Alien vs. Predator

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by AlExThEgReAt22, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
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    Download Map Here :D

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    VIDEO PREVIEW:Click Here
    SLIDESHOW:Click Here


    The battle between the two legends is soon to begein, you will realise only one specie can win. (The map changes every minute).

    Ok this time i made a Map based on the Movie AVP you all know, you will be able to feel the same feeling it was felt on the movie.
    I thought about it and said...well lets make the map change every minute JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE!!! This makes the map funner than any other in this website.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    The Aliens and Predators have 2000% of damage resistance so it makes the battle longer and better.

    Phase 1:
    The phase one is simple you fight in the 1 floor with 4 amazing rooms, the battle will concentrate in the middle part of the map.
    This phase wont be as great as the others but its still amazing.

    Phase 2:
    This phase its one of a kind since is the first step to greatness, the second floor will be revealed where you will be able to find more weapons, with bridges that will take you from room to room.

    Phase 3:
    This one i like to call the lock, since a series of fences will spawn at the edge of every room, so that in order to get to any objective you will havo to go through a room, and the battle will be more intence.

    Phase 4:
    WOW!! My Personal Faviorite, in this case a fliying floor will spawn at the top of the Map, there you will find a Flamethrower and a CustomPowerUP, that will defently give the fight a 360* gegree turn, for emotiosn and thrill.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    OK maybe you didnt like the movie well here are some compatible Gampetypes.

    -King Of theHill
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
  2. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    Re: ░▒▓Alien vs. Predator▓▒░ The Map Changes Every Minute!!![VIDEO/SLIDESHOW]

    what ur gamertag ill add u to play this later
  3. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
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    Re: ░▒▓Alien vs. Predator▓▒░ The Map Changes Every Minute!!![VIDEO/SLIDESHOW]

  4. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    Re: ░▒▓Alien vs. Predator▓▒░ The Map Changes Every Minute!!![VIDEO/SLIDESHOW]

    aright so i played this and its really fun but i would change the base player traits damage resistance from 2000 to 1000. they already can kill zombies with 3 swings of gravity hammer but if the resistance is at 2000 then it takes the zombie 12 swings with the sword to kill them. lowering the resistance to 1000 makes it only 6 swings
  5. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: ░▒▓Alien vs. Predator▓▒░ The Map Changes Every Minute!!![VIDEO/SLIDESHOW]

    Embed pictures, please. It makes it much, much better.

    Other than that, it looks like an interesting map.
  6. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
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    Re: ░▒▓Alien vs. Predator▓▒░ The Map Changes Every Minute!!![VIDEO/SLIDESHOW]

    thanks i will add pics as soon as i get to my pc..

    im in the treo ;D
  7. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Re: ░▒▓Alien vs. Predator▓▒░ The Map Changes Every Minute!!![VIDEO/SLIDESHOW]

    Embed some pictures. Then we'll talk.
  8. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: ░▒▓Alien vs. Predator▓▒░ The Map Changes Every Minute!!![VIDEO/SLIDESHOW]

    pics have been Embed ;D

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