DOWNLOAD LINK DESCRIPTIONDilemmachine is a two-base symmetrical map that has been in the works since April. The bases were heavily inspired from the good ol' Halo 2 map "Waterworks". Granted, they are no longer home to a banshee, the bases are rather accurate in detail while raising the scale to allow easier defense. Players spawn behind their select base and immediately are given the decision: Go for the defensive set-up in the base, or set out on a vehicular assault in either the ghost or the warthog. These vehicles are a major key in gameplay factors, yet there are several counters to keep in mind. The massively constructed bridge centralized between the two opposing bases is home to the Spartan Laser, a weapon that would be beneficial to your team to own. Do not continually linger on the bridge however, because at any moment an enemy sniper could have you in their crosshairs. RECOMMENDED GAMETYPES[Dilemmachine is not setup for all gametypes, but here are the favorites.] Team Slayer Multi Flag BRs Assault Neutral Bomb King of the Hill Oddball Extermination [click to download] Team Regicide [click to download] Team Execution [click to download] Shock Flag [click to download] WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT10 Battle Rifles | 30 seconds 2 Covenant Carbines | 30 seconds 2 Plasma Pistols | 30 seconds 2 Plasma Rifles | 30 seconds 2 Brute Shots | 90 seconds 2 Sniper Rifles | 60 seconds 2 Shotguns | 90 seconds 1 Spartan Laser | 120 seconds 2 Rocket Launchers | 90 seconds 4 SMGs | 30 seconds 4 Frag Grenades | 10 seconds 8 Plasma Grenades | 10 seconds 2 Power Drains | 60 seconds 2 Bubble Shields | 60 seconds 2 Chain-gun Warthogs | 90 seconds 2 Ghosts | 120 seconds SCREENSHOTS NOTES - There are several different quick jumps around the map. Experiment. - Enemy team camping their base? Power drains can go through the shield windows. - This map is about a good defense as much as a good offense. - There may be an occasional bad spawn, Ive tried to work with it, but the map lacks a secondary spawn hive. I cannot build more because I hit object limit. I wasnt gonna release this at all, so take what ya can. - Standing in the dunes is lame, but its gonna happen. I cant stop them or I would. Sorry to all those suffering from snipers who think they're funny. - This was built 100% before Ghost merging. Sorry about the iffy forging.
It's about damned time. Wish I could have gotten in on some playtests, but maybe you'll be nice enough to extend an invite next time. Loved what you had cooked up all those months ago when you showed it to me. Can't wait to get some games on this.
Whoa I had heard about this being worked on for a while, I thought you just gave up on it. I guess not. The first picture gets me really excited to play it, the bridge going across the middle looks awesome. Though I have yet to play it, feel free to invite me some time. You say the forging is iffy? I say it looks fantastic. Great job TSB
Like the guy above me said the forging on the map looks great and i love the bridge idea. But at the same time it does look like some of the ghost merging is iffy. Also im not huge fan of the shield door windows but thats just me
So this is what you've been working on. I like it man, it looks like a great large player map. I'll give it some plays the next time we have customs.
He was actually saying the forging looks great, because as I wrote in the original post, this map was done 100% before Ghost Merging was founded. I dont feel ghost merging was necessary for this anyways. Thanks dude. I havent really worked on it in months. Its just been kinda sitting there and I just decided to say **** it and release it despite the flaws it has.
Way to go man. It takes some guts to post a map that is pre ghost merge. You know how these forums can get, nobody reads a damn thing in the post and then only care about whether or not you did "epic mergez". Personally, I really like the way it looks. Simplistic and clean. Not confusing in any way. It almost feels like a mini Blood Gulch with the opposing bases and the higher ground in the middle. I too have had a map sitting on my hard drive that is about 90% complete and also pre ghost merge. You may have inspired me to fix it up a bit and release it.
Well well well. I thought this would never happen. Good to see you still know what Halo is, and you still know how to post a map too, LOL, JK! Anyway, this map was great when I played it, like 8 months ago. It doesnt seem like you changed the design since then so I am sure its good. Plus, you know what you are doing so I am positive its a great map. Ill DL it and check it out but if you ever decide to play Halo for a decent amount of time, I would love to play this with you. Looks sick still.
wow this looks loving the bases......there are just monstrous...........nice action shots also.......the only thing i can say about this map is that it Rox
holyshitfuckbatman. I remember this back when it was just a bridge... and the bridge looked different. lol. Looks like it turned out alright though. I guess I should downloaded it and some how try to manage getting some people together to play on it... though we both know that'll most likely be impossible. Still... I'll download it and check it out, dude.
We gave this a play the other day, and I can't say it went well. The spawning had... issues. There was huge gaps between the bases, with practically no ways to take out the warthog that reigned dominant through most of the game. The bridge seemed to be rather unused with no real point of getting up there. The base roofs are very open, hard to get to, and just didn't really fit well. Overall it's alright, but no one had much fun playing it and it was a definite struggle the whole time.
Haha. Nothing much changed from Alpha testing I see. Like I said, it had problems. The only thing I wont agree with is the vehicles... Theres plasma pistols, plasma grenades, power drains, two rocket launchers, and the laser. I never had trouble taking one out. Sorry to hear it went so horrible, but I did what I could to fix each of those problems and nothing will ever really fix them without a complete rebuild, which im too busy and lazy for. Thanks for checking it out broski.
This map looks very fun to play on. Even though it is the same base-base-stuff in the middle, it looks very fun to play, and is very nicely Forged. Good job, fella.
Thats strange, the version I played, which may be the same, wasnt that bad and I played it months ago. Once you knew where your weapons were, vehicles were not a problem imo. I also used the center bridge area alot. I guess with different playstyles, there will be different results.
I had the pleasure I playing this from awhile ago. I don't remember how the spawns went, but taking the map as is, I enjoyed playing it when we did. The bases of course remind me of the bases in waterworks which I can appreciate, because I use to play a ton of BTB in Halo2. Thanks for taking me back into the time machine of Halo 2, while adding your own touch too it.