NORTHERN LIGHTS Author: DIRT JOCKEY Map Download: Download Map Preferred Gametype: Download Gametype Recommended Gametype: Conquest, Flag Rally, King of the Hill. Players: 2-10 When your this far up North- you have to smoke your game to preserve it. Im a big fan of modded maps and I wanted to create a legitimate map that utilized some of these cool effects. I had been experimenting with the smoke on Blackout and I wanted a map with an open roof so you can see the Aurora Borealis in the sky. I had to use a budget glitched canvas to do everything I wanted. I used Stairs as Walls, Walls as Doors, Doors as Stairs, Bridges as Windows and Boxes for everything else to give this structure a really different look and feel. Then I played my first Conquest game on the map 'Cellars' and the gameplay was amazing. This gametype really inspired me so I deleted everything and rebuilt directly around the column of smoke with the middle territory of Conquest in mind. This map has been difficult to forge from the beginning. Having to struggle with an onslaught of bugs including a Budget Glitched Canvas, Elastic Barriers, Death Barriers, Disappearing Objects and my personal favorite "Rogue Rays of Light". The biggest issue was being unable to place Start Points outside of the map boundaries. The only way I could get players into this smokey arena was to use Teleporters- and I REALLY didnt want to cuz I knew the issues Id have with camping. So to combat the camping problem I placed dual Teleporters which in turn increase the probability your receiver node isnt being watched- So that If you do try to camp, theres a great chance you will get assassinated. Gameplay: Spoiler For those of you that aren't familiar with Conquest, you can read all about it HERE Walkthrough: Spoiler This Conquest map is made with 7 Territories, each with a specific strategic advantage. Since the majority of the game is fought contesting the middle, the natural ambiance of the smoke adds alot to gameplay in the respect that it is easier to ambush and harder to snipe. Both Teams start at the very bottom of the map on separate ledges where the first Territory can be found. You will find a Beam Rifle and Fuel Rod gun before entering the Dual Teleporters at the end of this ledge (I used 2 teleporters to prevent camping). Both Teleporters lead to the same room but opposite sides. In this room you will find the next Territory as well as a few Dual Wieldable Weapons. This room shares an Aesthetic Wall with the other Team that is Bulletproof but can be punched through if you are so inclined. Many games have been started with a preround Boxing Match through this wall, though not necessary it is quite humorous and often sets the stage for the whole round. Upon capturing that Territory you move down the stairs to find a Plasma Cannon, a Carbine, a few Plasma Grenades and another Territory. This is where it gets interesting, as both teams head off into this Smokey Arena, the first of which captures the coveted Custom Powerup. Besides the setting, the next most obvious twist to Conquest is the weapon set- I tried to utilize weapons with 'colorful' projectiles to add to the ambience in the smokey environment. The most notable change is the introduction of 2 Plasma Cannons. Besides that I switched the Battle Rifles up with Carbines. Stick Grenades with Plasma Grenades. I replaced the Magnums with Plasma Pistols. Swapped up the Spikers for Plasma Rifles. Instead of a no-clip Sniper Rifle I replaced it with a Beam Rifle with a slightly longer respawn time to compensate. I also replaced the 1-clip Brute Shot with a no-clip Fuel Rod Gun for a few reasons: (1) One of them being the fact that the Fuel Rod gun can 'Bounce" its projectiles. (2) The other reason is that this map is slightly larger than more typical conquest maps so an explosion with a bigger AOE is scaleable in proportion. (3) The explosions look cool Weapons: Spoiler 2 x Beam Rifle 2 x Fuel Rod Gun 4 x Carbine 4 x Plasma Pistol 4 x Plasma Rifle 2 x Plasma Cannon Vehicles: Spoiler N/A Equipment: Spoiler 1 x Custom Powerup 2 x Plasma Grenade Front View Under View Side View Starting Point Starting Point Spawns Note the "Spawn Hive" above the Teleporter to prevent "Base Switching" Top Overview Inside Top Note the Aesthetic Wall/Window, It stops bullets and is completely inescapeable Watch your back Its Not 100% Impermeable Stairs Bottom Main Room Note the Ambient Smoke Custom Powerup Best Seat in the House Shout outs to AZN FTW For his creative map 'Cellars' and innovative gametype 'Conquest'. You've been a huge inspiration. Also a mention to Predicide for his 'Book of Conquest' Write-up. I referenced it often and it was a huge help. Also thanks to all the testers. You know who you are.
Sorry Dude, I got this off of Gunnergrunts Conquest Guide: Rules Weapons that shouldn't be on Conquest maps, mainly due to their one shot capabilities or their overpowering of other mainstream weapons on Conquest: Shotgun Rocket Launcher Fuel Rod Gun Sentinel Beam Flame Grenades Energy Sword Spartan Laser Gravity hammer Flamethrower Missile Pod Turrets I would fix that if I were you. Plus this is a Casual Game. Ask a Mod to Move it to casual and Change the Pre-fix to Conquest. I dont understand the map very well. Teleporters? I didn't know Teleporters were allowed. I see lots of detail. However, The Smoke makes it very hard to see. I really dont get how this is Conquest besides the fact that it flows in 1 line.
Cool map, and its set up for conquest aswell? I think you should make an seperate conquest version since there are some weapons i dont think are allowed. Using the smoke to your advantage was such a good idea and I cant wait to see how it really looks. It really sucks that you were not able to put starting points in the map, though it seems like it still worked out, also... That powerup looks green!
As I have said before, the aesthetic quality of the smoke is just as innovative and genius as using the lights from the crypt in cave maps that were all the rage (like The Hollow, another conquest map.) I do have to agree though: getting torched in a conquest game would be frustrating. I had a map once that needed teleporter spawns, but it was slayer so it was a mess. This looks like it works. Cant wait to play it.
Ok, first off Conquest is ALWAYS in the competive section. There is no prefix for conquest in the casuel section. You probably don't understand the map verry well because you just skipped to the pictures. About the teleporters, he had to use teleporters (and came up with a good solution too) because since Northern Lights was built outside the barrier, spawn points couldn't be draged up atop with the rest of the map. And I think the smoke is an amazing idea that should spice up gameplay. Finally how can you not understand this is conquest? What's wrong with it besides maby the weapon choice? However, concerning the weapon choice I agree with you. The turrets should probably go. However, I think the fuel rods will play intrestingly well.
This looks really cool, I love maps on blackout. Those walkways under the rest of Blackout are exactly where I had some walkways on Rig. Nice job.
thats areally cool idea, using the smoke to block sight and add and ambient affect. this one reminded me a lot of rig, as it's built outside of the boundaries as well. i dont really get where/ what the sheild door is for. does it seperate 2 teritories or something. ill dl it and look around, but overall its pretty darn cool.