Yea i think i remember bungie saying that they added more armor customization. So that may implie that you pick a certain "power-up" armor piece before the game. There will probaly be just another row in the appearance tab called "perk" or what ever where you choose what powerup to use.
I find the rumor of having classes set up nearly identical to MW2 to be bullshit. It seems pretty obvious as of now, that somewhere you'll be able to customize your armor ability for games, hence the 'loadout'. Bungie would never let you spawn with rockets, or sniper, or BR on your own accord, that's just not Bungie. It's still going to be weapons on map, or at least I imagine so.
from the website you linked i think i found there are different abilities like sprint, jet pack, invisability, unsplaterable but thats just what i think
Personally, I think the jetpack should work like a vehicle, and you pick it up, and it drives sort of like strapping a monitor from Forge onto your back, hopefully. Lol. Anyway... JETPACK=AWESOMESAUCE! I CAN HLG WITH POWNAGE NOW! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Okay, I'm done.
Yeah that would be odd if bungie switched to a weapon selection and ammo crates. But, granted this is just a theory, you could get to select your initial weapon with a highly limited group (AR, Magnum, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle and thats all) and initial grenades (2 of your choice)
I'm a little skeptical of the armour abilities. I haven't even gotten completely used to equipment in Halo 3. Nevertheless, the trailer is getting me really hyped for Reach's actual release and the beta itself. Just a couple more months...
I can guarantee that it won't happen. First of all, the AI is hard enough to program as they are right now. If you could make your own FF maps, they would be impossible to program right. Bungie has a hard enough time themselves making AI act human, letting us forge our own maps would end catastrophically.
Actually coyote its easier than you might think. Simply program a "landing zone" (maybe a drop zone or a phantom pad that requires a lot of space) and an area of movement, as well as simple wall detectment... These are professional programmers you know
Wait a minute, wait a minute... ...since there's a Gravity Hammer, does this mean that Brutes will make an appearance in the Campaign?
One thing that occurred to me....We've seen the Scorpion tank, the Warthog, the Ghost, the Banshee, and the Phantom. We have to assume there will be a scarab or 12 in the campaign. Plus the grav hammer means Brutes and possibly Choppers so that leaves.....THE MOTHERFUCKIN MONGOOSE. It better be in Reach or I'll be pissed.
Personally I have been out of the loop on the hard details of Reach. All I know is what I have read in GameInformer and this Multiplayer trailer. I sincerely hope it is included.
i concur i really hope that all assassinations dont take as long as they did in the vid. i think they said something about choosing whether you want the extended animation in the vidoc, but im not sure. crossing my fingers...