Sandbox Thee Attack on Planet Tinkup

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I would like to introduce you to Thee Attack on Planet Tinkup. In short, the zombies try to kill the humans with their banshees on the mini planet of Tinkup. 'Thee Attack' could convincingly be the baby of Smear the Pinkie and Janga, to give you an idea how this game plays. Though I'm hard on this game for not boasting truly amazingly fun gameplay, you should keep in mind that this is purely a mini-game. It rarely gets old, it pleases most crowds, has a easy going atmosphere, and is refreshingly original. ​

    YouTube- ‪Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 76) "Planet Tinkup"‬‎
    big thanks to Game Over Studios​

    Download Game
    Download Map
    Updated May 4.
    Ideal number of players: 3-7





    I jumped on a banshee as it boosted off, that's why I'm in god view at the moment.



    Forge-ish stuff and gameplay mechanics:

    Humans that die without being infected spawn here, where they fall through a custom powerup and through a teleporter back to the planet. The custom powerup makes you super slow for 5 seconds so they don't waste people's time by running off the edge over and over.


    Zombie spawn, grab a ghost, banshee, or go through the teleporter to access the wraith, pictured bellow.

    Wraith pad.

    The Blue 'I' is your wraith's target, shoot near the top to land a plasma ball on the center of the planet. The wraith can be very effective when the humans have no cover, as seen in the picture bellow.

    Gameplay Overviews:


    Slash at the zombies, they're very weak!

    Cover shot.


    The fall of Tinkup.


    Download Game
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    #1 Seaboro Kibbles, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  2. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    thats pretty awesome. the banshees would seem to be overpowereing, but youve obviously tested it and a s i have not, ill take your word that they work. this actually looks really fun, ima gonna download and try it this weekend. i like the idea of using the tin cups to draw in the ghosts and banshees. pretty darn awesome.
  3. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    can i buy you a drink?

    Seriously though, you could have the gameplay be invidible super fast low gravity 2000% invulnerability with rocket sniper starts and i could care less.

    that half sphere is sexy
  4. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Thanks White Rice and Ferocious Leaf!

    "the banshees would seem to be overpowereing"
    They are probably most effective, not overpowering though.

    "using the tin cups to draw in the ghosts and banshees"
    It just affects the banshees, the ghosts are free to splatter, though I'd still prefer a banshee. Banshee > Wraith > Energy sword > ghosts.
  5. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Oh My God, I have never seen anything like this before. I thought the map was just going to be another infection map, But you have made a mini planet out of tin cups (which had to of been very hard) so the vehicles stick to it. I just got done playing with a party of 6 and we had a blast, one the most creative infection maps I have seen.
  6. Tribune

    Tribune Ancient
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    This is an amazingly clever and well-designed map!
    I cannot wait to get a nice party of eight or so people to give it a shot!
    Thanks for the great map!
    That half-sphere looks fantastic too!
  7. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Its Seaboro Kibbles......that is all the incentive i need to download it and play for hours. Hog the hill and smear the pinkie...................need not say more. And the half sphere?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JESUS CINNAMON TITTIES. (anyone catch the reference?) But no that is freaking amazing......i bow to u Seaboro joke bowing right now.

    This almost trumped the reach trailer......
    #7 Shenanigans.nom, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  8. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
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    Looks so amazing I really cant do anything but download... plus, looks sort of fun too :).

    I really like that you fixed the problem of the human running off the map over and over. You seem to have thought of everything.
  9. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    ok i downloaded it and i think it is very good and fun but there is definitely room for improvement for one the zombies should not do gunshot damage just splatters also there need to be side rails for the ghost ramps cause people keep complaining about falling off also spread the weapon placement out with weapon holders around the planet and one last thing you should do several tests with a power drain or plasma pistol that appears after about 2 minutes i think that could add on to the playability
  10. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Thanks for the support AnthraXe187, Tribune, Shenanigans.nom, and suriname2.
    "This almost trumped the reach trailer..." Brings a tear to my eye.

    Thanks for the criticism, i appreciate it. (use some punctuation btw) Plasma grenades are more satisfying than plasma pistol, and a bubble shield can block counter the zombie's damage. The ghost jumps were originally curved, but people couldn't handle that so I made the turns, but now this! Psh I should be less lazy, I'll add it. Thanks again for the criticism, anyone else got some this is the time to voice it, early on.
  11. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    So this is that "Secret New Minigame" you've been working on. I have to say that the idea is amazing. I will have to play it some before I can actually criticize it though (I'll try to keep it less that on Skyline).

    psh! such original ideas
  12. Ezra Zaire1

    Ezra Zaire1 Ancient
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    It looks cool, I downloaded it. It was fun with 6 people.

    One thing I'm going to say though is that the Banshee kills way to fast, its not even funny. The round pretty much ended in less than a minute. No one used the ghost, and when I tried it I was killed instantly when I got up to the planet.

    No one used the wraith either, and when they did they just left it alone and left to get a banshee.

    Also when the humans DID slice at the vehicles the explosion would kill the humans, and that's not fun...

    In the end I liked it people enjoyed it, but the ghost, and wraith aren't used much, and the rounds end to fast.

    Just criticism ;)
    #12 Ezra Zaire1, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  13. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    Well-executed, aesthetically pleasing, and a whole bunch of fun, this seems like a pretty original and interesting idea for a map. Kinda reminds me of Little Big Planet, War style.

  14. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I got the game updated, download count reset. Heres whats new:
    • Anti-fail blockers on the ghost ramps
    • Zombies are at regular speed and poor camo to be more effective on foot.
    • Zombie damage increased and human sheilds increased, now humans won't get killed by exploding banshees, and are harder to splatter.
    Thanks to all that commented, thanks to Ezra Zaire1 and spectraltravis for the critisizm.

    "So this is that "Secret New Minigame" you've been working on."
    It's wasn't a secret, I didn't make a preview thread (whats the deal with those) or anything, but it was no secret.

    "In the end I liked it people enjoyed it, but the ghost, and wraith aren't used much, and the rounds end to fast."
    The ghost and the wraith are designed as alternatives for large parties, they really arn't that effective. And I upped the sheilds of humans, hopfully that will extend the time, other than that it just the nature of the game, very rapid fire.

    Here's some updated shots, also added some to the OP. The orange dot strip I actually think helps alot, keeps noobs strait.

    #14 Seaboro Kibbles, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  15. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    lol you just made the map more amazing, your taking up a lot of my hard drive space with all these great maps :p Keep up the good work. Love the orange dot strip btw

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