Containment is an infection map designed to thin out the human numbers as quickly as possible. As terrible of an idea as this sounds, it creates an intense rush for survival at the start of the game. This is both the human and infected spawn. The humans spawn looking into the chambers containing the infected. A warthog outside explodes and goes flying out of view, beginning the escape of the zombies. They must escape their cells. FIRST ISSUE: Alright, so the first problem I'm having with this game type is the zombie escape. The two cells are connected, and at the end of one cell there is a teleporter leading to the ceiling above the human spawn. From here they attempt to chase and kill the humans. The problem occurs with the zombie spawn. Those closest to the teleporter can kill all of the humans, and those farthest can kill some (which is what I wanted to happen). However, if I placed both zombies on each side in the farther cell, then come humans are stuck looking into a cell with nothing, which looks kind of stupid. The humans turn and run down the hallway, the red light alarm blaring against the wall. They were supposed to exit through the door on the right, but the controls are jammed. Their escape vehicle is destroyed, a flaming wreckage, right outside the door. Whatever destroyed the hog also destroyed the escape vehicle and killed the pilot. As they turn the corner, fallen support collumns block the path. With the zombies hot on their tails, they must get through the collumns and into the blast room ahead (past the first red column). After the second red column is the mine shaft. More columns have fallen, and a crack in the rock allows them to see zombies scrambling about in efforts to find the humans. Once they enter the blast room they must push the buttons (pallets) to close the door on each side. Once electronic connection is established between the doors and the center "lock" pole, a blue light (column) is turned on. ISSUE 2: The switch works through wire technology, adding a nice effect to gameplay. The doors have shield doors in front of them so you cannot shoot them to cause them to close. If you run into the one on the right, it kills you. However, the one on the left will only drop your shields. ISSUE 3: The mine shaft ultimately leads to the crypt. However, I do not know what to put in the crypt.I need a place where the humans can standoff. The infected spawn room (the hole in the mine shaft) allows there to be a few different classes of zombies. (Invisibility, oversheilds, and custom power-up). The custom power-up will represent the zombie that destroyed both vehicles at the start of the game. So in short, I need help with: * The original zombie spawn and the timing of the "chase". * The second door not closing properly when it is run in to. * What to put as a hold-out point for the humans in the crypt. Ideally, it will take up the entirety of the crypt. I believe I have about $900 left but I can't be sure, so I will edit the post after I check. * What to put as abilities for the custom powerup. Thanks in advance, hopefully this post will get more than just one comment. I'll try to comment as soon as possible.
Wow I really like this idea but I don't really know how to address those issues. Hopefully someone knows how because this looks like an awesome map. Hope it turns out well.
First off, I want to say, looks like it could be very good. First Isssue: actually, it might not be that stupid. But if you really wanted to do something about it, you might be able to put more than one human to a cell. You would have to experiment and see if both players could see through the crack. Issue Two: I cannot help you Issue Three: You have a map with a pretty good ambiance, so don't lose that at the end. Choose something for the final setting that would make sense under a jail. I am thinking maybe either sewers (but that might be awkward) or an underground parking garage of sorts. But either way, make sure the zombies spawn close enough to it to avoid angry infected players who have to hoof it to get to the battle. Also, make sure there are multiple zombie entrances, or camping could be prevalent. Hope I helped, looking forward to your map
Hmm, the sewers idea sounds pretty good, or maybe a cave of sorts (though it seems like everyone is doing this sort of thing nowadays). As far as the entrances, I'll probably put teleporters in holes in the ceiling so the humans cannot camp them. However do you think it would be a better idea to put whatever is in the crypt right under the exit "tube" so that a ground will need to be made but a ceiling wont, or have the players continue falling all of the way to the ground floor of the crypt? I'll see how putting two zombies per cell looks to the humans, if not I may need to change the entire layout of the cells, which would take up much more budget.
For the wire switch, the only thing I can suggest is rebuilding it until it works the right way, or putting some sort of delay on it. Without knowing exactly what the switch is, I cannot really tell you how to fix it.
Issue 1: You could keep the infected by the windows where they were, and set the spawn settings for zombies to be ultra slow for like the first few seconds. Just make sure you have the zombies hidden if it won't only let you only use it for the first time they spawn. Issue 3: You could make a broken down stadium thing with fallen 'stage parts' around for cover. Or you could make a giant cave that you fall into.
Yeah, I think it might just be a problem with the walls around it being to tight and almost constricting it to move, however it works fine when the pallet is pushed. Nonetheless, I'll try moving the walls a little bit. Next time I think about it I'll try to get a picture of the switch, and possibly the spawn room without the roof. The only problem with the spawn setting is that I think it only happens on re-spawn, therefore disabling the initial "run like hell" idea at the starting spawn. The stadium sounds like a pretty good idea, and it could be pretty easy on the budget. Thanks for the ideas and comments everyone, hopefully I can fix these problems and release the map soon. However, I'm still open to a lot more options, so keep 'em coming! Thanks!