I've been wanting to at least have the server up for people to play freely. Problem is, behind my Uni's internet I can't open the necessary ports. And the server I have at my friends house is out of service. We were going to put in a new raptor Hard Drive but it failed to work (server so old -_-), and my friend never put the old one back in. Maybe spring break I can fix it/transfer it to my house? The other server I have is solaris based and I'd have to install windows.(see:lazy) (Alternatively if someone has a server I can remote desktop and ssh too I would be glad to start hosting [must be reliable/credible fh user]) I've also been toying with the idea of a completely new, more modern version of the game that would be very balanced. But I would need a lot of help, something I feel I won't be able to get. Of course I would run both servers, so that everyone could be in classic or new. Unfortunately this hasn't evolved from the many many notes/maps/sample code I have.
I think Bloo Jay offered to host it, he's pretty well known. I will admit that the game had its flaws, but we love it.
I used to be able to, but now I've lost that server. Also, apparently my old computer is at my grandparents, because theirs broke and they're stuck with mine. We both paid for it I had half, you had half.
You guys have heard of Killor117? He's currently working on a game to put on his server, but atm it's empty. Maybe we could convince him to temporarily host FHRPG until either he's done his game or we get a different server up?
I remember soloing that DQ... If When it comes back I would like to try to help as much as I could... Quick off topic note because I am too lazy to go to Dthen's profile to post this Your sig isn't working cause it has the whole "this images needs to be resized" bar
I call all his money then! When your building a Hub Pub v2 in the game and it costs like 50 forge bucks a tile you need all the money you can get. This is of course where I come in. Think of all the awesome stuff I could put and it would benefit everyone in the game too!