PLETHORA(click to download) This is Plethora, and I have to say my best map yet. It's set up for Team slayer, King of the Hill, One Flag and Multi Flag, all Assault (Bomb) gametypes and Terrortories. It plays best with Team Slayer and One Flag. Player count is best for 8 to 16 players where Teamwork is Essential. So, throughtout a decent amout of testing, adjusting, and some very helpful pointers from Noxi this is now a very fun and well unique map in ways of structures. Well enough typing, here are the pictures. Overview of Attackers side (I made them red and not blue because I like it that way sorry lol) Overview of defenders side Right side view of center structure Inside view of center structure Overview of defenders sniper spawn (Inside ramp structure) and invis. spawn (back blue structure) General Overview of map Some Action Shots =] Team Slayer: Don't worry Noxi I'ma coming to rescue you!!!! I canz b Stealthy and avoid the chopper, he will never sees me rofl Look at all the little people fighting, they're so cute Capture the flag: We are attacking your base lolz =] O NO! Its the ghost of the invisible flag carrier!! They dont see me, they dont see me.....OMG rockets!! Urban Myth goes goes OM NOM NOM with his chopper. Battle of the flag, ououou pretty light!! Everybody aboard the win train!! Thanks to Zak I know have an Video!! Thank You =]]]]] YouTube- Plethora Video - I6ExplodinCars Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the map. Please leave any comments you may have and I'm open to constructive critisim, sorry about the short post but I am in a hurry, Thanks agian! Download: Plethora
I can't remember if you posted this before but either way it's a large improvement from what I saw. All the merging is superb I congratulate you I will download to have a look round
You took out the tin cups?! they were so cool... Otherwise it looks like a great improvement over the previous version with the inclusion of more cover!
no i posted a map preview for this but yes a lot has changed on it and thank you i hope if you play it that its as great as the testing was =] ya sorry meta the tin cups pull woulddrag the choppers towards the door for the plant point which would, well bloack the plant point so i had to but it also freed up a lot of objects that i could work with but thank you, i did add a lot more to it lol
Man, all that damn interlocking and merging makes my eyes hurt in a good way. This map is stunning, it's just great looking aesthetically. I haven't played or seen the previous version but itself seems to contain a lot of cover while still having open areas for combat. Great map and a download for sure! is amazing....this map just looks loving the merging and the bases....wht a big team slayer/bomb/cap is just awesome..good job
Quality map mate, cheers for inviting me to try it out yesterday. I thought that Team Slayer + One Flag were wicked on it! Assault was pretty good as well, would have been awesome if you'd remembered to put on BR starts lol Great asthetics, good balanced gameplay, and as you've said teamwork definately is important when playing on it. P.S. that wouldn't happen to be me leading that epic win train would it?
This map definatly has a Utah Mambo feel when i just played this but the structures are so great in this. Great Job!
Thank you very much, but ya there was no previous version, it was the map preview i posted but ya a lot, well a ginormous amount has changed since then lol well what can I say besides thank you agian and im loving how much people like this map =] cheers to you as well mate =] and yes that is you leading the win train in the pictures but in the gameplay video its obsidian leading it so you two must now fight over whos train is better, Lets get it ON!!!!!! lol jk but thanks =] thank you very much and comapring this to Utah Mambo make me tear a little bit of joy inside =]
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Dude count me in. This map is spectacular. The asym aesthetics are real masterwork forging. Definetly for One Flag we tried it w 5 on 5. Inv me in I'm eastern time and usually play late. Would love to see this w 12-18 players. Amazing Job. ManRayX LV-426SIETCHHAIL MARYSHADOW-ASSAULT
Wow this map looks incredible. I like to constantly download maps that seem kinda cool or that might have good gameplay. But I didn't even think twice about this one. Keep up the amazing work!
didn't we play this on friday? I'm pretty sure we did. It was in the same session as high-riser (I refuse to call it the correct name). we were all like "I hope we can actually get the flag now," and then I was like "shhh dun tell the bad dudes, I have the flag!) and then I died and kept shooting dudes for the rest of the game. If you remember or not, it's still a great map. stayin on my harddrive for a while yet.
Very good job with this map, it seems open but mabye thats just me. Way to go on the dune structures, those are cool. 7.4/7.4
Is this meant to be some sort of alien zoo? Because nost of the structures look like insects of some kind, which is really cool. Makes the map look very unique, and i reckon it'd be great for ffas as well as team gametypes. Haha, why does everyone make awesome btb maps whilst i have to wait for my laptop to be repaired before i can post mine. -_-
Im glad you finally posted this, Ive been awaiting the final version. This map played awesome on 1 flag. I love it man. Good luck on a feature!
Nice job 16. The map looks unique. I feel the rockets in the middle dome are out of place, maybe switch it out for a laser?
Thanks man< i would get on now and invite you but i just got home from work and im dead tired, def tomorrow or the following hit me up with a friend request or send me a message but ill def get a game with ya. Honestly, that makes feel good about myself lol, i do have a few projects im working on know, if youd like to see feel free to ask. yes we did play this and i remember you had it and i heard over my speakers you saying dont tell them i have the flag and thats when i told my team and well like you said everyone fired at you lol but you guys did end up scoring that round and winning the game =[ lol but thank you im glad you enjoy the map and its gameplay =] the lines of sight block what seems to be open from far away but those open areas make for some intense fight scenes as you could see if you watch the video towards the end theres one epic battle for the flag lol but thank you very much =] lol a lot of people say that they look like insect structures but i didnt intentally build them to look like insects, i just wanted to map some stand out unique structures and judging from how much people like this map i have to say i think i did pretty good at that lol but thank you and i am planning on making a ffa version of this very soon =] Thanks i am hoping that this will get featured, id be very happy, i havent gotten a feature yet, so id be very happy to get one so maybe suggest it you know =] lol but thanks im glad you liked the map =] the only reason why i didnt use the laser is becuase for starters it has more ammo by default and would be a little over powering if the defenders got it and the attackers would have no real use for it anyways, i did try it but as i said the rockets do work better but thank you, im glad i could pull of the unique look that i wanted =]
All the unique structures add very uniquely to the map, and I'm glad i've got to see it evolve from it's previous versions. And I'm also very glad you're capable of taking critique and learning from it rather than throwing it out the window.
thanks ya mucho, i like to take advice not throw it out cuz that improves the outcome of anything as you can see here =] thanks