Created by: CaMOfo and RedNeck Below the thunders of the upper deep, Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea, His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee About his shadowy sides; above him swell Huge sponges of millennial growth and height; And far away into the sickly light, From many a wondrous and secret cell Unnumber'd and enormous polypi Winnow with giant arms the lumbering green. There hath he lain for ages, and will lie Battening upon huge sea-worms in his sleep, Until the latter fire shall heat the deep; Then once by man and angels to be seen, In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die. -Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Aesthetically, this looks great (although color-coding would be nice) It would be nice to get some more information though like what weapons are on the map. Hell, Ill download anyway.
HE WROTE A FREAKING POEM...........But nice map....screw weapon lists....ive never seen such a drastic change to longshore geomertry....i hope it works cause if i does this will be truly spectacular.....
Hooray! It's finally posted! Can't wait to play it tonight, anyone want to play? /OnTopic That octopus looks twice as sick as it did when you guys first posted the preview. I'm sure it plays as good as it looks, so I think it's going to stay for a looong time. Feature?/?
Wow this finally got posted, I remember testing the beta for this and I was wondering why the real game never came out. This is one of the most insane aesthetic-competitive maps out there. I am definitely up for any customs on this because this>guardian. If you have any resources left, I would advise that you prevent people from either getting on top of the Fish Taco stand (you can jump on the little red light on the side and then onto the roof) because you can then jump onto the light post and then onto the octopus.
This map is so epic. I have only played it once or twice but everytime i played it this map was loads of fun. I remember i wouldnt even play, i would just stare at the octopus, lol... It took a while for you guys to finish up this map and get it posted, but now that it is released i dont think anyone has anything to complain about. You totally have my download along with a feature vote, btw i really like the poem!
Oh god, I have been waiting for this... I absolutely love it and really hope it plays as well as I want it to. I'll write more after I play it.
What, I don't get credited for fixing the spawns? lol Great map, BTW. And not just because the giant amzing-looking octopus coming out of the water. You took too long to release though...
Just beautiful Camo. I never tested it, but I remember when you first started you said it didn't play too nicely, haha. Anyway, it looks great. I'm gunna nomnomnominate this for a feature.
Whilst I cannot give an accurate description of the gameplay (as I have yet to play a full game on the finished product) I can vouch for this maps sheer aesthetic badass-ness. I've seen the Octopus's journey from a few oddly placed boxes, to a semi-recognizable octopus, to the amazing looking, tentacle sprouting, jizz-inducting aesthetic structure you see today in the finished product. I'm very sorry that I was absent for the testing phase of the project, I would have loved to have been there to be a part of the love and work poured into this master piece. If you two need any help on future projects you know where to look. This map is truly an inspiration, showing that ****ing aesthetically awesome maps with great gameplay like Emerald Legs and Ire of Fire are still alive and kicking, and that anyone can create something amazing and new if they put their mind(s) too it. I commend you Redneck and CaMOfo, you two have truly outdone yourselves.
I loooooooooove this map, it has a very octopus like feel to it in a very octopusish way. it also has an octopus which i like greatly. also since when does that needler shoot pink things?
really diggin this. and not just for the asthetics. it's just may be better than longshore itself. i tried to get out, but couldn't. the teleporters killed me