I would love to learn how to quick scope it seems really fun an I'm willing to practice, practice, practice till i get it right. So please add me or if someone wouldn't mind helping me out an telling me how to look at others GT that would be awesome. =]
ill add you up and invite me to my next quickscope lobby. also, this thread has been bumped from the second page or so like 10 times already. basically, you aim THAN scope, while you usually scope than aim. you center your screen on the target and than scope just long enough to become accurate, fire, than unscope.
That would be awesome man thanks for the help. I've been to a few boards looking for help but most of the kids or adults that are good, think they're to good to help others. Glad to see that it hasn't effected people here.
When you start, have a slightly lower sensitivity, as it lets you aim better when you aren't used to it. I recommend looking down the sights, and putting a small piece of tape where the reticle meets, or a different gun, just as long as the reticle makes a plus and isn't spread out. For some reason it lets you aim better subconsciously. Also, perks matter. Slight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power(If you want to make sure the first shot is a kill), and Steady Aim. Play a few matches to get used to it, usually with your friends. You don't want to look like a fool and miss all the shots, but you most likely will. It's not easy, but it is fun. Don't try to imitate people on Youtube, if that's what you want to do. All that jumping and spinning is annoying. And also, most videos that have 1/1000000 shots are from people that just leave their capture cards running and get a lucky shot. Sorry for the rambling, but w/e.
Ok this is ridiculous... Requesting lock from mod, this thread has been bumped from the grave like 8 times now...
There's an MW2 discussion thread down the list somewhere here. If you want quick scoping, go there. I second the lock appeal.
Am I the only one who is deeply troubled by YouTube- Modern Warfare 2: The Ken Burton Show Part 52: Quick Scoping PT1 (MW2 Gameplay/Commentary) [HD]?
are you talking about how bad he is? why the **** is he trying to teach people how to quickscope when he cant even go positive? if anything, this should prove that quickscoping is not a realistic strategy in combat. only for screwing around and when you have to. my favorite part is he didnt get one quickscope that entire game.
lol quick scoping isn't just something you do when you pick up a sniper rifle. it's all about getting good and practicing at scoping and aiming quickly from regular sniping, at least that's how it's been for me. I spent months sniping before i started to get it down, mostly because quick scoping is a last resort when you don't have time to pull out a secondary. Give me a barrett with sleight of hand and mmmm, im just as effective as a guy with a shotgun [/brag]
i never even attempted a close range quick scope did i? never had to, in search i have my shotty out a lot of the time.