SPACE TETHER MUTANTS A variant of infection where mutants attempt to infiltrate the New Mombassa Space Tether and eliminate the troopers defending it The radiation caused by the slipspace rupture has mutated those in the immediate area, You are troopers, driven in to protect the NM Space Tether until repairs can be made, as HEVs arent too popular after the slipspace incident. ONI havent got much intel on this new enemy but you can be sure they wont show any mercy. The UNSC haven't got many marines to spare after the enormous navy losses, you are the few that could be brought in at short notice. The UNSC will be sending reinforcements and building equipment from a station on mars, hold out for 15 minutes. Mutants are generally weak and travel quite slowly though a particular mutant has developed the ability to use a needler, The location of this mutant is streamed directly to your HUD So hes lit up for you. You begin with a BR and SMG as any trooper should and various weapons and equipment lay around the area, as cargo inside it has spilled out. The fallen sections of the elevator The base Top view Sniper point From a distance Mutant spawn This is a first version, the map and game are being tweaked. MAP : Halo 3 File Details GAMETYPE : Halo 3 File Details
Overall the space tether does look pretty sweet, but I do have a question. If the mutants are lit up for the humans, than how hard is it for the mutants to actually kill the humans? Are the tronger and have more shields? Well I will dl and test it with my friends when I get the time.
Your forging looks amazing, but the gametype doesn't sound so good. Just remember that the gametype should be fun for everyone, even the zombies. I hate to see a great map fall under that scourge of slow, unfair zombies. I suggest reading Sargeant sarcasm's guide, but it looks like your map itself is very well balanced.
HOW can u say forging looks amazing , i could make this in 15 minutes , sorry bro just cause of what last guy said ,lol nothing is even interlocked/merged nothing ..its cool but not amazing
Finally someone with half a brain This map does looks like you could make it in 20 minutes though so u might wanna use more interlocks in maps to come
I think it looks great, does that mean I don't have a brain? How much time a person commits to a map is not directly relative to how good it looks; interlocking is simply a technique that allows players to do more of what they want. Triderian, there's a abundance of ignorance at this site, you got to take things with a grain of salt and think for yourself sometimes. Merging may very well may help, if you havn't checked it out already i think you should, but is not essential.
@Gelatinous and Seaboro thanks, feedback is useful, ill look into the gametype and as for the lack of merging, this is the first time I have seriously sat down and forged a map, so I havent tried out techniques like that yet.
^this... verbatim. Merging is not necessary to make a great map. Many good maps have been built like Lego creations, and despite that play exceptionally well. On the opposite side of the spectrum, I've seen maps that were forged seamlessly and beautifully but played terribly, and at that point all you have is a Mona Lisa. You look at it and move on. Considering this is Halo 3, a game mind you, gameplay is a huge issue, which is what I'd like to move on to: From your cryptic description, the humans start off with BRs. You mentioned that the zombies are relatively weak and slow making them seem like they are pretty much a BR-*****'s crack cocaine. That and there is relatively no cover for the zombies that would help them successfully advance to the elevator. All they really have is the strewn out tether segments which creates a rather aweful choke point. I know you said that there was a 'speshal' zombie that had a Needler but that's pretty useless unless you can actually get to a reasonable distance from the humans. I recommend revising your map for the changes I (and others) mentioned and revising your post to better describe your gametype and how it plays. On the upside, this map is rather well constructed despite it's lack of advanced forging techniques, in other words, not bad for a newbie.
does it really matter about merging?? Foundry as an example is an AMAZING map that equal distributes every aspect of infantry combat. Is it merged: no. Merging is helpful ascthetically, but it is not a benefactor of core gameplay. Good map Tridirian, you dont have to listen to these jerks