Well, I just heard on EP Daily that after Reach; Bungie's last halo game, they would move on to a new franchise. In the same interview, Bungie said they weren't going to cross the PS3 off thier list of possible consoles. Discuss. *link coming soon*(sorry, can't find it ATM, If anybody can find it, PM it to me so I can post it. Kthxbai)
I think that's awesome. I hate the companies controlling what games I can play on my xbox. its like Sony and beta-max back in the day, or EA being ****'s about NFL game rights. I wish more developers were multi-console Also.... Reach better be epic. the last halo game a sad day
I will be disappointed in Bungie if they cross platforms. Xbox is by far the best console IMO for entertainment sure it may not be the most reliable but Xbox has the best games out of all of the consoles and with Project natal coming out it will trump WII and PS3 because PS3 will not have anything like it.
Right now xbox is looking a lot more reliable than ps3... The PSN network basically crashed and they haven't found a way to fix it
I hope they stick to one system, preferably the Xbox 360. Aside from the fact that Natal is coming out, if the company were to make a game that would be compatible for say, the 360 and the PS3, their game build will have to be compatible with both the lowest rest and highest res for both systems. Menus might be simplified or multifaceted, controls reconfigured. Overall, you'll need disc space to make it compatible with more than one system. That disc space could be used to better the experience of whatever game they're making if that game stayed on one console. Overall, the quality of the game would suffer from having their next project multi-platformed. To add: They've been talking a lot about how they've revolutionized the Halo 3 game engine, I wouldn't be surprised that after Reach comes out and they can see what the engine's capable of, they'd try to even further enhance it on the next game they work on.
If Bungie has the time and money (which believe me, they have the money) to develop future titles on both platforms, I say that can only be a good thing.
My thoughts exactly, but I belive they should split off into two different teams, one for xbox, and one for ps3. They could hire new employees for the Playstation team, and then they could share ideas and the same engine or something.
Bad Idea. It would need to be a single team, that way both versions would, ideally, be near identical. That's not to say, however, that Bungie wouldn't hire new employees.
of Xbox? Oh, you are so mistaken. I always wished that Bungie produced for Sony, and my reasoning is because of no monthly subscription codes and gay microsoft points. Unfortunately, they know the 360 processes too well to suddenly produce for another system. I'm ok if Bungie were to move on to a more multi-platform stance on their games, I just don't like the fact that, again, quality will directly suffer from their choice.
I see that even though i haven't seen you around for a while, your attitude has stayed the same. =) I myself am pushing that this would be a baad choice, because they would have to branch off, instead of puttting all their work into the one console.
Not supporting it, Xbox has always been sort of the prime console for myself, and I'm willing to bet others will agree with me on that. I wouldn't enjoy playing Halo the least bit on the PS3, maybe something to do with the controller's feel, the typical atmosphere's of PS3 shooter, maybe it's just that I'm thinking of Bungie as the game developers exclusive to Xbox, who knows. But I for one wouldn't enjoy seeing those PS3 fanboys marching in to Gamestop or wherever to buy Halo just as well as all of you. I'm sure I come off as a pompous ass through this comment, and bias towards Xbox, but you asked my opinion and I gave it.
Not entirely, well, not how I read it... but EP Daily said that if the deal does happen, it will be after Reach, which is already stated to be the last halo game.
I don't get it. What could possibly be bad about Bungie making their games work on both major consoles? Oh right, then more people would enjoy what you enjoy and that makes you less special somehow.
Personally, I'd prefer if it stays an exclusive. This is an entirely selfish reason, but I don't have a PS3, nor do I particularly want one. I would like my good friends to still stay on Xbox Live, and have more potential for new friends on Xbox. In addition, along with the PS3/selfish thing (which by the way I think there's no problem with. In many areas, like economics, selfish tendencies are what make things work)....I want Bungie to be working as hard as possible to make as good of a FOCUSED game as possible. I don't want them wasting time porting over, fixing glitches for the other system, none of that. One system makes things better on the development front. It also gives me an excuse to be an Xbox fanboy, even with the RROD problems we have.