I have a feeling, that the special ability depends on what you have for armour. If you think about it, that would make sense; i.e. SPI armour = camo, lightwieght armour = sprint, etc.
READ THIS: Loadouts are now the traditional Weapon Loadouts you all are thinking of, it's simply picking you armor ability when you die or possibly before the game and you stoick with it for the entirety of it. You will always start out with and AR unless the gametype specifies another weapon. Atleast I highly believe this, I can be wrong and halo will have a baby with Call of Duty and make one messed-up, badass offspring that people will play with for hours. Still the game looks incredible now, can't wait to play. Though the jet pack can produce some unwanted camping and HLGing in all sorts of spots, so I hope they work out a good sysytem to keep that from happening.
Really? That's actually sort of disappointing. There's nothing better than having all of your team leave and out-killing the other 5-man team.
It also means possible boosting. Seems like they would only allow that in unranked or casual playlists.
Does that really even need to be said on this forum? lol... Mw2 was ruined by it's noob friendliness.
Trying to add everything as quickly as possible, guys. I have other work to do, but I've got my mind set on updating this. Also, did anyone else notice that when the Spartan fires the Rocket Launcher at exactly 1:11 in the video, a message pops up saying, "Generator destroyed!" after destroying a generator. New gametype?
I don't disagree one bit. Halo is my favorite game series of all time, it kicks MW2 ass IMO just in every way imaginable, the flow and action pace is unprecedented. Why would you think I didn't like it?