Not sure wether this should go in the Halo Reach discussion, or Videos. YouTube- Halo Reach Multiplayer Trailer Anyway, sex, jetpacks, and some more sex, I'll add more to this thread when I manage to stop drooling (and jizzing).
At 0:46 if you look at the gametype it says "Invasion Slayer". Do you think each gametype could have an "Invasion" variant with Spartans vs Elites? EDIT: And if you pause at 0:43 it proves that Invasion is Spartans vs Elites.
BONER. Awesome animations, awesome new gametypes, new weps, new armor. Srsly this **** is ****ing awesome. also rolling and jetpacks. AHHHH ;P Ohh and MLG are gonna go ape when they realise how long assassinations take.
Loooks really really really really really really really really really really awesome. I can't imagine what MLG would do with it. And I'm also excited to see all new maps/gametypes that will sprout from the already made default gametypes (Invasion, Spartans vs. Elites, etc.).
I just hope that "rolling" isn't like PDZ's rolling *shudders* With the way people complain about stealth kills in AvP multiplayer I wouldn't be surprised to hear a load of whinging about the new assasinations in Reach. Anyhoo, still all looks awesome...JETPACKS! One thing I just noticed. Reticles expand when you fire, like an "accuracy loss" thing that many FPS's do nowadays. That's a change from the usual Halo mechanic. Another thing, is it just me or are the Elites definitely bigger? I wonder how that's balanced out in multiplayer ... more health maybe?
Pause at 1:11 and you will see "Generator Destroyed". Perhaps a new gametype? Or maybe just a goal you have to achieve in one of the new gametypes like Invasion. Either way this is the first time in a long time Bungie said they would blow my mind and actually did it. Kudos.
Was just reading a thread in about it, it seems to be an objective. Maybe a new sort of Assault of Demolition mode?
Thats what i thought, maybe a type of domination, you capture generators and have to protect them from being destroyed.
2 weapons I noticed that I didn't know of. First was what looks like some sort of Covenant Rocket Launcher that shoots rounds that stick to things. And also what appears to be a grenade launcher of some sorts. This on top of the new rifles like the long range one shot human rifle and the Needler rifle.
Everything looked sick to me, and I listed what I saw in the "All Info" thread, but Im not as psyched about the jetpacks. I dont feel it really adds anything productive other than hiding. We'll see when we actually get to play though.
well now the dependence on ramps, lifts are taken out. If you don't feel like goin up a ramp just use a jet pack =)
A bunch of people on actually keep complaining about the jetpack. I do find it funny that most of those people are really hardcore competitive people.
Im anything but competitive, I just dont think its a cool addition. I think its kinda corny and lame. Everyone is allowed to feel differently. Like I said, we'll see what happens in the future with them.
I can see how it would be cheep in certain games. For example, if you have the jetpack and a sniper rifle you could fly up to a good camping place and just kill everyone. But I know bungie will make sure everything is even. I could just image a customs game of flying zombies how cool would that be.
One thing the video missed out on was the fact after you was done watching and and everyone else was done too; Bungie managed to get 50 million people get sticky keyboards in less then 2 minutes. Wasn't the trailer just beautiful? Oh, every little bit of it just looked epic and worthy of some special award. Jesus...