Foundry Vindiction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MichMaster32, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    Vindiction V2


    I started on this map a really long time ago and just recently finished it up. it has a good balance throughout and makes for a really great slayer game. It uses almost all of foundry, making the structures on it very useful. The map flows very well. it has unique structures throughout so every part of the map is memorable. like Guardian. the map has one distinct bottom level where most of the fighting will take place. The second level would be off the ground, many of the structures do have a second or third level to them. The higher parts f the map give you a wide range of view when looking out.

    [ YES ] : Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] : Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] : Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] : Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] : Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] : Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] : Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] : Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] : Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] : Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES ] : Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Effective Gametypes
    Team Slayer
    Capture the Flag
    King Of The Hill


    Sniper Rifle
    Rocket Launcher
    4 battle Rifles
    2 Carbines
    2 Spikers


    Bubble shield
    Power Drainer

    4 Frag Grenades
    2 Plasma Grenades

    The middle of the map is where the rockets spawn. above it is a platform that holds 2 plasma grenades. this is the point in which you want to control there is only one way to access it and you have complete view over most of the map. If you are playing team sayer you want to control this point, and the walk way. the Sniper spawns under the slanted bridge and with it you can control a lot easier. from here you can see the small courtyard and a long narrow hallway which id commonly used. control this area and you will most definitely win a Slayer match.





    In the indented part of the map there is a base that houses the attackers. this is where one team will start. this is a good place to start because it houses many weapons. a carbine, a shotgun, battle rifles, and a turret. when venturing into the rest of the map you will want to travel in a group. this will allow you to be harder to attack. make sure one player grabs Invs.






    In V2 there is now a bridge that connects the base easier. this allows for better movement in the base and makes accessing the turret more feasible.


    The other base is in the opposite part of the map. It has on general base and is closer to the middle of the map than the other base. This base has a carbine, a battle rifle and 2 spikers. the main base is very good for defending. it has good cover and a walkway that lets you look into the court yard and through the middle of the map. there is a small base parallel to the base that offers a third route through the map this allows the players to sneak past more common methods and use it tactically.





    In V2 there is a minor change that has 2 corner walls connected to the wall, and fence wall. this makes it harder for the spawners to be so effective.


    Action Shots








    Well i hope you enjoy this map. I really only like to build on foundry because it feels like the map gives more character. I know that foundry was the map i fell in love worth and made me start forging so leave a comment if you feel the same way! :D : Halo 3 File Details

    ^ Download here ^
    #1 MichMaster32, Mar 6, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  2. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    Thats a well set up map. I used the same fusion coil holder in one of my mpas in the making. Ill be sure to DL!
  3. RemJell

    RemJell Ancient

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    Wow Really nice map..;) good job!
  4. stoyben

    stoyben Ancient
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    wow really nice spam, this map has a very unique lay out i like your use of bridge's as cover / line of sight, the structures make for intresting game play 4.5/5 for me the only problem i could see was a bump in a corner of the map but its not that big of a problem.
  5. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    one of the best maps ive seen on foundry in a while...the merging gets an F for Fantastic an...the gameplay gets a D for Down right awesome.....good job dude
  6. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    Thank you, I thought the bridges would draw people either over or under them so you have to pick your choice of battle. what was the bump you were referring to?
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I played a 1v1 on this map today, and besides some obvious problems, it was quite fun. You need to at least double the respawn times on the power weapons and camo. Maybe even get rid of half of the equipment, too. Also, the map is breakable in a couple places. You can easily grenade jump over to the vehicles, and you can get on top of the other corner of the map and fire down on people. The choppers outside the map are kind of annoying since they show up on radar and you can hear them... You have alot of single wide objects for cover, which isn't necessarily bad, but it was easy to kill people with rockets since you can shoot on both sides so if one shot misses, the other will hit and kill them. I was also confused on some of the object placement. Why is there a random wall in the ceiling of the attacker spawn? Why is there a bridge blocking the default stairs? Those items didn't seem to help gameplay, infact, a couple of times, they were just in the way. I really did like the overall layout of the map, though, so just fix it up a little and you'll have a great map on your hands.
  8. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    thanks for looking into it. i did delete some equipment it seemed cluttered. i also fixed where you said you could break the map. i just put some stairs to block it. the random wall in the attackers base is for capture that flag. it looks sweet. and im making a V2 with some better equipment and some of your ideas. so thanks again :)
  9. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    looks reall good but some of the objects used makes the map look really unclean even though it is not.
    i think you should start to forge on sandbox because objects wont look as unclean if they are not perfect.

    but good map 3.5/5
  10. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    NO! In my opinion, you can show more skill forging on Foundry than you can forging on Sandbox, and usually gameplay is alot more fun whilst playing on a Foundry-made map with certain objects.

    Anyways, I've downloaded and am going to soon test it out with some of my friends. It looks really nice from what I've seen so far. The asthetics are great, and I loved some of the forging tricks that you used (Fusion Coil container? Nice.) I am, however, a bit iffy with some of the materials you used in certain places. The bridges over the Sniper and the bridges near the A sign look off to me. I'd suggest replacing them with either walls or something else creative that you could pull off. The pictures are nice too, but it'd be better if you could give us a bit more detail in the post. Put up some data about what kinds of weapons are used, preferred gametypes and how many players should play, along with other nice details such as tips and a backstory.

    I'll rate it a 8/10 now for the asthetics, but the real rating will be given once I've thoroughly tested it. Nice job.
  11. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    I Agree 100% I love love love Foundry and i think its the best map to forge on. we all did at one time and now that sandbox is out everybody completely forgot about foundry. its sad. and i do think that its limits brings out creativity and makes it harder to forge on.

    but i did update my post with a lot more detail and i updated the map with some new pictures and some captions with some tips to help on the map. thanks for the response it helped :)
  12. QmAn102

    QmAn102 Ancient
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    alright so i am glad that you got this up. it was fun playing it, even though, i lost the game. i really liked the center piece it looked really nice and it was a hot spot for most of the game. V2 is better in my opinion and i think its a great map. 8.5/10

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