Sandbox Sandy Estate

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by geranamo, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    Sandy Estate

    Map (Updated):

    This is my greatest and possibly final house-type map I have made for you all. Going through all of the good reviews about certain aspects of my other party houses, I have combined all of them into this one map.​
    This map may not be a wild and crazy party map like the others I have made; it is more of a fancy house where the rich and higher class people live. There is not much for a description of an aesthetic map so here is a list of things you might find interesting:

    • Piano
    • Bar
    • Ballroom
    • Fireplace
    • Pool Table
    • Patio
















    #1 geranamo, Feb 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Wow, this looks amazing. I love the piano, great idea. Any chance we could get a picture of the fireplace..? That sounds like a good idea, and judging by the aesthetics in the map I'm sure it looks great. Anyway, if I remember to delete something I'll give this a dl. Amazing work.
  3. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    How did you get the golf-club partly in the ground?
    But why the random antennae and red column?
  4. IILilNinjiII

    IILilNinjiII Ancient
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    I rly liked the inside of the map... Very great asthetics. I rly love the piano becuz it is just so epic. I don't like the design of the outside but very nice asthetics all in all...
  5. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    Nice map, I haven't seen your others but it looks like your quite a good forger. I really like the piano, very, very original. You've done a lot of original things actually. I think even 'Itz Fuzzywig' could get good ideas from you, and thats a big compliment. However much I like a map though, there's always downsides, in this case I think the outside looks very non-house like. Also in some parts, it looks as if you tried to put as much stuff in one room as possible and it looks cramped. I like the fireplace and all, but it would be sweet if you used the red flags on the end of tin cups for the flame like 'Joe Is Outside' did on this map [Mythic I DLC] Warm Chalet - XForgery (am I allowed to post links to xforgery? sorry if i'm not) I think you'll agree its a cool effect. 4/5 overall, nice job
  6. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    For this map you will only be seeing the inside of it. I just took screenshots of the outside to show how big the whole estate is, that's all.
  7. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Hmmmmm... I like the Piano.... very much- it adds a nice classical zest to the map while at the same time making it still seem very modern with the whole entire pool table thing. ^^ And I beleive that it is just fine that the outside looks unhouselike because you cant see it(The outside of The Sands looked VERY un-club like) its just another way to forge and presnt your artwork to the rest of the world. Good job on the estate. I may visit it for tea some day. ^^
  8. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    Heh, good to know that you finally got this posted. Granted, I only saw this when it was single-story, I love some of the additions such as the observatory.
  9. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Well I have to say the piano really caught my attention. I have been groveling over how to create one and you just blew my mind! Other then that, I hate to see this map only for show. Me, I love a good game on these maps. Acting maps are really incredibly fun if you manage them right. iTz fuzzywig certainly does maps that are extremely customizable I find when you insert an acting gametype and this one could be no different. Seems to me like the time you spent on this map was well worth it my friend. Well worth it. ^_^
  10. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Very nice asethetics, the piano, pool table, and fireplace are all awesome.

    Like other people have said, the outside is the only downside of this map. Is there any leftover items or budget to improve on that?

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