Oh, im super sure that invisibility was said to be one of the Multiplayer armor ability's to, but im not sure if it was in one of those leaked screenshots or not..
To the original poster, the Plasma Rifle can be clearly seen being held by an Elite in the picture of the Spartan assassinating it.
But everything is upgraded graphics wise, but yes im sure it's safe to say, especially since iv seen a beta screen shot of the rocket launcher, that the Rockets, perhaps Lazer Banshee etc will be in game. So far the only new weapons are the DMR, Needler Rifle, and Grenade Launcher. Oh and i think the assassination would mess up gameplay, if they add that feature to multilayer would not be halo.
Two things I'd add are that there can be 400 AI on screen at once (you just said a bunch, and I think specifying is better) and there are destructible environments (in Campaign for sure and possibly in MP). Otherwise, great list, you've got a bunch of stuff in here. Oh, and also, Noble 6 having the same armor as your multilayer figure is confirmed. Edited again... anyway, Camo is confirmed for the Beta/MP as well.
400 AI would be VERY laggy. Reach's engine had a major overhaul, and even now it can only have maybe 30 maximum AI.
Nope. In the update (last week) Urk said he walked in on a testing session with 200 AIs on screen. The guys doing the testing said it could hold twice as many.
Spoiler To War Since we’re already rocking the Show and Tell action in today’s update, I should probably talk a spell about Max Dyckhoff’s Most Amazing Show on Earth Reach. While we’re not talking at all about campaign story details beyond what we've already disclosed – that lidded adventure will stay undercover for a good, long spell – I can provide some cryptic details about some pretty serious technical upgrades the team has in the works to make your experience even more epic this fall. The scene: Chris Opdahl’s workstation (he’s the svelte gentleman that showed off the big AI battles in our most recent and totally awesome ViDoc). He's already in the midst of a conversation with Max about what’s happening onscreen when I walk up behind them, stalker style. For some reason, the engine is spitting out a tinny rendition of Flight of the Bumblebee to accompany the visuals. Max and Chris are talking numbers. “How many are there running onscreen right now?” “Two hundred, plus.” “Oh, I was thinking we could do double that.” And here I am off to the side speechless, drooling like Homer Simpson dreaming about pink, glazed donuts. Then they called security and I had to slink away ashamed. Still, all things considered I’d say it’s a damn good week to work at Bungie. Just because Opdahl "showed off the big AI battles in our most recent and totally awesome ViDoc" doesn't mean that is what he is showing Urk now. Urk later says, "a tinny rendition of Flight of the Bumblebee to accompany the visuals" They mentioned that it can handle 30-40 AI at one time in many other articles, including the ViDoc they mentioned in this one. This is why I believe he is referring to something else in the game that they have not yet mentioned. Maybe some visuals? This explains the joke about calling security.
I wouldn't at all be surprised. The depiction of the many AI units fighting in the ViDoc didn't look like something I really wanted to fight in in a Halo game. It looked like it had a more passive effect on gameplay. But who knows?
I think it means in the distance fighting as well. IE: Some Elites and Jackals are killing Marines in the next valley while your holding out from an Assault by some Brutes in a building. In the last valley some Skirmishers and Soldiers are fighting where you flew through on a Banshee. Total AI 150. But you may be on to something with the visuals thing...
About the assasination, if you press the melee button behind an enemy you assasinate them quickly, but if you hold in the melee button then it shows the awsome animation. I think that in multiplayer the quick one is only available. Something else, I think lots of the weapons from halo 3 like the spartan laser, misile pod and battle rifle will be available only in forge and custom games. A new version of guardian and construct will be available on reach. Construct will only feature the top part which is the best. Guardian will have three floors.
Where did you get any of this information??? GI mentioned that there may or may not even be assassinations in multiplayer. This was still pending. Only available in forge and customs??? That seems a bit short sided! Why go through all the trouble of balancing and creating all these weapons to only have them around for small groups of ppl?? Where did you hear or read about any additional MP maps besides Powerhouse?? And how do you know their design specs?
I wouldn't consider people that play customs in halo a small group. In fact if your with a group of friends, your probably playing customs.
Just because that's true for FH users in general, doesn't mean you should assume it's true universally. The vast majority of people I see in MM have custom games far outweighed in number by ranked or social MM. When I'm hanging with friends and we play Halo, it's MM 90% of the time. Like I say, I realise I'm not representative of much of the FH community by that token, but in terms of the wider Halo fanbase I'd say I'm much closer to what can be appreciated as an average player, as far as this point goes anyway. I think the point he's making is that making these weapons forge only could well relegate them to the point at which we see things like the Sentinel Beam now, rarely used even in a forged, custom setting and left looking a little pointless.
Don't get it twisted I love me some customs, but he's making some pretty bold assumptions (and we all know the saying about those) about information I haven't heard any facts on in a forum titled "Halo Reach: All Information (thus far)". I'd believe him if he could just post links to the proof that says what he stated. You missed my point entirely by looking at this one quote of mine. I do, however, stand by my point that most multiplayer games of halo are found in matchmaking. And as far as weapons such as the sentinel beam, fuel rod cannon, and flame grenades, which aren't in MM, those all found their place in campaign as well, not just forge or customs. For all of those still confused about my previous post, the point I was making before was quite simply.... Where's the PROOF mefire66??!
They posted a Weekly update on Bungie.net about like a month about Guardian in reach and how much detail they r putting in it. They posted a weekly update about construct like 2 months ago. About the assasination, If u look at the vidoc, u see the red beerded guy talkin about the assasination and he said "Now if you melee them in the back the head, like u really mean it, ur holding down the button..." (6:47-6:51). So i assume if u just press the button u melee, but it might be a simple knife to the back against a spartan III in multiplayer. If u hold in the button like the guy said then u go into the animation which is only shown against a elite.
The only thing stated that hasn't been at least hinted at is the return of the BR along with the DMR. Their is some speculation that in the beta Bungie is gona test us by alowing one map to run the DMR and another to run the BR and see which one works better, or perhaps just use both of them. I mean id love to have sniper, DMR, BR. Maybe it is perhaps a little bit overkill but oh well, so is rocket, missile pod, lazer. As for the assassination, although not confirmed i see it being used.