Samurai Valet v12 Rule #1 heed Black Knight's advice and start all maps on Sandbox from a stacked version NOT a canvas! The original idea was to make a map that took spawn killing with a warthog out of the picture. It seems to me most vehicle maps are about which team has laser and can park a warthog out on the sand dunes of the enemies base. The map you see before you is the concept for such a map anti spawn kill. After too many hours of remaking the entire map its finished and MUCH BETTER! Instead of shield doors and killballs I learned how to ghost murge into the sand dunes and create my own version of the GREAT WALL. Unfortunitely all my test games have been with players with no concept of how to run the warthog. Kind of a bummer for a MLD map. So please give feedback on how your games play out and/or send me vids Wepons x 1 x 2 x 6 x2 x 2 x 2 x 8 x8 Vehicles x 2 repawn 90 Equipment bubble shield x 2 respawn 60 grav lift x 2 respawn 60 overshield x 2 respawn 180 above the fountain is overshield, inside the fountain are a couple of plasma grenades notice the entrences on the bottom of the front of the bases battle rifles spawn to the left and right of the bases behind cover. Both types of nades spawn under the base next to a large step into the base. Brute shot is also bottom mid of the base. A BR spawns on the inside of the base on the starting platform. The sub bases infront of the base act as respawn cover. The one on the right had a carbine and bubble shield. The sub base on the left has a plasma pistol and a grav lift. The parking deck is for added difficulty of running the warthog. It along with a giant wall divides the map in half. The wall is sunk into the sand dunes allowing safe passage for ground pounders. Sniper Rifles are limited to clip (there is way to much cover out on the sand dunes wall for someone to possibly have 20 rounds of sniper ammunition. frag grenades spawn next to the elevators. To get to the top you can either go up the ramp or take the elevator. Rockets in top mid of the parking deck are commonly the focus at the start of the game. The barriers are in place to slow down the warhog and supply cover. The wall stretches 2 double blocks past the markers, making driving around impossible. Thanks for checking out my map. If you happen to get your friends on it and play, send me a vid. I will be making a montage. Send me your videos. They can be clips from your games, but I prefer uncut video footage, so I can make several clips from different perspectives. Though it can host most objective games, the gameplay I like to use is slayer with BR starts. I think it works best on this map. Please guys help me out with this. I don't care if there's only 4 to a team or 16 people in the party and you only play the game once. Send me a link to your file of the vid.
damn this looks amazing. The wall in the middle is breath taking and I love the kind of Gears of War feel to the fountains. Ill rate on gameplay later, but on aesthetics its 4/5. Nice job.
The old version was good but, if you drove fast enough you could by pass the killballs and shield doors. The wall is really sweet but the fountian would be better if you merged it. Also, last time I played a capture the flag game on it, I spawned it the other teams base along with anouther team mate an obviously won the game. It looks like it might still be possible to run around the wall . I'll download and check.
this is awesome. i liked the first version with the larger (i think ) parking garage, but the wall looks so much better than using kill balls. ima gonna download and see how it plays, but it looks fantastic and is a great idea. congrats.
I think a warthog would in fact be able to drive around the wall. With enough speed the first few laser shots will usually miss giving just enough time to possibly get around. If all that failed, I would just get a team mate to throw a grenade (or better yet use the rocket launcher) to blast my warthog over. Then there's the possibility of stealing the enemy warthog. Drivers can usually find a way to get their warthog there despite obstacles.
Exactly, they will find a way. My job here is to make it hard to run the hog not impossible. Driving around the wall might have a 2 % success rate at best. In that I have yet to see it done. And I have had the best drivers in Halo trying. However team work is incouraged. Why do you think a grav lift is on the map, for a team mate to help you out. However, once on the other side, if your gunner gets killed good luck making it back with the hog alive. Every time I play this map I give BR starts. Everyone seems to enjoy the game no matter what thier forte is.
Why would you risk your life in a competitive game. I don't think that will happen very often on this map, getting enough speed and dodging the 2x double blocks would be getting to that stage when it's imposible. And with those lasers most times they will hit you if you don't try to dodge them Anyway i love this map from gears of war i play on it quite alot and you have done a very impresive remake.
I'm sorry, I never played gears of war (besides trying the campaign for 30 min until I decided I did'nt like it) If it reminds you of some other map then its completely coincidence. I came up with this map using my own imagination. I take it as a compliment that you enjoy the map. I guess great minds think alike.
ohh my bad i put down the wrong game, this map sort of looks like a map on a game i can't think of darn it
Well it definitely still needs work cuz every time I tried to get around the wall, I was able to. Although, it is still fun to play on and I WANT to see a better version.