Sandbox Dig Site 0013

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MetaFridge, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. MetaFridge

    MetaFridge Ancient

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    Hi everyone!
    This is my first proper map I've made & I thought I'd post it here so other people can use it, or critique it to help me improve my forging. Dig Site is essentially a small, asymetrical map in the sandbox skybubble with 2 main open areas and a small network of tunnels. At the moment it can only run FFA slayer and juggernaut games (and their variants), but If i can figure out how (help appreciated) I will add other suitable gamemodes and fix any problems you guys notice. I tried to make the map uncheatable, which is why there are teleporters on most of the tunnels. I know it looks bad but it was easier than ghost-merging millions of walls to block them all off.
    Dig Site was basically born from my desire to make a purely tunnels map, mainly for infection. When I discovered infection would be rubbish, I switched to FFA Slayer. From their on I just kept adding and changing and after a while I abandoned the idea of a completely tunnels map and began forging other parts too. The result was this:



    Sword Spawn:

    Map Specs:


    2x Assault Rifle 60s 2 Clips
    1x Battle Rifle 60s 2 Clips
    1x Brute Shot 120s 2 Clips
    1x Carbine 60s 2 Clips
    1x Energy Sword 180s Won't appear at start
    1x Mauler 90s 1 Clip
    1x Plasma Rifle 60s
    1x Shotgun 120s 1 Clip
    1x Sniper 120s 1 Clip
    1x 7-Wood 180s Secret Weapon!

    Supported Gametypes:
    1) FFA Slayer and Variants
    2) Juggernaut and Variants

    - This map plays best with 4 to 6 people but can still manage up to 8
    - Most fighting occurs in the 2 open areas, but tunnel confrontation is still common and requires new strategies
    - The shotgun is "hidden" airquotes, but still accessable in a game
    - The 7-wood is intended as an easter egg. Whilst still accessable in game, you'll probably be killed if you risk it! Sure is a satisfying reward if you make it though...

    Thanks To:
    - NinjaPanda44
    - bananajet
    For helping me test the map and their suggestions,
    & also to Forgehubs' own Deathtoll77 & Zombievillan, because I shamelessly pillaged their design for a one-way door from their map; Wishbone (which you should check out, btw)

    One Last Thing...
    I'll stop soon, because I know your'e just dying to download my map (lol!), but I would like to say, despite it being my first time, I am not going to request anyone go easy on me. I want to know what's wrong with the map & with my forging, so that I can improve. Constructive Criticism is heartliy welcomed with a smile and some beer! (But if you think I deserve it, praise would be good too. I have low self esteem...)

    DL Link:
    Download Dig Site 0013
  2. Toastman 500

    Toastman 500 Ancient

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    I really like the design of this map and it looks awesome but I have 2 things to say - instead of using teleporters to stop people from jumping on top of the tubes 'n such, you should use blocks or wedges, not only will they be more effective and cost less, but they will also look good. Also adding some SMGs or other small arms weapons would be a good idea remember to not always go with the default tons of brs some snipers and a shotgun weapon set. Other than that this looks sick!
  3. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    it looks pretty cool. i would also suggest using wedges or columns on the top of the tunnels, or even just adding a little cover and trying it with the tops accesible. it would add another whole aspect of gameplay. i would also suggest adding lights in afew places such as maybe a blue light in the middle of the 4 y tube intersections or hanging above the grass area, but other than that it seems pretty cool. i'll give it a dl and check it out, and if i remember ill update this post after wards. tons better than my first map, and i like the blocks hnaging in between the two tunnels.

    EDIT: my only complaint after testing is the roughness of all the transitions. if you could merge in afew tube ramps on the entrances to the tunnels and make the transitons from the garden onto the rocks surrounding it smoother. in addition to everything i mentioned before, there's my critique. i'd like to see a v2, it could have potentil to be a very nice map.
    #3 Ferocious Leaf, Mar 7, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2010
  4. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i can see your really good at forging by the garden,but the rest of the map it´s poorly forged because it looks like you didn´t spend any time on the tunnels and other things.remember this: being patient is one of the best ways to forge.if you want to forge it doesnt matter if somebody knows how to interlock,merge,ghost-merge,geo-merging or other techiques if you rush a map it will look bad.i give this map...

    originality 2/5
    forging 3/5
    aesthetics 1/5

    but remember this is only one your maps and i know you know how to forge so keep doing it (this is not a hate comment)
  5. MetaFridge

    MetaFridge Ancient

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    Thanks for the help guys, I'll get to work imprvoeing it straight away!

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