This is my epic halo 3 soccer map I made! Hope you guys like it... XD (Srry the vid looks funny, it got sort of squished while rendering) VIDEO!!! YouTube- ≡ Halo 3 Soccer Map ≡ PICTURES ------- ACTION SHOT! INSIDE OF NET FUSION COIL LAUNCHER FLAG BOX ACTION SHOT 2 TELEPORTER ROOM... Thing... OVERVIEW OF MAP Sorry... the pictures were just screenshots I took of the video so they are bad quality... How to play -------------- The goal of this game is to score on the opposing teams net by using your gravity hammer to knock the "soccer ball" into the other goal. There is a red arrow that points toward the other teams net, so look for it if you get confused while running around. (It is the "opposing teams flag arrow' - the gametype is CTF) Once you score wait about 3 seconds for an explosion sound, then go and kill yourself by walking into one of the teleporters. (or just have someone on the other team assasinate you). You will respawn in a small room. Head over to the teleporter, and then go and capture the other flag. There are 5 rounds, and 3 minutes per round. Assasinations are allowed, but you could begin to piss off the other team if you keep whacking them The game is meant for 2v2 play, but also works 1v1 (3v3 may work too... but would get really stupid.) ---HONOUR RULE--- Don't be stupid and just sit around without getting the flag. Just capture it to get to the next round. DOWNLOAD LINKS MAP - : Halo 3 File Details GAMETYPE - : Halo 3 File Details
Ok the video shows. But your pics are messed up. I suggest Photobucket, of course here's the easy explanation. -Upload your pics. -Copy the code and paste here. Very easy. I'll come back and give a review once I see some pictures.
that is really sweet, but why not have the teleportes kill you because when you score, couldn't the other people just refuse to kill you resulting in a tied round? Also the pictures are kinda blurry. You take them with a camera or phone? To fix that, just take the picture on Halo 3, go to, click "Files" and go to "recent pictures". All of your pictures taken will show up, open each one up and save them to your computer. Upload those to Photobucket/Imageshack.
the pics are a little fuzzy, but thats fine. This is a terrific soccer map. Good goal mechanism, and the field looks great. Smooth and aesthetically pleasing I could see some great games going on here.
Ummm Im not sure what you said at the start.... the teleporters at the sides of the field kill you automatically, and you can just capture the flag once you respawn (if youve scored a goal)... technically, the people who score can just be stupid and sit around without capturing the flag, but that is sort of "their loss" because then they won't get a point... and if they wait too long, the golf ball will just respawn and then the other team could score on them.... about the pics, Im srry that they are so bluury, I got a bit lazy after making the vid and just "print-screened" parts of the video... Ill try uploading more High quality pictures once I get around too it. Thanks for all the comments!
Isn't it more difficult to print screen different parts of your video and cut out the desired shots, when you could simply capture the screenshots in-game and upload them from to an image hosting service? Idk, maybe you just couldn't be arsed to get on your Xbox; doesn't matter. Anyway, the map looks nice beside the blurriness of the images. I might actually give it a go. Not exactly very original, though, but it seems you used a lot of new things not seen on other maps like yours. Nice work, regardless of the poor image quality!
Oh ok, from the video I just saw people waiting to get killed by the enemy team instead of using the teleporter so it seemed like that was the only way to get to the flag.
OK to get good pictures!! Take screenshots of the map. Register for Download the screenshots. Then upload to photobucket. I'm pretty sure you know the rest on how to get them on Forgehub.
I have fixed the pictures. You can now view my high quality shots of stupid people whacking a golf ball. @Loscocco the people I was playing with were being stupid and just spent the entire time trying to kill each other... XD
This is a good concept, and you did a very good job on the map. But wouldn't it be better if you put the flag inside the enemies goal, then made the side teleporters go to the flag? Then when you score, the ball could destroy a Fusion Coil on one of the teleporters, letting you go through the appropriate teleporter on the side to score? Edit: I just realized that there would be an Honor rule for this, because the enemy team could just make it through the teleporter first and sit on it, preventing the winners to go through. I think your method might be better, lol.
@Vespherx I have tried what you said. but (as you said) the other team would just camp at their flag, and also, sometimes people would be able to get through the teleporter even if it was blocked by jumping or whacking themselves into the teleporter with the grav hammer.
I don't comment a lot on here, but I DL'ed this to play with some friends. Best football map I have played on. And its far more civil when you play with people who don't assassinate 24/7. There just one small problem I've come across... sometimes, when you score, your fusion coils exploding sometimes also set off those blocking the opposing team... more than once, I've won a round and had some douche on the other team go and score it instead. A suggestion I would make is to have the fusion cannons facing opposite directions (ie one east and one west) so that there is no danger of them setting each other off. I'm not sure if I'm being clear or not... But anyway. Very good map. Thanks for uploading it. -MQ
@MallardQuakson thanks for DL-ing and telling me about the bug... I had added more fusion coils b4 because sometimes it wouldn't work properly, but that plan seems to have backfired -_- I'll just add some shield doors or something, and re-upload the map.
@BobtheGifty Its okay. I was also talking to one of the people who I was playing with today. Apparently one of them has found out how to set off the fusion coils from inside the arena. I'm not sure if hes lying or not, so I'll find out about it, and if he is, I'll send a video clip. Also, I noticed that you can bounce the ball off shield doors merged into the side walls, which are not visible. I don't know if this was intentional or not. It adds a good bit of "skill", if you could claim skill is involved, but it tends to throw people who are playing it first time. I'm just asking in case you noticed this. Keep up the good work.
@MQ Thanks for the comments! I dunno how anyone would set off the trap from inside the arena, but I wouldn't be surprised if the grav-hammer wave passed through the ground and set off the trap... (Hopefully that isn't what happened, or else I would have to rebuild the whole bottom section) The shield doors are supposed to be there, just so the ball doesn't go into the little section with the teleporters. (I guess if you were rlly pro you could bounce it off them to give you an advantage, but it shouldn't affect the gameplay too much) =D