Hunters on ATVs Rednecks on ATVs is a fun mini game that you can play with 5 to 16 players. Story: So the peaceful warthhog in it's burrow is settling in for the night and oh on the Hunters with their shotguns are shoting at the warthogs when will the game finally get away. Warthogs's Burrow (Warthogs and other vehicles inside) Inside Hunters Hut Inside Download Game Download Map And Please NO CAMPING
Ummm... I honestly have no idea what is going on in this map if the gooses try to take on hogs good look. Also If it is possible to camp you might want to fix that.
ok, so theres a bunch of warthogs, which have turrets, and CHOPPERS, which can totally pwn mongooses if the driver is any good at all, versus some guys on mongooses with shotguns, which are only effective at point blank range. doesnt really sound like it works too well. oh wait, those are prowlers. my bad. so its a tiny bit more fair, but still doesnt sound like much fun. are there any modified player traits or anything? hunters have great radar and are invulnerable, and prey have low shields with no radar? i dunno, it just doesnt sound too well thought out.a more detailed description would help people see what you're taliking about. if you fine tuned the gametype and made the map more aesthetically pleasing it would probably end up a lot better. maybe make some kind of structure in the middle, or trees to similate a jungle. that could improve your map a lot nd help you get more DL's.
This map isn't too great bud... It lacks design... It lacks the fact of me saying I can't do this and it lacks a great idea. I don't know what to say about this map man but best of luck to you...
Ok, you caught me in a good mood mate. So besides of all the bashing, I'm going to help you. So do please read this, you want to use it for future post. (Yes I know other people would do this, but no ones really on at the moment) -First off, you really do want more pictures. -Secondly, you need a more in-depth paragraph of how your map 'works', or at least how the game is suppose to work. You don't even have to do that. It just really helps out the people who are viewing your maps. - Third, and last. Neater forging, there are plenty of guides on the site. Just do some searching. If not, ask someone. Plenty of nice people on the site willing to help out at times. Heres this as well if you have any more questions. Take care : )