Brand NEW XBOX 360 with a Console BAN. How does that work? Well the shop owner asked me the same thing, I got the stink eye too like when a young black kid walks into a Supermarket. It all started when my 3rd Xbox 360 **** the bed- I got the Red Ring of Death. Too lazy to fix it myself I went out and bought a new xbox Core unit, brought it home to discover it is Banned. I was pretty pissed off but now Im confused as to how a Banned Xbox made it to the Shelves of a retail store. Some theories include Modders Exploiting an Xbox and returning it. Another theory is that Microsoft Refurbished this damaged Xbox and failed to unban it. What do you think?
You can always appeal to Microsoft, presenting evidence (receipt) that you did buy a brand new xbox. Maybe they'll unban you, maybe they'll refund you.
Treat your ****ing consoles well, if this is your 4th xbox and you still haven't realised that you're doing something wrong you deserve to be banned.
As much as I don't like how Hotpok said it but hes actually right. Do you have your xbox on carpet or do you have it in a dusty area? I have mine standing up on a cement floor (Used to be laying horizontal on my xbox box that I got when I bought the xbox) Make sure your power strip is not in a dusty area to because that thing can colect so much dust. Whip/Blow the dust out from the holes on your xbox and power strip every so often to keep it from building up. I've done all these things and after my first xbox RRoD in April of 08 I've yet to have a problem with my new refurbished xbox.