The Forgehub Cumulative Stories Thread.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SRC48, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Hey, I remembered something a forum I was on a while back did and thought I'd do it here... So what it is, is I start the story off somehow, the next poster continues from where I left off... there are a few rules...

    -Do not end the story(unless I say we will start a new one)
    -No random changes, keep it as if it were a real story(Ie, as if we were eating cookies, don't change it to we're dancing with ponies)
    -You cannot kill a character and replace them at will, they have to have a dramatic exit(ie, your whole post, or most of it, would be of how the character died.) This is to prevent some asshole from going. N DEN SOM GUISE GETS A SHOTGUN AN SHEWTS EVRY1!!!!! LOL TEH ENDZ
    -If you are NOT adding on to the story, and just commentating, put OFF TOPIC in the top of your post.

    If I decide a story is to be ended, I will post under the last post, then allow someone(anyone) to start the next one.

    I will post updates with quotes of someones addition, I will probably run out of space, in which I'll provide links.
    Ok, here we go forgehub!
    It was a dark night, Sam was playing mw2 when it all began. A monstrous crack ripped through the sky. A projectile flew onto his neighbors house, the roof collapsed from the sheer force as the mortar shell exploded. Sam diverted his attention from the console to the house, now in ruins and on fire. He rushed outside, heading over there to make sure everyone was okay, but not without grabbing a firearm.
    "I guess this is it, they're invading" Sam thought as he remembered the news talking of how the military suspected an invasion. Sam arrived at their house, with a few other confused neighbors. His father had just pulled in from work, who quickly joined them.
    "Has anyone gone inside to check on Jim?" Said his father
    "No, not yet Eric, I had my wife go to the cellar and get the guns. It's about damn time they attacked!" Said a neighbor
    "Easy, Bart, this ain't the last of those mortar's I guarantee it." Said Sam's father(Eric).
    Not a second later mortars and other projectiles flew hitting the neighborhoods and cities around them. As they began to enter the house, they were never prepared for what they would see.
    Continuations From Members.
    First Continuation-Grif
    Second Continuation-SRC48
    Third Continuation-Grif
    Fourth Continuation-SRC48
    Fifth Continuation-CreepyCHUCK
    Sixth Continuation-SRC48
    Seventh Continuation-TranzactionZero
    Eighth Continuation-SRC48
    Ninth Continuation-Tranzactionzero
    Tenth Continuation-iZumi
    Epic Ending-Izumi

    Want more?
    Story #2(this post will have the links to the story so you can read it, I'll get a cumulative thread up after this baby is done.)
    #1 SRC48, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    It was not a mortar, it was a drop pod. Sam went up to go inspect it and found an array of monitors on the side displaying a strange unreadable text. There was something though, a bar that was slowly filling up. It would take about a minute before it filled up, which Sam guessed would be when the pod would open. Sam and Bart walked in and jumped down into the small crater it had created.
    "What is it?" asked Bart.
    "I haven't the faintest idea..." answered Sam.
    "Well it's at least 10 feet tall, whatever in there is big," said Eric.
    Bart's daughter, Nicole, walked into the house with a shotgun and a few pistols.
    "Mom wanted you to have these" she said.
    Bart to the shotgun and Sam and Eric took pistols.
    Sam liked Nicole, she was fit and attractive. She probably wasn't Eric's actual daughter, there was no way this fat man could have produced someone like this.

    Just then the bar reached the end and the pod opened with a hiss and steam. Immediately Nicole and Sam's guns were trained on the figure, who was as expected tall.

    3% of teens have Jesus in their lives. If you're one of the 97% who doesn't put this in your signature.
    #2 Grif, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  3. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    The steam dissipated, The group of neighbors stood in shock as they saw what was before their eyes. A robotic figure stepped out of the pod, it was operated by an enemy human figure.
    "Enemy Contact!" Shouted Bart, he's a veteran.
    "Holy ****! Should we shoot it?" Said Eric.
    Before they could finish their worry-some conversation, Nicole aimed her firearm, shooting the glass. A new problem erupted, the glass in which the operator is visible was bulletproof. The dazed operator of the robotic being was dizzy and stunned from his pod crash-landing off course. The neighbors quickly erupted more fire, quickly waking the near-unconcious operator. In his confusion he bumped the red "EJECT" button, opening his cockpit. His life was short-lived with a firearm in the hand of Bart.
    Sam hopped into the robot, attempting to figure out how to use it.

    "How ya like me now?" Said sam.
  4. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    OFF Topic

    I was hoping that the unreadable text would lead you towards alie.. oh forget it....

    To the story:

    "Not at all" said the pilot with his dying breath. It should be noted that this pilot was the only man to have ever survived getting hit by a train and the small town in which it happened still celebrates the anniversary of the incident as a holiday.

    "Do you even know how that thing works?" asked Nicole.
    "Well, not exactly..." answered Sam. "In fact I had no idea anything like this ever existed"
    "Well it doesn't matter" said Nicole, "It's not going to work for you"
    "Oh yah and why is that?"
    "Because that screen to your left says unrecognized operator, beginning shut down"

  5. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Oh, sorry grif, would've been a good turn too... We can fix that...
    The machine fell to the ground. Dust arose, Sam walked out.
    "Holy crap, wasn't expecting that hard of a fall" He said looking at his now scraped hand.
    "Sam, Nicole, you'd better get your asses over here, someone's comin'!" Shouted Bart.
    Sam and Nicole ran to the others, they watched and waited as they saw a truck driving down the road. Bart cocked his gun. The truck pulled up and Bart aimed.
    "Whoa there citizen, we're friendlies!" Said a soldier.
    "Ah ****, they killed him." Said another.
    "Wait, we weren't supposed to kill that thing?" Questioned Sam.
    "No, they're our new allies. These guys are straight off the line of the best technology money can buy. And you just shot a hundred-million dollars square in the dome." Said the soldier.
    Sam and the neighbors stood in silence.

    "Well, ****." Said Bart. "If I'da known he wasn't gunna shoot us I wouldn't been so damn trigger happy... I oughta introduce myself... Corporal Bart Kerr, World war 3 veteran." explained Bart.

    "Lieutenant Kash." Stated the Marine. "Stick with us, hoorah?"
  6. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    "yes sir. we'll go with you for now"
    Most of the people of the neighborhood agree to go with the armed soldiers. A select few of course backed out to head their own way. Corporal Bart looked to the ground in thought, as if he had a heartfelt reasoning for hastily going with these armed men.

    Just then, a short mustached soldier with a limp comes from the truck, a man with a need to fill his ego interrupts the conversation.

    Kash: "Lieutenant Chuck, i told you to stay out of this"

    Chuck, while twiddling his unnecessarily large mustache, "corporal, we can't take all these people. it's worse than we thought..."
    #6 CHUCK, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  7. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And then Chuck was the demons.
  8. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spam post, not enough to contribute to story, sorry, not added to overall story.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    and jake said;

    "ohhhh righttttt :)"
  10. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Sam, Nicole, and the others were told to hold position and wait for the rescue choppers to arrive. They placed barriers and built up fortified positions to defend.
    "Here, we'll leave some m4's, an MG for support, and a cheytec m200 .408 caliber sniper rifle." Said the Lieutenant.

    "Thanks, we appreciate it, and keep fightin' the good fight." Said Eric.
    "Hooah!" Exclaimed the soldiers.

    The group of citizens, Referenced as "Bart's Milita" in the military now; manned their positions.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Oorah! Shouted the marines. Hooah! Shouted the Army. Hooyah! Shouted the Navy.
  12. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Nicole: "Who exactly are we fighting?"
  13. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    As Bart's Militia patiently held their position, the ground began to tremble shaking loose some equipment and the radio from the back of a red-pickup truck. One of the barricades fell over crushing the.408 caliber sniper rifle. The Militia stumbled and their collective gazes met on the horizon. What looked to be a cloud of dust was aggressively making its way towards Bart’s Militia location. Bart grabbed his binoculars from around his neck and raised them to his eyes. His chest stopped beating steadily as he dropped the binoculars from his hands.

    Bart" ****, we're screwed, so Screwed!"

    Nicole paced herself toward Bart quickly and quietly, with almost assassin-like
    precision she raised her hand and slapped Bart accross his face.

    Nicole" Snap out of it, Bart. What the hell is it?

    Tears dripped down his cheek as he dropped to his knees in defeat. As the cloud grew closer, silhouettes of lanky clawed creatures began to appear form the dust. Mohammed, one of Barts neighbors was standing on his roof gazing at the crazy dust cloud headed thier way. Mohammed mother was from South Carolina, but his father was from Canada. He always talked about his family, but never gave any specifics.

    Mohammed " Yo, yall see dem flyin' crickets in the dust. What if we stuck em' on a stick and fried them buggers, they taste mighty good, I reckon.
    #13 Transactionzero, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  14. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    "So the time has come" said a dark neighbor, emerging from the shadows.

    'Bart's Militia' raise their guns.

    "Who the f*ck are you!" Shouted Bart
    "I'm just a religious old man, of no importance. But you do realize what's happening?" Said the man

    "yeah, a bunch of flying freaks are coming to eat us alive!" said Sam

    "Not exactly, this is one of the signs of the apocalypse; the time has come for the end!" Exclaimed the man.

    Bart looks at the swarm... "Well that's f*ckin' fantastic! I got bugs about to eat me, low on ammo, we lost our sniper, and I just got my tax refunds n' now I don't get to use 'em. Shitty day ain't it guys?" Yelled Bart. "F*ck it, I'm gonna kill these bastards, Eric, you got bug repellent?"

    "Yeah, but Bart, the swarm is still far away, we have time to run." said Eric

    "They'll catch up, everyone get your bug sprays, weed killers, ant poison, rad-away and all that ****... We're about to have ourselves a buggy-BBQ tonight!" Said Bart as he non-chalantly lit a cigar.
    #14 SRC48, Mar 1, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2010
  15. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Lightening crackles in the far distance as clouds blanket the sunshine out of view. For a brief moment before the sun is completely blotted out it seems to focus solely on the drop pod. The sky darkens once again reducing visibility. All this time the Militia has been working tirelessly to pick up the fallen barricades and jimmy-rigged some sort of tower with a spot light. Eric drove both pick-up trucks to the bridge and made a police like car barricade.

    Eric:”If there is one lesson I learned from the Starcraft 2 Beta it’s always take choke Points before the enemy does!”

    Sam: “Old man, you’ve gotta stop playing those games and get a real job. Selling beta keys for 500 dollars is not a job!”

    Eric: “Like that kinda **** matters right now? Who gives a flying ****? Cause I know I don’t.

    Nicole: “ Boys this isn’t the time for arguing!”

    Sam’s neighbor of many years cracked her door open to see what all of the commotion was. Her young son could be seen clinging to her side. Macy was in her young thirties and was raising young Johnny alone because his father had left them when he was barely the age of one. Philip had beaten Macy quite a few times; he even went as far as to cut her right cheek with a knife. This was Sam’s breaking point as he took justice into his own hands and beat Philip senseless. Maybe Sam beat him up, because he found Macy attractive, who knows. A monstrous roar erupted from the crowd of the monsters dust cloud. Pushing the cloud to the sides giving Bart a more clear view of what the mysterious dust cloud had in store. This roar was in fact so strong many flying freaks were thrown into the air and what stood in the dusts wake could only be describe as enormous. Johnny eyes filled with fear as he clung to his mother even tighter than before.

    He dropped the red ball he was grasping tightly. It rolled forward and with a hint of hesitation the ball stopped on the top of the front steps of the porch. Johnny’s eyes locked onto the ball and not wanting to lose his ball he released his grip of his mother and ran after it. The wind started howling and pushed the ball down the steps and into the street. Macy’s eyes locked onto her son and her jaw stood open as if she was trying to scream, but no sound came out. Johnny had just made it down the steps as Macy finally shrieked out-loud and began to peruse after her son. The Militia although a somewhat far distance from Macy turned to see what was going on. All of their eyes focused on the red ball nearing the crater and as it rolled closer, it turned slightly just missing the ledge.

    Macy: Johhny------JOHNNY, mommy will buy you a new ball! Come back to me dear!

    The ball was now teetering on the edge of the crater as Johnny reached it. He strained himself as he bent down to retrieve his ball. The dark neighbor slowly pushed his hood off of his head. Paused for a moment and fill his lungs with air. He leaned forward and exhaled as the wind seemed to blow in the direction of the crater. The ball wobbled at first and eventually lost balance and fell in. Johnny leaned over the crater trying to stop it from falling and suddenly lost his balance, falling face first down the hill. Somewhat stunned from the fall, he almost fell over while getting up. The ball continued its journey and bounced off the suit of armor and into the drop pod hitting the monitor in the process and landed on red indented shiny button inside. The button depressed slowly into the metal panel. The monitor screen sputtered to life with a bunch of garbled text and slowly faded to black. Without hesitation Johnny approached the drop pod slowly, causally stepping onto the metal suit so he could peer inside the pod to find his favorite ball. Macy and Sam neared the edge together.

    Macy: “Sweetie, come to mommy I’ll give you a lollipop.”

    Clearly ignoring his mother and more fixated on the ball he just starred at it. The hooded figure tilted his head at the sky and grinned. Almost instantaneously lightening struck the drop pod and just missed little Johhny. Macy covered her face and cried tears of joy. The monitor came to life once again except this time big red letters read “Emergency Weapon cache deployment”. A female voice sprang to life, somewhat garbled, but otherwise understandable.

    Accessing G----P---S coordinates ….. Routing co---ordinates to Sat---ellite

    A red grid sprang to life around and in the crater. Johnny moved his hands around and starred at his palms with the red lines on it. Everyone gathered near the red grid wondering what it was. Eric jumped into the crater, grabbed Johnny and held him up to his mother. Eric spoke “Curiosity killed the cat, ya know?” with a kind hearted smile. Macy leaned over and kissed Eric on the cheek. Sam, eager to say something said “Not bad for an old man!” and cackled maniacally afterward.

    Scanning the near----by area for immediate threats. Mass----ive enemy resistance located. Advising…… Please cl----ear the drop zone Corporal.

    Bart made everyone get back. The red grid flickered and six solid round circles appeared on the grid surround the pod crater.

    Drop zone clea---ar, giving clearance…rout---ing override codes……initiating release.

    Something caught Johnny’s eyes and he pointed up in the sky. The Militia eyes followed little Johnny’s arm to something that just broke the clouds apart. Bart grabbed his binoculars and he saw six small pods falling from the sky. One broke from the pack quickly as gravity pulled it more swiftly than the others. As Bart followed the pod it smashed into the blockade that Eric had made of the cars.

    Rocket Laun---cher delivered…… awaiting other supplies…. Po----wer------ing….downnnnn.

    The monitor grew dim and turned to black. Bart: “Brace for impact!!!” as everyone shielded themselves. The five remaining pods landed on the red grid were the red circles had been. These pods were a lot smaller than the drop pod the solider arrived in. Simultaneously, hatches on the pods opened. On the inside they were padded with high-impact foam and with a weapon or two in each. One was filled with high impact shells for a .50 Cal Sniper rifle, another was filled with grenades.
    #15 Transactionzero, Mar 2, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    "where's the rifle?" a militia man inquired?
    #16 pinohkio, Mar 2, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2010
  17. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OFF TOPIC: ooh, it's getting interesting...
  18. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    suddenly a loud crack from a gun rang through the air, and everyone stood still, quiet.
    "m-m-mister...?" said johnny in a voice that made him sound like he'd seen a ghost. "t-t-turn around..."
    "what is it!?" snapped bart as he turned around, only to find himself face-to-face with a lumbering 8 foot tall humanoid robot, armed to the teeth.

    "I BELIEVE THOSE PODS BELONG TO ME." said the machine in a deep, hostile, metallic voice, as he slowly raised a heavy .50 caliber sniper with one hand to eye level with bart...
    #18 iZumi, Mar 2, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2010
  19. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Glace was a small town of just 200 people most of which had been on vacation, because of the cold weather. Bart and many of the families who ran the local stores stood during the winter to keep the town alive. What they didn’t know is one of the townsfolk was working for the government designing prototype synthetic robot systems. Deep beneath the earth’s surface was a one-man facility directly under the town. This facility had been maintained for ages, but succumbed to years of neglect as many of the machines and equipment began to malfunction especially the elevator to bring the person to the surface.


    Bart locked eyes on the robots orange visor. Mohammad quietly laid down on his roof with rifle in hand. The robot was not one of those huge clanky things from the Sci-fi movies it was slender and mostly covered in a metallic metal. Bart’s first thought was its Master Chief minus the coolness and a lot more plain. However, something was extremely different than that of all the robots he had seen previously. The robots joints were very odd as they seemed to have orange cartilage exposed on the wrists, shoulder, knees, and ankles. Bart spoke very swiftly “Listen Tin man if you’re going to shoot me, then shoot me. Were already waist deep in ****!” The robot pushed the. 50 cal’s muzzle to Bart’s forehead and spoke “Judging by your tone and body posture you are aggressive in nature. If you were to attempt to sneeze, my rifle would have already taken your head off milliseconds before you even got a chance to **** your head back. ”

    Once again the red grid appeared except this time it covered only people. The Robot raised its free arm and the bruised drop pod and metallic suit rose above the center of the crater as if they were defying gravity. The pod casually floated behind Bart and suddenly came crashing down to the ground. The red ball bounced from its resting place landing behind the robot. The machine spoke once again “Humans please put your hands behind your backs and lay belly down on the ground. Corporal Bart please enter the drop pod. Bart’s eyes met Nicole’s as she began sobbing hysterically. With a glimpse of hope Nicole mustered her voice“Bart----- Please don’t go. “ Bart’s body went from tense to relaxed, he was no longer angry, he wanted to help the townspeople, he didn’t want to leave, but he knew if he didn’t obey the robot, it would kill everyone. Bart hesitantly backed up and said inside the pod. The machine squeezed its fist and the metallic suit that once housed the drop pod marine was liquefied. Eric spoke “Dude that looks just like the stuff Neo got all over him in “The Matrix”. That’s so frinkin awes----“

    Eric stopped short when a gob of the liquid suit flattened itself like a pancake. The robot pushed its hand forward and the pancake flew through the air and smacked into Eric knocking him into one of the drop pods. Nicole almost jumped out of her skin and began crying even more. The metallic pancake joined the rest of the metallic mass once again. “Corporal Bart close the hatch.” Bart raised his arms and reluctantly shut the hatch. The machine pushed its hand forward again, but this time the liquid metallic glob encased the pod solidifying instantly. “Noooooo! ” Eric cried. Light thuds could be heard coming from the case. Johnny picked himself up from ground and ran towards the machine. Macy cried “Johnny, no---come back!” Johnny bent down and picked up his red ball with a smile from ear to ear. The machine head spun around 180 and its red eyes focused on Johnny. The machine spoke harshly “You must be punished for not following the rules, age is not an excuse” Once again fearful of the Robot the boy turned to run, but Macy, had already gotten to her feet and picked Johnny up. Then, held him to her breast trying to comfort him and by this time the robot had already turned towards them.

    Mohammad cocked his rifle with his sights aimed at the neck of the machine. He held his breathe and fired. The orange cartilage ripped apart as the bullet made contact. The robot cried in pain and stomped its foot. A grenade shook loose from weapon pod and landed in Eric’s hand. Eric may have been overweight, but Sam has never seen him run as fast as he did. Eric pulled the pin of the grenade and shoved it into the open neck wound of the robot and dove into the crater. Red and orange fire exploded from the grenade enveloping the robot in fire. Everyone now on their feet was eagerly watching the smoke dissipate from the explosion. There was no trace of their enemy, but the .50 caliber rifle lay on the ground unscathed. “You see that robot was like the bosses from Resident Evil 5 you just shoot it in the weak point aka the cartilage” Sam spoke. Eric bashfully responded “Boy, I already knew that remember I beat the game over ten times. “
  20. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Little was known about the even smaller sister town of Glace, just 40 miles northwest. There was an anti-government project group that had risen there that had discovered and had long been aware of the government's robotics project going on beneath Glace. For years they had been working on their own robot to be ready to counter the day the government's machines launch.

    The automated female voice sprang back online, but this time seemingly more frantic.


    "THERE'S 50 MORE IF THESE ****ERS?!" shouted Eric, though nobody seemed to hear him.


    The red grid appeared again, but this time covering about a full square mile. Eric turned to look at everyone else only to see them with their heads cocked towards the sky, staring in terrified awe at the 50 drop pods streaking through the sky en route to their position. Mohammad aimed for the sky and started wildly firing at the pods, but to no avail.

    A huge mysterious roar as if from a jumbo jet engine filled the sky, a deep and loud drone getting closer and closer. A shadow fell over the squad as they all gazed towards the sky, expecting some other weapon of mass destruction. They looked up for the source of the drone, and saw yet another robot that must've been 4 or 5 times bigger than the other ones, with a beautiful matte gold armor shell and armed with weapons that made the other robots look like they were holding peashooters. Bart looked into his glowing blue eyes and could instantly tell it wasn't hostile.

    "Mohammad, hold your fire!" he shouted back. The robot made a gesture almost like a slight nod of approval, as he turned over to face the sky as he hovered over the squad's position. It armed it's weapons and raised them towards the sky, towards the fleet of mechanical meteors.

    "EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" shouted Bart as he herded everyone into cover.

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