Map Title:TOWERS Two large towers to mix up tha game {nullstar posted below "kind of boing", but i also changed the weapons and vehichles which he hasnt seen.} Sorry people but i can only post a link to my file share and some photos. I got banned until may 1st by accidentally posting a map in the general forum. Until then ill have to just give you the file share link. So towers is simply the best two towers i could add to the map to mix up the game.Works best with capture the flag , probably works the same with bomb and slayer. In my fileshare there is also the same map but with normal vehichles and weapons called "towers normal". I dont know if the one with normal vehichles is any good, but i can definitly say that towers works great as we had an epic 14 player game the other night. Lasted about 20 - 25 mins with 5 flag captures out of 6. There is another 10 maps in my fileshare and people tell me they look very professional.Seriously check out relentless film clip in slot 3 of my fileshare its amazing and shows the game going. Relentless and Majestik have game types of the same name in there. The map bridges was designed for the Zombinaught game type. This post thing is broken so heres the link to fileshare. Description: Description: Description:
yeah u know it might seem boring but you aint downloaded it and seen all the weapons and vehichle changes. the towers is just the main feature. Didnt want to post pictures of weapons and tanks, you know what they look like.
People here don't download on the premise of having nice weapons and vehicles, they download when they KNOW there are nice weapon and vehicle placement. Try blocking off the rest of the map, providing more cover, a description, looking at Forging 101, and a weapon list in a possible version 2 of the map.
so basically the whole party can fight for this tower? what do they get if they make it to the top? a rocket launcher or something?
Nope , they dont fight over the towers as both sides have a tower, The towers are just an extra feature, like an upgrade to the map, each team should use the tower as a primary defense mechanism. Both sides get a thing that is the best spot to defend from but both sides also get extra vehichles.