be my favorite fps. Here's why I call avatar pocohantus: man fights against native species, and one man goes into the other side, falls in love, and fights for the natives. The natives end up loosing.
Its the "noble savage" story. Invading force tries to conquer with its technology and weapons for its own profit, at the expense of the natives. The natives, who have very little technology of their own fight back and through their courage and the righteousness of their cause they triumph against impossible odds. Usually, a member of the invading force gets to know (or falls in love with) a native and switches sides to defend them. Sound like Pocahontas to anybody? I'm not fond of throwing that argument around as a negative against Avatar, but since people don't seem to believe they're similar, I have to explain it. That story type is very well known, and like I said in my earlier post, it's a cliche. Pocahontas, Dances With Wolves, and FernGully are all well known examples. Noble savage stories work or don't on the strengths of their characters and the craftsmanship of their stories. Avatar just didn't have particularly interesting characters if you strip away the way they look, so the love story didn't have much of an impact. Avatar was a visual treat, so much so that I saw it twice, but it won the technical awards for that. It didn't deserve best picture based on the technical stuff.
The only really interesting character got killed by a ****ing random bullet (I'm talking about Grace as played by Sigourney Weaver). And I am not saying the Hurt Locker is a bad movie (I just need to see it again before I share my opinion on it).
IMHO, Hurt Locker surely deserved everything it won, as did Avatar. I loved Hurt Locker, and personally hated Avatar because I hate the "noble savage" cliche. A shiny coat of paint doesn't make an awesome car, what's inside is what counts. Avatar looked good, but it wasn't. I also wouldn't have minded Inglorious Basterds, but I knew it wouldn't. This is the first year in a while where I can say I agree with each and every winner.
I really wanted District 9 to win, I was the most emotionally attached to the character in that movie.
Noticing that Avatar has the same basic plotline as "Dances with Wolves" does not make you observant. Furthermore, pointing it out does not make you clever or prove any point. Anyway, i thought Avatar should have won. Hurt locker was good, but not great in my opinion. Avatar was amazing. An entire world was created for the movie to take place (not just imagined, created). Perhaps the story was kept so simple so as not to detract form this world and all the details of it. Yeah, it was a familiar story, but it was told in an amazing way. Do you think Da Vinci was the first guy to paint a portrait of some brown haired chick? I doubt it, but he was the first to do really really good. Thats what makes the Mona Lisa a masterpiece. Maybe if Avatar had a few more unexpected plot turns or just something a little bit more, it could have been a masterpiece. But it wasn't, although it was a really awesome film that deserved to be the best picture of the year. note that some this was said by movie critics, and i didnt think i could say it any better, so i borrowed a little bit.
Giant letters bludgeoning in the idea that somebody else's idea is not clever. There is some irony in that. Avatar got its awards for the creation of the world. It won awards for art direction, visual effects, and cinematography. Those awards are fully deserved, but they are not all that makes a best picture quality movie. Unfortunately, they're the only exceptional things about Avatar.
For **** sake it is just a stupid award that does NOT impact how much you (yes you, your the most important person in your universe) liked or disliked the movie. Now **** off.Click for audio version Also James Cameron's reaction to his ex winning. Spoiler Well not really
Yeah? So what if it had nothing to do with anyone we're allowed to talk about it. We have nothing to do with halo or cod yet we talk about It all the time. Really just discussing about it makes you apart of it because the movies or games would be nothing without fans. I'd say **** off too but it might as well be a flame war if I did.
Well you see I really don't want to talk about the Oscars anymore so I decided to go out with a bang. But instead I'm going out with a fizzle. Refer to my above post.
i fail to see it. I stated that pointing out what anybody of moderate intelligence can see is not necessary. As it is unnecessary to comment on how the sky is blue everyday. this is true. This is not true. Of course this is debatable, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but i thought the story of Avatar was better and more driven than that of the Hurt Locker.
Hurt Locker was a great movie, I loved it when I saw it and have since wanted to see it again. However, even then, its dominance at the Oscars shocked me. I could understand a category or too, but it did what Slumdog Millionaire did last year (not as dramatically though). Upset that Inglorious Bastards didn't get anything (besides Best Supporting Actor, which was more than well deserved) and I still feel like Up in the Air should have gotten Best Adapted Screenplay instead of Precious. Regardless, I'm just glad Avatar didn't win best picture like I worried it would. Now I can sleep in peace knowing that James Cameron has crawled back into his sequestered cave where he'll be for another 10 years until he emerges once more to claim the village virgin.
I haven't seen Precious, but I was hoping for that as well. Obviously I can't say Up in the Air was better than Precious, but I really liked it and I was hoping it would take adapted screenplay, since Mo'nique apparently has a lockdown on best supporting actress this year.