No, colors are MUCH better and more professional for map zone recognition. I agree entirely with Sanghelios and haruki, they speak the truth. MLG are of a different standard than this map.
Brute caption what do you mean by differnt standards? please explain P.S. Getto you should try it on my CTF variant that's a real blast
If you have seen the custom made Foundry MLG variant now used in the MLG matchmaking playlist, you will get a feel for how a user made MLG map should be. It is kinda hard to explain, but just get back to me once you've seen the custom variant used in MLG matchmaking.
brute i have seen them and when i made this map i wasn't trying to copy onslaught i wanted to take my own ideas and incorporate them into my map and i never said this was going to be up to MLG standers i just wanted to give it my go at a MLG map and i wanted to not worry about the fact that MLG might or might not like my map well sorry if i am being a little harsh but basically what i am saying is you shouldn't judge a my map or any other custom MLG map until you play it for your self and this isn't just go for you alone this goes for every other person who says a map sucks because they think it wont play well because a wall shouldn't be in a certain place or section of a map or a power up is set to respawn to late because most people not all test there maps thoroughly and change things to the way the game plays now i will say i am not so much of a victim as most people but i have noticed this on some map post and i also understand most of this is constructive criticism and i appreciate that because thats what builds are community and its a great thing just people dont judge a book by its cover (in this case a map my its pictures) because pictures are supposed to show what a maps like not how it plays and i am not saying you have do do this but i think that you should not comment about the game play before you play it---------------END RANT P.S. sorry brute that you got caught up in this
Im sick of people judging maps before they even play them too. It makes me mad. Especially when they do that to maps in the COMPETITIVE SECTION. All they do is complain about the looks of it. I think everyone who is always lurking in the competitive map section should start looking and posting in Casual. Because like 70% of the maps posted aren't even 'competitive' by my standards, heck, a lot of them are more aesthetic than anything. Support maps with good gameplay everyone, don't worry about the looks and smoothness unless it drastically affects the gameplay of the map. I will check out your map. Please do the same for me.
This map is awesome. The aethetics are pretty rare which I seem to enjoy. The gameplay fits the map pretty well. The originallity is not rare, but it is still enjoyable. If you want a MLG map this is the map to go.
This looks good, but what I have found with two of my maps is that this community does not like some things. Those being: 1. Foundry's floor 2. Arena-style maps 3. Open areas that require looking for cover 4. Large areas that punish shotgun/sword/mauler whores and finally, 5. Skillful interlocking that creates an aesthetic look to maps. It's difficult to create maps that appeal to everybody here unless you're in a clique so I would not put too much into some of the comments. Some of us like different things. One thing I would do, though, is look up the maps of people who comment poorly or critique the hell out of yours. Chances are, these aren't the types of preferences you want to appeal to anyway. Its funny that maps using the same tactical considerations as the Halo 2 Foundation map are loathed so much when Foundation was such a loved map, or maps that resemble Foundry, Turf, or Warlock in anyway. Some of us could re-create Foundry identically mirrored to the original and still be rejected.
I think you are getting way too defensive about your map. Everything people have posted is true, you need to have more visual elements so in team games people can communicate where the enemy is, and so at any given time you know exactly where you are at a glance. You started to do this with the power ups under the stairs, but it needs to be more pronounced. and easier to see all over the map. I agree with everyone that this map doesn't meet mlg standards, and should not be labeled as such. Having a power up in the middle, as well as a rocket launcher wouldn't meet mlg standards for weapon/item placement. I think Higher resolution photos of the level would be a nice touch too,its kind of hard to really get a good feel for the map in the pictures.