BC2 or ME2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Which game should I get? I can't decide by myself, because I can't trust myself, because I don't think I'm mentally stable.

    I'll let random strangers to decide for me. Which game!??! Bad Company 2 or Mass Effect 2?

    I'm into both genres, but I need you guys to decide for me. Don't just say "BC2 FTW MAN" or "MASS EFFECT 2 IS PURE SEX" I need your honest opinions on both games (I realize BC2 comes out in a few days, but the demo is out, and I'm not comparing two very alike games of the same genre, and I can't wait a few days until BC2 comes out to post this)

    Bottom line is, express your opinions on both games, etc
    . Don't suggest I buy both either.

    @Bloojay: Yes, I do enjoy story, but obviously ME2 has more story than BC2, but the downside is BC2 has multiplayer.
    #1 Glasgow, Feb 26, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2010
  2. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Dude i'd suggest getting Bad Company 2. I generally had more fun playing the BC2 demo than playing MW2. Everything about BC is fun, from driving the vehicles into your enemies to destroying entire buildings with your friends in it, F-U-N.

    Sniping is actually more fun and requires you to focus and compensate your situation if you want to pull off a shot that is very far away. Not to mention if you play with a group a friends in your squad, games would be a hell of lot more fun than playing with random crappy players...
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Battlefield is a great game, don't get me wrong, but it isn't exactly new or revolutionary.

    Mass Effect 2 may not be the most innovative game, but I can assure you it will have more of a place in gaming history as a game that changed the way people perceived what makes a game an RPG, a game that truly elicits emotions in people through incredible character development, and a game that really allows each player to shape their own unique experience by using the same character with the same choices throughout three games by importing their decisions from previous titles. On top of all that, it's got great gameplay and the ability for cinematic and real time conversations that you control.

    You will not forgive yourself if you pass up this franchise.
    #3 Shatakai, Feb 26, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2010
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    The first, and biggest question we must ask is:
    Do you enjoy story over everything?
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Oh! You said "ME2" and not "MW2"

    Now it became a hard decision. I too was contemplating whether I should get ME2 or BC2. I really want to find out what happens to Shepard and what not, but I was also worried about multiplayer. I had alot of fun with the BC2 demo.

    I ultimately decided that I was going to get BC2 instead, and get ME2 another time.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    If you're planning on eventually buying both like Shihuru, then it definitely makes more sense to get BC2 first. If a game is focused on MP, you need to get it when it's hot and a lot of people are playing it. It won't make a difference if you play ME2 a week from now or a year from now, it will be the same game, although with more DLC as time goes on.

    Still, you should get ME2 :p
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    It's a hard choice, but I would say to buy Battlefield Bad Company 2 first, and then buy Mass Effect 2 at a later date new. (If you buy used, you won't get access to the Cerberus Network which allows you free DLC)

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    I'd say Mass Effect 2. Bioware is an amazing developer and Mass Effect is the only RPG series I have every really enjoyed. I would suggest playing Mass Effect 1 first though, it will improve your ME2 experience.
  9. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    So, the community favors Battlefield Bad Company 2. You guys make compelling arguments, I guess I'll be getting BC2 unless others want to give their opinions...

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    BC2 first before the community disintegrates ME2 will always be fine.

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