Ice Cream Man Created By Randomstingray Okay everyone this is a map I made, It is a remake of "Ice Cream Man On Kiddies Lane." So here is some pictures and a video about the map: Also recently I made a map called "Wack On A Mole V2" and I was told I add a roof on it, So I added a roof to this map... Testers Me - Randomstingray WaW3yRALHP18 Instantskate123 Pictures! Overviews Other Pictures Youtube Video YouTube- Halo 3 Sanbox Map - Ice Cream Man My Way - Download Map - Cream Download Gametype - Ice Cream Man
Regenerating grenades is just not a good idea. Even from the one and a half rounds in the video, you can tell that it causes horrible gameplay. It isn't really wide enough either. Maybe try a v2 with a wider road. Check out x Dream 76 x's Ice Cream Man map Rocky Road for some pointers. The merging looks great, but I just can't see it playing well, especially with regenerating grenades.
i dont really get it... theres a guy in a hog that just tries to splatter people on a road? hm. regenerating nades are definitely abad idea, and i just really dont get whats fun about it. from the video it just looked annoying for the guy consantly trying to get back to his hog. the forging is solid, if not simple, but i find no real allure in the game itself. im not gonna rate it just because i haven't dl'd it, but next time maybe you could make the "street" lead off into sidestreets or alley ways, ar add some extra aspect to make it more fun/challenging/aesthetic. i dunno.
I love your proxy account RandomStingray. The map looks fun, but its not the best. I do love the Custom Power up, but thats really it.