Hello, as you can probably see, I am new here. I am actually relatively new to Halo 3 and the Xbox 360 console itself. I actually only got the game on Monday, along with my Xbox 360, after some of my mates insisted that I spend £40 on the ODST game for my first game. I have yet to try out the ODST disc, however. What I have tried is the Halo 3 Multiplayer disc, regardless of not having Xbox Live, yet (awesome, right?). Before you assume I have had no prior Halo experience, think no further! I have played hours of Halo CE ages ago, days of LAN in Halo 2, and I have even had a lot of game-time on Halo 3 as an Xbox Live guest player. This is my first time ever having the opportunity to play proper multiplayer on my own console! I'll still probably be terrible at multiplayer once I get my Xbox Live set up (most likely tomorrow!). Btw, I've already registered a Gamertag called an "An Awesome Cat" through Xbox.com, so feel free to send me a friend request or whatever. Now, I bet you're wondering why I registered an account on a seemingly multiplayer orientated website when I haven't even played Halo 3 multiplayer online, beside a few times as an Xbox guest. That's because Forge mode is bloody well awesome! Forge is why I can't be bothered to do anything else as far as setting up my Xbox 360 for Xbox Live. This is the first time I've ever seen anything like this in a console video game, specifically in an Xbox FPS. In fact, I found Forge Hub during a Google search for "Halo 3 Forge." Anyway, I truly hope I can share some of my creations in Forge mode with you guys once I can be bothered to hook up my Xbox Live and when I purchase a membership or whatever. Now, I'm going to bed; I have to get up for work in two hours. Btw, I apologise for the wall-of-text I gave you guys for my introduction... <3...
Wow, great intro! Nice to have you around here! Have you checked out the Forging 101 section? It's got a ton of very useful tips and tricks for your Forging experience. In addition, if you're jumping into the Xbox Live experience (including some of our customs, which are...awesome [diducwutididthar?!]), we have TGIF, Thank Goodness it's Forge-Day. That is a biweekly game night and is always a ton of fun. If you've got any concerns or questions or anything, feel free to visitor/private message me! Oh, and one last thing. Be sure to read these here rule thingamabibbers: here. They're very important here...if you just stick to those you'll be onto a great start
that intro was awesome, tell you what, once you've checked out forge101, if you start building a map and need pointers, feel free to message me on this. Also if you'd like i'll go through some matchmaking with you to help you get better, FR The Moran if you feel like it, i'm lvl 40 so i know whats what, but i have a couple of playlists which i can play with you with low ranks (squad battle mainly in the ranked, but if you get better quick i also have highest rank 20 stuff). I look forward to seeing what you can do, plus if you learn good, when reach comes out you'll be ready =)
Wassup bro, welcome to Forgehub. You might want to check out our forging section, how to 'intralox' and be 'cool' like what Insane54 is saying, but you're not cool. You're awesome. If you're as awesome as you say you are, check out our biweekly TGIF (which is this Friday), we usually play custom games like super awesome infection, super awesome community made minigames, and super awesome community team slayer maps. You can check them all out at our maps section. Download some maps and then download some friends to play with. Here at Forgehub we don't just have Halo 3 forge topics, in our community sub-forum, you can talk srs in general chat, ask us for gaming tips in gaming chat, get a free sig in Graphics and Arts (i recommend Kidbomber's shop), debate about life and stuff, or step into off topic and pick a fight with sarge. You didn't hear that last bit from me. Anyways...Play me off, keyboard cat!
Thanks for the replies, guys! I just bought an Xbox Live Gold Membership! Like just now! I'm really lookin' forward to the TGIF tomorrow and hopefully I can participate in it. Now, I've gotta try out this multiplayer. Feel free to friend request me as I'll probably need some help with all of this new stuff.
Just to clarify, I think it's actually next Friday (we will post up the signups in the Announcements section usually around Wednesday) for TGIF.