Foundry Slitherin'

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by WhiteRice321, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    Who caught the allusion to Harry Potter? Eh? Eh?

    Anyway Slitherin' covers basically the entirety of Foundry and supports 4-12 players. The Name comes from a combo of slytherin and slithering into slitherin' because of the green curvaceous architecture. supports most game types. Also a lot of the openness on the bottom floor is for accessibility for the ghost (which im hoping the multiple different elevations will balance out)

    I made a majority of the map (basically all the maps geometry) saturday (yesterday) afternoon after a burst of inspiration and then followed it up today (sunday) by adding weapons, spawns and most of the objectives(didnt do juggernaut vip or infection cus im lazy). I First made it with one flag in mind, although i think it developed in a way where it will work well with most gametypes (including one/two flag).

    Super Weapons/Vehicles/Assorted-bad-A-Items:

    -Rockets (located on top of the big base)

    -Sniper (located in the far corner opposite the attackers)

    -Overshield (hard to miss)

    -Camo (far corner across from defenders base)

    -Ghost x2(one at each base)

    -bubbleshield x2

    -turret (in base)

    -bruteshot x2 (near both corners)

    -needler x2 (approaching rocket on both sides)

    -LOTS OF BR (I Can Haz BR?)

    Unfortunately considering when i finished the map (about 20 minutes ago) i havent had a chance to play any games on it (darn it MW2-loving-'friends')

    so i would appreciate feedback on the gameplay and if you wanna set up a game just send a friend request to WhiteRice321


    Overview - Ghost (pay no attention to the spartan in the pink suit)

    Arches (sexy)


    Base side angle (w/ Ghostie)

    Base from another angle

    Top of the base w/ rockets (top is intentionally open so that defenders cant abuse it)

    Inside of the base

    Defenders spawn (also ghost spawn) right behind the big base

    Attackers Spawn (there is now a ghost on the portion of the top ramp that hangs above the lower one (if that maes sense)))

    The old Over n' Under

    Sniper spawn (also the second bubble shield is off on the far serpent block thingy)

    Bubble shield


    Action Shots:
    Again friend Request WhiteRice321 on XBL to set up a game
    Feedback is appreciated
    Download Link:
    #1 WhiteRice321, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2010
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I think you should add a second ghost so one team does not entirely dominate the floor. You might also geomerge some man cannons beneath the floor of foundry to provide easy acess to the catwalks. Definitly expand the weapons on the map to include some thing besides BR's so people have more of a choice as to what weapons they can use.
  3. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i see what you mean about the ghost so i just went back and changed that. However i didnt change the weapon layout mainly because i also have a machine gun turret 2 needlers and 2 bruteshots in there that i just didnt mention in the first post.

    About the mancannon thing...i dont see why they're neccesary all the catwalks can be accessed from the ground (they bend down to a height where you can jump on them) so imo the mancannons would only serve to weaken the defenders position more then neccesary

    But i updated the download link with the map with the ghost change
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    IF you need more weapons, I'd just play fiesta so they are all over the place. or maybe BR fiesta (i think you can figure that out)

    so the snake like catwalks are the slytherin reference?
  5. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    thats really cool. all the different arms and branches look really cool. i applaud you on such an original idea. also, wouldn't the ghost fall off a lot/ have areally hard time splattering on top? just thinking. but still, fantastic map. i likez, so i shallz dl.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Have you ever heard of competetive gameplay where things depend on skill rather than what weapons you happen to spawn with, and maybe he doesnt want anyone having a spartan laser. You could also read what he posted just before about there actually being some more weapons besides what he stated in the original post.

    Anyways to the map creator I thought the mancannons would be good because the ghosts could also use them to jump over some of the beams. Flying vehicles are ususlly epic.
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I do understand that. I was responding to someone else saying there was a lack of variety. I thought the map was fine to begin with!

    I played on this map this weekend.... I've never been smashed by falling ghosts so often before. Lots of fun, interesting lines of sight
  8. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    @leaf the ghost is meant to be used predominantly on the ground floor (although it can climb some of the catwalks) so the catwalks were not made with the ghost in mind
    @pyro theres more then enough flyin ghost action without man cannons trust me
    @gamer slytherin reference is the snakeish green catwalks

    I had a chance to play some games on this (a 4v4 team slayer match (which was my favorite)and a bunch of ffa slayer/oddball/koth)
    So ill probably update the original post with new action pics then
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    This map is damn sexy, but it looks like it could be improved by:

    For one, I know that the different heights provide vantage points and cover, but there are just some times when you wish you could hide, there needs to be SOMETHING for that, even if it's a shield door you can still walk through.

    For two, you should merge some objects or something into the walls above the gun turret so that people can't access that ledge during combat.
  10. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the one thing about the cover that im struggling with is i still want to preserve the integrity of the ghost's full range of movement on the ground, so while its concievable for me to add cover to the upper parts i have trouble visualizing cover that wouldnt impair the ghosts and yet serve its purpose as cover (But ill try to figure something out for the V2)

    For your second point im assuming your mean the ledge thats part of foundry's natural geometry in which case ill get on that too

    Also i should have this updated with new pics by tomorrow
  11. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Very nice and very original I like it. My only criticism is that it does look kinda plain and it's kind of open from a lot of areas.

    Great work though 7/10
  12. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ill try to work on the openness in the v2 also updated the pics
  13. forgerallmighty

    forgerallmighty Ancient
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    Is there something wrong with the download link? i click on it, but it says the file is missing or has been removed. Does anyone have the link, so i can download it? Thanks.
  14. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    @forgerallmighty fixed (forgot to update this after i uploaded slitherin' with a couple minor alterations)
  15. forgerallmighty

    forgerallmighty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    @WhiteRice321, thanks.

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