I need help with a skull. the one with the damn rings. IWHBYD. tried every combo. from start of mission. 10s of times. help anyone? Its the last one... at this rate I'll get recon before hayabusa.
Look on the interwebs. On teh internetz you should see one saying that it's shorter then commonly thought, use that.
yeah, i've tried every code i can find... i think i've tried 3-4 different ones. several times. But I will look, maybe I don't know about that one, thanks
Add me : xNubChubx I can't help RIGHT now, but in about a half and hour I will be able to help. You'll have to excuse my voice, being 13 and all. Also, I just woke up from a major epic-deep sleep. the dream was awesome, but im still kinda dazed.
Let me Google that for you... See, this is the problem with Google buying all these other companies and offering loads of services, it seems like people are forgetting that Google has a pretty sweet search engine. The code, according to the first link is With Ring 1 being the one closest to the door, Ring 7 being the one at the window and Ring 4 as the red one (Installation 04, got blown up, remember?) Play the entire level from the start. Don't do it on easy, there are no skulls on easy. Kill the Prophet. Kill the Flood. Jump through the hoops and Bungie gives you a cookie. It was one of the hardest skulls to find but its not one of the hardest to get. Play the game, jump through hoops. Easy. Edit: Also, every combination of jumping through 7 hoops would mean you'd have to play that level 823543 times.
One of the issues I had getting this skull, was that I apparently am not smart enough to jump through a hoop... my advice is to make absolutely sure that you are clearing each ring for this one.