GOLDEN PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS CRYSTAL GENESIS V1.3 By: Sk8volcom12 This is the raw layout of my newest map Crystal Genesis. This is version 1.3 because I am still making the map but because I know everyone is sooo excited, I just published my unfinished version of the map. My finished map will look just like this except for more structures and fighting zones. So in other words, this is the non expanded/large form. Canvas Foundry Gametypes Slayer Team Slayer Capture The Flag Infection Players 2-8 Fighting Equipment Include Sniper Rocket Launcher Shotgun X2 Maulers X3 Battle Rifles Fuel Rod Gun Energy Sword Machine Gun Turret Plasma Grenades Fire Bomb Grenades Recharger Trip Mine Power Drain The main focus I wanted for this map was the big sniper structure in the middle with a giant catwalk in the air. Well I got what I aimed for. In this map is a battlefield in the middle with a big collum thing coming out of the merged ground with a merged in sniper platform in an octogon shape in the air. The sniper base breaks out into one big great giant catwalk that is in mid air surrounding the entire map. Sniper Base The sniper base is thing I was just talking about in the middle. It consist on a first floor basis with a walkway expanding around it. If you look up there is am octangular platform which serves as the sniper perch. The sniper perch has windows in the front and to the sides, it braks in to the catwalk. The Midair Catwalk Crisis As I was saying there is a catwalk which the sniper perch breaks into. The catwalk is a giant circle with no center that has a giant walkway around it. Think of it as a toilet seat. Rocket Extrordanair To the right of the map is a structure which I linke to call the rocket extrordanair. It has 3 very unique features to it. The first feature is the bridge. The bridge is what you must walk on to get to the real thing. The bridge looks exactly like a bridge by the way it curves inward. The 2nd feature is the Portal. The portal is basically you jup onto the engraved platform to the gravlift. Take the grav lift and you will be transfered from a portal to the sniper perch (That is the only way to get to the sniper perch). The 3rd feature is its open battlefied swat layout. It has 2 towers on both sides and a couple of hiding spots. Note that under the bridge is the rocket launcher. Snakes Tunnel Snakes Tunnel is a curved tunnel which is also called the tunnel of twisted corriders. Snakes tunnel is my favorite feature because of its layout and simplicity. It is 6 merged open double boxes that is merged to give it a bending/curving look. On top of snakes tunnel is a swat walkway. It has several bunkers and a couple of battle rifles. The Chapel The chapel is really nothing that special. It is just a tower like thing with a turret at the top for when you are playing Infection. Please comment to help this great map stay alive. Please note that this is just version 1.3. The other version is my secret map that is a long term project. I will be expected to finish it by the end of April. Thats why I just posted up what Iv done so far. I hope you Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOWNLOAD HERE
i will try it. and give my review. be back later! good job i havent seen a map like this yet hmm well some of it was a little messy but otherwise.. great job. that looks great for TS
I dont think that the chapel will come much into effect during TS, from what I see. You got some nice interlocking though. The bottom of the map is so barren though. And if you havent completely finished the map, why even post it? Ill check it out though.
Well This is exactly why I have about $300 stille able in forge And I have no clue what else I could do So I posted it and wala, people are telling me ups and downs and what should go there and stuff like that You guys are telling me what to improve So that is why I posted it early
Why release an unfinished map? Just finish it and then post it. From what I see, it looks REALLY empty. There is also too many power weapons Some of it looks a little messy, like the stairs in the last pic.
Ok well it seems like what I thought would happen....didnt happen So I am now asking what your guys oppinion on anything else I should add to it or change some things
im not going to download now because its not done yet but i will DL the final product with that $300 in forge you need to in soon stuff on the ground so that way everything isnt in the air and also put in some none power weapons so that way people can have some ammo while looking around the map/killing people. just a thought
Alot of the floors on the map and bumpy and messy. Also, the weapons that ARE on their have each default respawn times. Speaking of respawn, there are no respawn points.To me the map may look good, but when you look around the whole neatness of it isnt there.