The Forgehub Cumulative Stories Thread.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SRC48, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Sam's ears were ringing when he woke up... He looked around him. Demolished pods were everywhere, almost none survived the big robot's frenzy. Sam began to look for the others.

    "Holy ****" said Sam, as the final drop pod landed near him, knocking him down from the force.

    "Sam!" said Mohammed. "Oh thank the good Lord 'fer that one, we thought we'd lost ya buddy!"

    "Where's Nicole?" Questioned Sam

    "She's with the others." Replied Mohammed.

    Sam followed Mohammed to where the others gathered. Macy lays there, stone cold and covered in blood. There was no sign of Johnny.
    "I've got no pulse" stated Eric. "She's gone."

    Nicole began to sob while the others looked down.
    "I've had enough of this ****" Said Sam.

    "Wait, Sam don't!" Screeched Nicole.
    Sam ran to the gold robot and threw a rather large rock at it, but it did very little but leave a tiny scratch.

    "Hey you, tin-****er!" Sam shouted. The Robot turned.

    "Yeah, you! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM US!" He shouted.

    The robot leaned down on one knee, resting his hand on the other... And Said...
  2. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Damn and I thought the story was going one way and it went another. This story is great!
  3. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    "A thank you would have sufficed. If my assumption that y'all needed assistance was incorrect, your corporal should've said something, and I would have happily watched you take on all 50 of these pods" said the robot calmly. A severed robot torso from the carnage crawled in desperation towards the gold robot's legs, only to be blown into even smaller pieces.

    "But you KILLED Macy! I don't know what I'm going to do now! Johnny must be hysterical, running around MISSING with no mom! I can NEVER forgive you for this! I mean, like--" The robot had stopped listening to him, and Sam's voice trailed away. The robot aimed his huge titanium-alloy wrist at Macy's lifeless body, and fired a constant stream of translucent blue energy at her, lifting her off the ground.

    "NOO!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER BODY!!?" screamed Sam.

    "Shh." said the mechanical beast as he turned her body in different directions, meticulously refining it. It set her down on the ground, and as the stream of energy dissipated from her she drew in a gasping, deep breath, and collapsed. Eric, being the closest, ran in and caught her in his arms, as Sam could only stare, dumbfounded. The robot extended a huge hand to the ground, holding a very small detachable storage unit. The unit popped open and Johnny leaped out, sprinting to Macy.

    "I'm sorry to put you through so much panic. Naturally, the infant was at the highest risk, and his life needed protection."

    Nobody could say a word, they were absolutely dumbfounded at the robot's technology and compassion. Suddenly the robot snapped up straight, and began to look around. A more automated version of his voice came online.


    A vehicle much like a bigger, more futuristic humvee fell from the robot's back and it's doors snapped open. A human voice came on through a small speaker inside the vehicle.

    "Get in, Tritton II has detected another hostile incoming, this time bigger." They didn't know whether or not to trust the voice. A loud, roaring drone much like the one they heard earlier filled the air. They turned around to see a matte black robot slightly bigger than "Tritton II" coming in over the horizon.

    "TRUST ME," shouted the voice, and the squad abided. Macy, Johnny, Bart, Sam, Nicole, Eric, and Mohammed all piled into the back of the vehicle, and it automatically sped off.

    "Don't worry, it's safe where the vehicle is taking you" said the voice, though nobody was listening, but rather staring out the rear window as Tritton II heroically took to the air, on a direct collision course with the imminent harbinger of doom...

    [ insert a "back at the base scene", not a fight scene, please:) ]
    #23 iZumi, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  4. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    The vehicle stopped in front of a rock, in the middle of nowhere. Sam and "Bart's Militia"(Minus Bart) hopped out.
    "Oh great, where the hell are we now?" Said Eric.

    "Who knows.." Said Sam. Right as he said this the rock opened up, like a mechanical door into a military base. A soldier stepped out.

    "Welcome to the Task Force 414's cave lookout.... I assume Tritton II has sent you?" He said

    "Yeah..." Said Sam, completely dumbfounded.

    "So you're 'Bart's Militia' Right? Ha, hey where is 'ol Bart?" Asked the soldier.

    "He went into one of those little pods, forced by one of the 'small' black robots." Said Eric.

    "Sonuvabitch..." Said the soldier. He grabbed his communicator. "SIR, WE GOT A CODE 595, I REPEAT WE HAVE A CODE 595! ALL STATIONS RED ALERT!" The base instantly turned into a frenzy, people were running and confusion erupted. The loudspeaker sounded throughout the base.

    "All personnel in the base, listen. Any refugees or citizens are to stay put, I repeat, all refugees and citizens stay put. If you are enlisted report to your deploy silo's, prepare to drop in hot. We have a code 595." Said the announcer.

    "Wait!" Said Sam, stopping the soldier. "We're coming too."

    "No, that's not a possibilty!" Responded the soldier.
    "This is our fight too!" Snapped Sam

    A general walked up. "You and your friends can go, but the boy and his mother stay... They may be the one's who have what we need to win this war." Said the general...
    #24 SRC48, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  5. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    The two behemoth machines clanked fists and shot missiles at each other. Tritton II vigilantly fought the Harbinger of Doom and it seemed as if the battle was in favor of Tritton II. Helicopter blades swooshed in unison as they approached the town. Two heavy modified Sikorsky helicopters entered the towns’ airspace with a large round object in tow. Ordinary Sikorsky Heli’s are already larger than regular military issued helicopters both in length and width and not to mention the blade length is longer as well. They had a two-tone body color of black and red. The object in tow was a smooth black object encased in a yellow molding stripped with black lines. Whatever it was it was heavy, yet both hatches of the helicopters released the cables holding the object. It fell slowly gaining more and more speed until it hit the center of town leaving a huge impression in the dirt. The Black object began to tremble and a white ball of electricity began to form above it. The ball grew and grew, now ingulfing the enter center of town. It expanded to its original size for just a moment and then shot out in every which direction hitting the entire town and everything else within two miles. Tritton II and the Harbinger fell from the sky smashing into the earth shaking everything nearby.

    #25 Transactionzero, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  6. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You could delete the humvee part, as Bart isn't present anyways. edit it and just keep the robot fight and it will be a continuation.
  7. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    hey transaction, i'm gonna go off SRC's part, i had something epic in mind. you or anyone, really, can maybe take yours and write it out to a conclusion if you had something in mind, and it can just be an alternate ending, and we'll post both in the final edition. this next part i'm putting in is an intended conclusion..
    Bart's squad decided the would stay with Johnny and Macy, they felt they had a responsibility to their lives after all that had transpired. They were escorted to a lab with beds to sleep in and food to eat. For a day and a half they waited in that laboratory, running tests and comforting eachother. They couldn't help but worry about Bart, the brave troops of TF414, and Tritton II, their newfound non-human friend.

    "Open the hangar doors, open them NOW! We have a squad coming in!" shouted one of the remaining guards. The whole squad instantly jumped up and sprinting to the landing pad.

    "I would stand back if I were you" the base commander warned. They all scooted back, not knowing what to expect. All of a sudden an emergency vehicle of some sort came streaking in at terminal and hit the pad full force. Coughing and gasping for air, a crew of 6 piled out of the pod accompanied by Corporal Bart, still covered in the goo from his pod.

    The squad commander spoke up. "Don't celebrate too fast. I'm afraid there's more bad news than good. We sent out every single one of our squads, and out of the 10, we're the only survivors, minus four of us, though we managed to eliminate all the opposition we could take on. Our scout is still out there, status unknown. Macy and Nicole began to cry, and the other were left standing, looking down at their feet.

    "What of Tritton II? Did you see him at all? What's his status?" questioned the base commander.

    "Last we saw, he was engaged in some rough CQB combat with the Harbinger, though we couldn't tell who was winning, seeing they were both pretty beat up. Tritton was definitely at the disadvantage." This made Macy and Nicole cry even harder. Eric got down on his knees and began to pray. A smaller pod struck the pad suddenly, smashing through the wreckage of the other one. The TF414 squad ran over and pried open the doors. A flustered scout stumbled out.

    "I scouted everything outside of 2 miles to this base, and have found no signs of Tritton II or the Harbinger."

    "Why didn't you search around the base?! For all we know, The Harbinger could've smashed Tritton like a bug and is lumbering around our perimeters!"

    "I'm sorry sir, i was hit by stray fire from an unknown source and needed to return immediately" explained the scout.

    "Sir! Something is coming up on radar, can't tell if it's friendly or hostile!" shouted a technician.

    "****,well you did all you could, scout." The commander began barking orders.

    "Open the main hangar bay doors! Roll out the defense artillery! Expect ANYTHING! Bart, get your friends behind something then grab a gun and get up here. Be ready!"

    A loud thumping started to resonate from the cliff walls below, as if some thing was climbing it.


    The longest two minutes of everybody's life passed as the thumping continued, getting closer and closer. All of a sudden it stopped. Suddenly, a gigantic robot head swung around and smashed to floor of the base, soon followed by a war- torn Tritton II. Tritton triumphantly pulled himself through the hangar doors, charred and beat up, missing various mechanical parts and half an arm. Everybody began to cheer, as Tritton spoke up in his deep, metallic voice.

    "Sorry to keep y'all waiting."

    /EPIC ENDING (????)
  8. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds good to me

  9. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    rough concept of what i imagine tritton II to look like, except with more guns and jet engines and garbage. haha VERY rough
    #29 iZumi, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  10. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    #30 SRC48, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2010
  11. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    NEW ONE!!!:

    The day they came, Cory and Jason were at work, cleaning up the cafe near closing time, The TV was tuned to CNN, babbling about some invasion conspiracy that was doomed to happen on this same day, much like the 2012 theories.

    "Man, can you believe this ****?" said Jason.

    "Nah, conspiracies piss me off" Cory shouted from the back of the restaurant. Suddenly all the power zapped out in an instant, and everything went quiet.

    "Cory?" No reply. "Dude quit ****ing around, not funny" remarked Jason, looking around for his friend.

    "BOOMBOOMBOOM INVASION!!!" screamed Cory as he leaped out from behind the counter, hurling leftover rolls at Jason. Jason dived behind a table, absolutely terrified. "Haha dude, TOTALLY got you, I'll go turn the power back on, hold up." Cory ventured to the back of the cafe. "It won't come back on" he shouted.

    "Whatever man, it's probably just more shitty wiring, this place hasn't been redone in like 35 years. But DUDE, oh my gosh you scared the piss out of me! Haha for a minute I thought that was rea-" he was cut of by the crash of the cafe windows shattering as a squadron of fighter jets screamed over, barely 100 yards above the ground. Loud zaps rang through the air, as if from a sci-fi movie, lighting up the sky with a fluorescent blue.

    A loud boom rang out, and the two boys ran out of the cafe to see the smoldering wreckage of a fighter jet in the parking lot across the street.

    "They've come" said a homeless man, sitting on a bench outside of the cafe, pointing and staring into the sky. Cory and Jason looked up and watched the outline of a looming, mysterious shape descend through the clouds...
    #31 iZumi, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  12. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Jet's roared through the air... Scott Henderson was a pilot of one of these, they were the first response team to this cloud of unknown. Scott thought to himself, "What the hell could it be".

    "All units, enemy bogeys confirmed to be in the perimeter, watch out... Plasma fire will take your bird down over." Said 'OVERLORD' via radio system. Not a second later Scott was hit by plasma residue, he began a quick descent into the city below.

    "Overlord, air unit 495 is going down hot in central NYC! over!" Screamed Scott

    "Overlord to unit 495, remain calm... Do you have a parashoot over?" Responded overlord

    "Affirmitive sir, ejecting in approx. 10 seconds, I'll be near the café in sector Delta-12 over!" Screamed Scott.

    "Roger, we'll have ground support asap, stay frosty, overlord out." Responded overlord.

    Scott ejected.
    Cory, Jason, and the homeless man dug up the guns from the safe in the kitchen of the café.
    "Always wondered when we'd need em" Said Cory.

    "What the hell?" Said Jason.

    "What?" Cory asked
    Jason pointed to the paratrooper coming down, from the windows outside. They ran to his position. Jason raised his rifle, aiming right at the head.
    "Who the hell are you?" He asked.

    "I'm Scott Henderson, pilot in the US airforce, are you guys civies?" Replied the lone pilot.

    "Yeah, you alone?" Replied Cory
    "Not for long, Infantry Regiment's coming to pick me up in a little bit, doin' a sweep of the downed birdies in the sky. You can tag along if you want" Explained Scott...

    "Damn straight." Said the Hobo.
  13. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    The four men walked down the barren street, Colonel Henderson leading the way with his custom painted orange and black semi-auto marksman rifle cradled snuggly against his shoulder.

    "I've been through two wars with this baby. I call her Venus, built her myself. She's been my trusty companion and weapon of choice for all these years, brought me through World War 3 alive and well. I was a foot soldier for most of those years, but I'll do anything for this military and when they need a pilot, i'm a pilot."

    "What was the second war you went through?" asked Jason.

    "Wouldn't you like to know..." the hobo said sarcastically.

    "Nobody asked you, Jernigan." replied Henderson. "They're civies, they aren't supposed to know that information, and you know why." Jason and Cory looked at eachother, puzzled.

    "Well look at you Mister big shot, mister 'I'm only 34 and already a colonel,' I'm retired because of all those gay rules y'all had in place." Henderson stopped and whipped around to confront him.

    "You're retired because you were insubordinate, sergeant. Your ability to take down 5 bogeys in 5 seconds from a mile away is insignificant when you can't follow orders, much less lead a squad on a high importance mission."

    "I was surrounded, I had no choice! Damn freaks were all around us, I deserve a medal for what i did that day, more than you could ever do."

    Henderson moved closer. "Listen Jernigan, i don't need any lip from yo-"

    "No you listen to ME, colonel," Jernigan said, grabbing Scott by the front of his uniform. "Chances are this unit that's supposed to pick us up is dead, I'd put money on that if I had any. Now either we will stand on even ground or I'll make it so. I can pull a combat knife faster than you can blink and you know it." Jernigan had Scott suspended off the ground now, holding him by the chest with one arm. Jernigan dropped him and with a quick, stern look, Scott turned around and continued to walk.

    After about two minutes of silence, Cory broke the ice.

    "So wait, you guys know eachother from the military? And what's so secret about this second war?"

    "Ya might as well tell 'em, Henderson. They've heard plenty."

    Scott sighed, stopped and turned around to face them. "A small division of the military was secretly sent to investigate a disturbance out in space at one of the Industrial Federation's moons. We fought off the attackers for two years. We believe whatever attacked that IF moon is attacking Earth now. The surviving marines now call those fateful years 'The Harbinger Wars.' Those creatures...Harbingers of death they were" explained Henderson, getting anxious. "That was the only way we could describe those things, those monst-" Henderson was cut off when out of nowhere, he was tackled by something nobody could pinpoint, a quick blur of motion. Before anyone could react, Jernigan had produced a pistol seemingly out of thin air and was unloading a mag on the creature as it fled.

    "STAY HERE" ordered Henderson, sprinting off after it.

    "Stay on your toes, we don't know how many of these have transported to the surface by now" warned Jernigan. The boys raised their weapons as if not sure what to do with them. Two minutes passed, with no sign of Henderson.

    Jernigan suddenly perked up and began to look around. As fast as the creature materialized behind him, he had spun around with a curved, 7 inch combat knife drawn in his hand, ready for combat. He rammed the harbinger with a stern shoulder thrust to the torso, knocking it down. He became rather frantic, as if he didn't know what to do now. He dived it the creature, only to be met with with i firm kick to the chest which sent him reeling 10 feet through the air. The harbinger rose to it's full height of almost 8 feet and approached the downed man as a pointed, molten-orange blade materialized from a device on it's wrist. The boys stared in shock as it knelt down over Jernigan, it's blade inches from Jernigan's face. Suddenly a sharp crack rang through the air and the blade was gone as well as the creature's hand, and it screamed in pain. In another second, the creature's face exploded in a short gush of translucent orange blood as Henderson descended his perch from across the street, stroking Venus' hot barrel.

    He tossed a glowing blue device, shaped much like a leaf, to Jernigan as the old man ripped another blue leaf from the shoulder armor of the dead harbinger, showing that the leaves must have the dog tags of the alien race.

    "I totally had him. I just freaked out." Jernigan started out.

    "Yeah I would've too, after what those freaks have put you through" Henderson replied.

    "Anyways...we should get going." Jernigan stocked up from the dead creature's corpse, and continued on without saying a word...
    #33 iZumi, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  14. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    News Reporter: "Earlier today, alien creatures first spotted on the moons of a once IF controlled moon have invaded the east coast. These creatures were first spotted in an "Investigation" that the military now confirms was a full war. They do not take responsibility for finding the so called "Harbingers", that was the IF's fault. General Petrov stated the following..."
    "I believe the time has come for our United Nations to join forces with the Industrial Federation to ensure the demise of our common enemy, the Harbinger. These creatures are violent, and very vile. They live in dirty, hostile environments, much like pack rats or scavengers. I'm issuing a draft to the military branches for any male sixteen and over to join the armed forces. I must return to the battlefield, time has been wasted enough as is comrades. "

    "So your boys must go to the local military barracks and report immediately"
    Jernigan lit his final cigar as they walked down the destroyed streets of Manhattan.
    "Not too long ago we walked down these same streets, shattered from the face of war. We carried an m-16 rifle on our backs, an m9 in our pocket, and kept trucking along to face the Russians in World War 3. I now walk these same streets, with the Russians on our sides with one desire in mind." Said Jernigan, reloading his gun as the group walked up on some unsuspecting Harbingers.

    "Don't we all." Said Henderson.

    Cory and Jason opened fire on the first two, pulling off four shots into the clueless harbingers. They both fell. Jernigan steadied his rifle, squinting in his left eye, aiming with his right. He pulled off a shot, one, ****, two, ****, three, ****. Simultaneously three harbingers hit the ground. Henderson shot the remaining one in what seemed to be his thigh, crippling him. He walked up to the Harbinger who was trying to crawl away.

    "What the **** are you here for!" He yelled, aiming at the beast's head.

    "I deny thy ears to hear what for!" Responded the Harbinger. "You cannot comprehend the immensity of what your planet withholds. You will never understand...." Henderson cut of his sentence with a gunshot to the head.

    "Good job boys, we only got a couple hundred million left!" Said Jernigan, jokingly. "Scott, what's wrong with you, you look sea sick, like a dog."

    "It's that harbinger, he... he was intelligent." Responded Scott.
    "Oh we've known that for a long time, my boy." Stated Jernigan, reloading his bolt action rifle.
    #34 SRC48, Mar 5, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  15. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    "Those weren't harbingers, those were weenies, at least that's what i call 'em, hehe." stated Jernigan.

    "What's the difference?" asked Jason.

    "Well, 2 feet in height, fair bet. But Harbingers are the true mass of the military. Those monsters were bred for war, selected by their utmost authority. Never will ya see one of them travelin' in a pack, oh no. They're straight up lone wolves, armed for anything and trained to wipe out an entire squad of humans. Back in my day, I could give 'em hell, but ever since I lost my squad to them, I've choked every time I get near one. Lucky for , the "professor" here" Jernigan chuckled, nodding at Scott, "spent a lot of time learnin' up on these guys, and can take one out faster than you can draw your weapon."

    "And if you really want to learn anything about these guys," Henderson chimed in, "the last thing you should do is take in the **** the media throws at you. They don't know **** about theses guys, much less their home planet and ways of life."

    The two boys just stared at eachother in amazement, listening to things that the movies couldn't even come up with.


    "How dare these humans look upon us as a lesser species, wallowing in our own filth. We are everything their utterly stupid race has ever dreamed of. Council! Share your thoughts on the matter!" The Harbinger headmaster paced about the bridge of his flagship cruiser, shouting his grievances against the humans in pure misanthropy to his 3 lead advisors.

    The largest of the three stood up and spoke. "I take your feelings to heart, master. Our intentions were no different from theirs, we wanted to reach out and explore. We prayed that the Prophets had misspoke of the human's cruelty, and were met with contempt and the death of our last living elder. If the humans thought our little encounter at that moon was a war, now it is time to show them a war. It is time to show them GENOCIDE!!!"

    shouted the rest of the council in approval. "Harbingers! To the surface!!" shouted the headmaster from his high command bridge. All 50 ships in the massive fleet of cruisers broke out in an uproar of triumph, as if they had already won. Hundreds of thousands of harbingers flocked to the transport pads and materialized into thin air, each en route to an individual spot on the earth's surface. The flagship began to slowly descend into the atmosphere, shooting down human aircraft like insects. The headmaster began to speak. "On this day, we will bring dark revelations to the humans to remind them of their stupidity." He began to get louder. "On this day, they will look up at our grand army and run for cover." He continued to increase intensity, almost shouting now. "On this day, the kings and captains of this world will look to the skies, and as they realize their utter foolishness, they will turn to eachother in terror as they whisper---"

    "They've come" said a homeless man, sitting on a bench outside of the cafe, pointing and staring into the sky...

    OFF TOPIC: hey SRC, scott was in the war with jernigan, so he knows everything already. you can continue on your story, this was just an informational little interlude.
    #35 iZumi, Mar 5, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  16. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    "Holy ****ing ****..." Said Cory. "Look at those ships!" He pointed to the mass of ships flying through the air.
    "I suppose our SAM Site'll hit 'em in about three seconds." Said Jernigan.

    BOOOOM!!! Loud cracks filled the air as high caliber missiles collided with Harbinger ships. They fell, but were miles away from the group. Smoke filled the air.
    "Take that ya green bastards!" Yelled Henderson.

    "Son's a bitches are gettin' hid hard." Said Jernigan.
    "What the hell are we hitting them with?" Questioned Jason.
    "Tactical Nukes, I reckon." Replied Jernigan. "We got loads of those mother ****ers, might as well use 'em. We're safe for the night, dig up some stuff to sit on and watch the fireworks boys!" Exclaimed Jernigan.
    -UAV Thermal view, US Operated-

    Soldiers are gathered around computers, operating UAV's.

    "Sir! I have a location on Henderson, and some other civies it appears." Said a soldier.
    A person of high authority walks up.
    "Good, it appears they're armed and have experience, I see 3 dead weenies, and a harbinger. Hot Damn we need more soldiers like them, send a rescue squad." Said the Man.

    "Hooah." Replied the soldier.
    Jernigan, Henderson, Jason, and Cory sat by a makeshift campfire, using the dead enemies for "wood".
    "I'll be damned" Said Jernigan.

    They all looked to Jernigan's left, smoke arose in a thick, dusty trail behind a military Humvee, approaching them. As they got closer they realizes it was five or six, rather than one... Supported by three heli's in the air.

    "They did come for me..." Said Henderson in awe.
  17. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    "We're gettin outta here, guys, hang on!" Henderson shouted.

    "Maybe if you can fly a downed, burning helicopter! Look!" Jernigan pointed at the helicopters, as 2 harbingers materialized on the cockpits of 2 of the helicopters. In almost perfectly synchronized motion, the 2 beasts tore the crew out the choppers, sending them spinning out of control. 1 of them transported back into thin air as the humvees open fired on him, disappearing from the fight. The second one climbed to the tail rotor of his chopper and hurled the entire vehicle with pure brute strength towards the humvees, lighting up the whole convoy. He disappeared.

    "****, these things don't know who they're messin' with" Jernigan muttered to himself as he turned and sprinted into an alley.

    "Don't follow him" said Henderson as the boys turned to see where he went. "Who knows what that damn fool has in mind." A minute or so passed. "Jernigan, whatever you have planned, make it quick!" Scott shouted as another harbinger materialized on the remaining chopper.

    Suddenly the streetlights dimmed, and a deep hum resonated through the air for about two seconds. The next instant, Jernigan was sprinting back from the alleyway, wearing a very sleek and cool piece of equipment that sported shoulder armor and a device that rooted on his chest and wired to small devices hooked onto his his limbs and spinal column. He brought down a heavy faceplate to a helmet he was wearing, similar to the harbinger headgear in appearance, and brought up a green and black rifle almost identical to Venus.

    "Oh no you didn't..." Shouted Henderson.

    "Oh yes I did." replied Jernigan as he took an enormous leap off of the hood of a car and vanished into thin air.

    The harbinger, like his counterparts before him, ripped the pilot from the cockpit of the final chopper and threw him to his death. It began to make its way to the rear rotor, intending the hurl the chopper into the remaining three men on the ground. Jernigan materialized in front of the harbinger and threw himself at it, taking it by surprise. He wrestled the creature, his alien equipment allowing them both to stay magnetically anchored to helicopter, which was being piloted frantically by the remaining crew member. Jernigan pinned the harbinger and quickly thrust his knife into its chest and ripping it's loyalty tag from its shoulder simultaneously. The creature wheezed in it's final breath of air, and in a quick, dying motion, materialized it's blade backwards through the wall of the chopper, killing the remaining crew member. Jernigan flung it's dead body from the chopper and jumped into the cockpit as the unmanned chopper began to spin wildly out of control towards his 3 friends on the ground.

    Henderson and the boys watched as the chopper suddenly veered off it's imminent collision course and into the side of an apartment building. "JERNIGAN!!!!" Scott screamed in terror as he took off sprinting towards the wreckage. Henderson dropped to his knees in front the now-blazing building and hung his head in sorrow. He suddenly heard a loud yell as Jernigan suddenly materialized 15 feet above the ground and fell into the roof of a car at full force, smashing it all the way in. Scott and the boys hurried over to help him up, but he was already back on his feet and was dusting himself off.

    "Not too bad." Jernigan lifted his faceplate.

    "Haha oh man not too bad at all" Scott replied through tears of joy. "How did you get all of your gear? I was almost sure the IF confiscated it all when you were purged, and the alien gear, I can't even get my hands on that."

    "Well there was no way they were taken 'ol Jupiter from me, she's my baby, and look, she even gets reunited with her sister rifle." Henderson slung Venus around off his back and smiled. "And as for the harbinger gear, I have loads of that hidden around the city because you know what they say, finders keepers, losers SUCK." The two partners laughed and bumped their weapons against eachother.

    A loud hum suddenly filled the air and an orangeish-purple light surrounded the group, planting their feet to the ground and rendering all their weapons and gear useless. Jernigan and Henderson both reached for their knives, though they seemed to be magnetically locked in their sheathes, and the grips were blistering hot to the touch.

    "Just stand down, don't do anything retarded," the colonel warned, glancing at Jernigan.

    "Message received" he replied.

    Four massive, ten foot tall harbingers dressed in a more sleek armor suddenly materialized before them, soon followed by a regular sized harbinger, wearing a much more decorative armor, one which not even Jernigan had seen. It began to speak.

    "Do not be alarmed, humans. We will not kill you, as long as you come with us..."

    OFF TOPIC: hey transaction, ya gonna write any more bits?
    #37 iZumi, Mar 5, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2010
  18. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I intend too, just been busy with the baby.
  19. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright dude, understood. I'm really liking this story
  20. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OFFTOPIC: I'm busy right now also, Haven't been on because I'm downloading a torrent that's taken FOREVER. I'll be up and replying again soon. Gotta say, lovin' this one!

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